A celery for men: what it is useful to how to choose, store and use

A celery for men: what it is useful to how to choose, store and use

Food and Drinks Hits: 240

One of very useful products possessing a broad set of vitamins and minerals is the celery. In ancient times it was used for treatment and appreciated the magic forces. Today it is added as useful addition to food and used as remedy at many problems. At the same time impact on an organism it quite wide, but has certain rules of its combination and application. It is also necessary to know how it is correct to store it that the product did not lose the majority of the useful substances.

Caloric content and nutrition value

Celery caloric content very low. In 100 g of a product there are about 13 calories. The most part is made by water, it is also a lot of carbohydrates. Fat in a celery is practically absent.

The celery very well stimulates appetite, in it there are a lot of vitamins and sugar. Root crops also differ in high concentration of different mineral substances so can be used along with leaves. Flavonoids special by origin as a part of vegetable have diuretic, anti-inflammatory influence, also they well strengthen vessels and capillaries.

Whether you know? From a celery extract essential oil. It differs in powerful antimicrobial influence, especially on skin.

The celery is included surely in food of subjects at whom such pathologies and diseases develop:

Besides this product possesses the calming action therefore it is sometimes used as soothing at nervous breakdowns, in particular at overfatigue.

Vitamins, macro - and minerals

In this vegetable there are many not only vitamins, but also minerals and acids: vitamin A, is more than 80%, beta carotene in the ratio 90%, vitamin C.

Here too there is a high concentration of potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron. Many acids — folic and ascorbic also are its part. Also in greens there are big congestions of thiamine, a pyridoxine and tocopherol.

Vitamin A helps to restore the normal state of skin and eyes, maintains immunity and influences development. Carotene is considered one of effective antioxidants. Vitamin C not only helps strengthening of the immune system, but also promotes digestion of iron an organism. Its shortage can result also in bleeding of gums, nasal bleedings, fragility of capillaries.

Than the celery is useful to men

This product is useful to men that it has a lot of iron, the zinc, calcium, phosphorus necessary for a male body.

Also there are a dietary cellulose, a chlorophyll and even Riboflavinum.

The celery is quite often called vegetable from all problems for such rich and useful structure.

Besides, its use in food helps restoration of sexual function as in a celery there is a useful men's hormone androsterone which not only increases potency, but also strengthens manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics. At the same time it well influences all reproductive functions, increasing fertility. The use of a celery improves a spermatogenesis, increases quality characteristics of sperm so the probability of fertilization increases several times. Also he well acts as prevention of prostatitis.

Whether you know? The celery is applied as a pheromone. So its consumption allows to strengthen sexual desire and to increase sexuality.

Also this vegetable improves a metabolism and helps an organism to get rid of toxins, excess weight and is used as diuretic. Though in it there are no fats and proteins in a large number, but there is a lot of cellulose that very well satisfies feeling of hunger. Therefore if the man wants to throw off couple of extra kilos, he needs to eat this vegetable.

The essential oils and biological substances which are contained in celery roots enhance working capacity, raise an organism tone, remove stress and nervous excitability, well influencing a condition of nervous system. The same substances and minerals well influence a condition of a blood system, not only strengthening all vessels, but also cardiac muscles, improve their nervous conductivity.

Juice from vegetable should be drunk at the lowered acidity of a stomach, ulcers. At the same time it well affects hair, skin, eyes and lips. It is used at treatment of urinogenital bodies and kidneys.

Read also about advantage of products for health of men: persimmon, green tea, pumpkin sunflower seeds, sunflower seeds of a sunflower, ginger.

Rules of the use

To derive a benefit maximum from this product, it is necessary to know what to combine it with and in what look to add to food. Besides, each part of vegetable possesses the indications and useful characteristics.

In what look it is better to eat

There is a celery, in principle, it is possible in any kind. That is it can be stewed and added to other products, to weld and eat, even to fry. There are also recipes on pickling of a celery, quite unusual and interesting taste turns out. But to receive a maximum of useful substances, it is better to eat nevertheless it crude, quite so it keeps all the vitamins and minerals. Also it is recommended to drink juice from a celery, it is especially useful at an urolithic disease and diseases of a gastrointestinal system.

Where it is possible to add and what it is combined with

Often it is added as addition to salads and also when cooking soups and to meat dishes. It is well combined with fat grades of meat in any kind. Also it is pickled together with other vegetables.

Give a celery as addition to dishes from potato, haricot, cabbage and eggplants. Well discloses the taste together with pepper, carrot, onions.

What part is most useful

All vegetable is considered useful therefore recommend to eat all celery. But roots are especially rich with nutrients and minerals. The root is often used in preparation of medicines and additives.

How to choose upon purchase

It is necessary to be able to choose correctly vegetable on a counter in shop. Fresh celery has such characteristics:

Already not really fresh vegetable will look approximately so:

It is important! If on a celery there were shooters of dark color or small seeds, it is not recommended to take vegetable. It already became overripe and will be bitter on taste and very rigid.

How to store after purchase

It is the best of all to store a product in the cool place. Perfectly the fridge will approach. It is necessary to wash out greens, to wrap up in a paper towel and to put on a shelf for vegetables, so it will remain several days. The root can be stored in a cellar, as well as any other vegetables. It is also possible to wash out it, but not to clean, wrap up in a foil and to put in the fridge, it will provide its freshness for several weeks. Also it is possible to freeze and leave greens in the freezer for half a year or to dry up. In the conditions of room temperature it is stored no more than a day.

As it is possible to use in the medical purposes

The root and leaves of a celery can be prepared and used at treatment of many diseases and pathologies. There are many recipes and ways for this purpose. Here some most popular.

At insomnia and nervous breakdowns

To cope with insomnia and a nerve strain, it is recommended to take about 30 g of a root of a celery, it is possible fresh or dried and to fill in with liter of water, not really hot. It is necessary to insist about ten hours then to merge infusion in a jar. To drink on a tea spoon three times a day.

Will help to cope with insomnia to you: a valerian, forest honey, melissa oil, dyagil, oat milk, cottonseed oil, juice from pumpkin, mint.

At gastritis and stomach ulcer

In this case it is better to drink fresh juice of a celery at least once in day on one glass before food, approximately for half an hour. It helps at the lowered acidity. It is also possible just to add a celery when cooking dishes, for example, of soups.

One more recipe of tincture at ulcers and other problems with a stomach: about 20 g of a root of a celery are filled in with boiled water, about two glasses are necessary. Further mix is put on fire and five minutes cook. Then it is necessary to remove broth and to leave for the night. It is necessary to accept two spoons three times a day before food.

Important! At any problems with a stomach it is necessary to accept a celery very carefully. It strengthens secretion of a stomach and stimulates release of gastric juice.

At purulent abscesses

Leaves and roots are crushed in a squash which needs to be put to the place of inflammation. Such gruel can be used not only at purulent abscesses, but also other inflammatory processes, wounds, allergic reactions. Still it is possible to prepare special ointment: juice of vegetable and butter well mix up in equal proportions.

At sexual weakness

Here the range of opportunities of use of these greens is quite wide. Even the frequent use in dishes already gives positive effect on a reproductive system. For improvement of sexual function it is possible to eat fresh celery.

We advise to read about necessary substances for male health, including when planning pregnancy.

To enhance sexual inclination it is possible to use such recipe: juice of a celery mixes up with apple juice in a proportion 4 to 1. It is necessary to drink it before a meeting with the woman.

Contraindications and harm

In certain cases at stomach diseases and exacerbations of an ulcer it is necessary to accept a celery very carefully. At the same time only from a medical prescription.

For normalization the GIT robots are used seaweed of a chuk, durian, plum, zabrus, a black mountain ash, potato juice, a tea mushroom, propolis, a clover meadow, a hyssop medicinal, a thistle and an anisetree.

The product and to pregnant women as it can provoke reductions of a uterus and a possibility of an abortion is contraindicated. Nursing mothers can eat a little celery, but in small amounts and it is not really frequent.

The people having a varicosity and vessels and also patients with thrombophlebitis, cannot use vegetable in general. Its action is directed to expansion of vessels that can be deadly at thromboses and varicosity.

Also greens in large numbers are not recommended to those people who have stones in kidneys. It is necessary to accept gradually and long time, only then vegetable will help to clean bodies.

Linen flour, egg shell, oil avocado, dyagilevy honey, boiled beet, corn, a mushroom to a shiitaka, mustard oil, parsley, fennel, grapes, a cranberry, a dogrose will help to remove stones z kidneys to you

If there are no special contraindications, then side effects are absent. So it is possible to add it to a usual diet quietly.

The celery is useful, vitamin-rich and minerals vegetable. It not only helps at nervous tension, a stress, problems with a stomach, but also allows to strengthen sexual function and to struggle with male potency. At the same time it is possible to use it in any kind, adding practically to any dishes. But surely check whether there are no contraindications to its use, in certain cases it can be dangerous.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
