Advantage of an asparagus: types, medicinal properties, description

Advantage of an asparagus: types, medicinal properties, description

Food and Drinks Hits: 191

Wise Mother Nature presented to people many any useful plants which are rich with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and have curative properties. One of such gifts of the nature is the asparagus. What the plant in what its advantage and culinary value — a subject of our article is.

What is an asparagus

This perennial plant which enters into numerous family of an asparagus family widespread on all Earth, in areas where the arid climate prevails. The plant has the developed, thick rhizome and long, juicy, branchy, most often creeping sprouts with the small leaflets reminding needles.

Tops of escapes of some types are edible and are even considered as a delicacy. Color of foliage can be various: green, whitish, pinkish, slightly lilac, etc.

Types of an asparagus

There are about 200 types of an asparagus. Some of them — a grass, others — semi-bushes. Grassy types differ in remarkable nutritious or curative properties. The types used in cookery, very little. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Soy asparagus

Generally the soy asparagus has no relation to family of an asparagus family. It is the product derivative of soy milk which is ingredient of the Far East cookery. In Chinese cuisine it is called fup or fuchzha, in Japanese and Korean — yuba.

Important! Excessive hobby for soy food increases risk of developing of pancreatitis therefore use it in moderate quantities.

Here is how receive a fuchzha: soy is soaked until beans inflate to the double sizes, then they are made small in paste. Paste is pressed, and the milk is merged and boiled. The film which covers a milk surface is collected and dried 10-15 days. The dried-up weight is and there is yuba or to fuchzh.

White asparagus

This culture is grown up in the soil friable, rich with fertilizers. The lack of light during growth does escapes white. Cultivation of this look — process very labor-consuming and therefore it costs so much.

The white asparagus which first harvest is reaped in March is considered a delicacy, it is popular in many European cuisines. Long time it was considered as an aristocratic product and was present at the menu only of elite restaurants. But the assumption that it is better green is a big delusion. Read about it further.

Whether you know? The first recipe of a dish from an asparagus was published at the end of IV, the beginning of the 5th century AD, in the ancient Roman recipe-book Apitsiyevsky Case made by the famous gourmet and the glutton Apitsy.

Green asparagus

Other name of this look — medicinal or Asparagus officinalis. The most widespread and widely cultivated culture from family of an asparagus family. Its homeland — the coast of the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean. Long time it was given less preferences, than white. However today this injustice is eliminated.

Are also rich in various vitamins: pineapple, grapefruit, cherries, watermelons, carrots, spinach, green radish, corn and parsley.

At a green asparagus more saturated taste, and it as it became clear, contains more useful substances. For example, a chlorophyll which is not in a white look and which enriches tissues of a human body with oxygen. Today the green asparagus is highly appreciated also, as well as white.

Violet asparagus

It is result of special cultivation when the plant is grown up in the dark, periodically for a short time allowing sunlight. As a result of such light mode, anthocyans — pigments which give to plants red, violet or blue coloring are formed.

Lack of such esthetic experiments is the bitterish smack of a violet asparagus which, by the way, at heat treatment gains native green color. Because of complexity of cultivation the violet look seldom meets on counters of the markets and on shelves of shops.

Bean asparagus

As well as a fuchzha, it has nothing in common with family of an asparagus family. asparagus haricot which, as soy, belongs to family of bean is more correct to call it. And she received the naming thanks to similarity of the immature pods to asparagus sprouts. Pods are also eaten.

Asparagus haricot — an ideal product for vegetarians and vegans because contains many proteins. In more detail about it read below.

Sea asparagus

Other names of this plant soleros or salikorniya. It has also no relation to the Asparagus family. However it and not an alga as it seems from the name. It is a succulent from family amarantovy which environment of growth are very salty soils at coast of the seas and salt lakes and also ravines. Distribution area: Eurasia, Africa and North America.

The name of a sea asparagus is connected with its taste. On the one hand, it quite salty, with an iodine smell, on the other hand, on texture and taste is similar to the real asparagus escapes. Salikorny can eat fresh and in processed. By the way, heat treatment helps to get rid of excess of salt.

What useful is in an asparagus

The nutrition value of any kind of this product is defined by the richest content of useful substances.

Whether you know? For the first time the asparagus as medicine was described by the famous Greek healer Hippocrates, in the 4th century BC.

Let's remind a biological role of the minerals which are a part of any given look.

Asparagus stalks

Escapes of a white, green and violet asparagus contain the following useful substances: tyrosine, amide of asparaginic acid, A, V1, V2, S and PP, Ca, K and Fe vitamins, amber acid.

Whether you know? Leaves of an asparagus contain substances which accelerate splitting of products of disintegration of alcohol in a liver. Therefore they are applied to removal of a hangover.

Besides formation of connecting fabrics, strengthening of bones and participation in blood formation, macro - and the minerals which are contained in asparagus stalks help work of kidneys, a liver, an urinogenital system.

Stalks are in the raw useful at recovery from catarrhal diseases. Broths of escapes are included into complex treatment of cardiac neurosises. From sprouts make tincture from eczema which is used for lotions. Recipe of tincture: To draw 30 g of asparagus stalks in 100 ml of alcohol within 2 weeks.

Asparagus berries

Since the end of summer to the middle of fall the asparagus berries similar to bright red balls ripen. Ripe fruits more than for 30% consist of fructose. At them there is also a citric acid and vegetable fats. Therefore ripe berries are picked and dried. Berries infusion helps at treatment of hemorrhoids, dysentery and sexual frustration. The recipe of infusion from impotence: To throw 7 mature berries into a thermos with abrupt boiled water (250 ml), to close a cover and to insist 8 hours. To drink on a tablespoon 4 times a day.

Whether you know? In the German empire during the I world war the seeds of an asparagus used an ersatz coffee for production.

Asparagus juice

This so strong diuretic that in pure form it is not recommended — load of kidneys is too high. Usually asparagus juice is used in the form of cocktail with other fruit or berry juice. Besides, it accelerates splitting of oxalic acid therefore it is recommended for knocking over of attacks of gout.

And still juice — fine cosmetic. It is used for clarification, mitigation and a skin nourishment. Also lotions from juice callosities and papillomas treat.

Protein content

Proteins (or polypeptides) participate practically in all metabolic processes and also in construction of intracellular structures. Act as the signals transmitted between cages participate in creation of an extracellular matrix. Daily consumption of proteins by the adult depends on his constitution and fluctuates between 70 and 100 g.

Whether you know? The asparagus is not only food product. Semi-shrubby types because of the splendor are used in gardening and floristics.

Soy is very rich with proteins: in 100 g more than 40 g of proteins contain, that is, having eaten 180-200 g of the Korean asparagus, you will cover the standard daily rate of consumption of proteins. Other types are poor in polypeptides. The maintenance of proteins in other types of an asparagus (at the rate on 100 g of a product):

Content of vitamins

Types of an asparagus and vitamins which contain in them:

Influence of vitamins on a human body:

Caloric content

Day consumption rate of energy at each person the also depends on his profession, additional physical activity, a floor and anthropometry. For someone the norm is equal to 2000 kcal/day, and for someone — 4000 kcal/day. Surplus turns into the dozing energy of fats. The more these fats, the worse for the person.

Therefore some people so show consideration for the diet. And in this plan the real asparagus is an excellent product for healthy life as in it there are not enough calories. And here about a fuchzha, protein-rich and vegetable fats, you will not tell it.

Caloric content of different types of an asparagus (at the rate on 100 g of a product):

Despite the high caloric content (it is much more, than at white bread), the soy asparagus is very useful, in it there are a lot of valuable substances. It is irreplaceable for the people suffering from an allergy to gluten (wheat protein) and to milk protein.

Medicinal properties

As it was already told, the asparagus, besides nutritional value, has also curative properties, especially Asparagus officinalis, i.e. medical. But about everything one after another. Fuchzhu is recommended for prevention of osteoporosis, malignant tumors and cardiovascular diseases.

White, green and violet asparaguses well influence functions of kidneys, liver of digestive tract and even heart. They are recommended at complex treatment of epilepsy, diabetes, a vodyanok, hemorrhoids, allergic reactions, arthritises and, of course, obesity.

Also medicinal asparagus is useful to pregnant women and is used at treatment of urological diseases at men (read about it in more detail slightly below). Asparagus haricot, according to experts, is useful to prevention of cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmia, a hypertension atherosclerosis, etc.), pyelonephritis, an urolitiaz (urolithic disease), etc.

The sea asparagus is used in quality to urine - and the sudorific, anti-inflammatory, laxative and invigorating means. Broth from it is drunk at cystitis, stones in kidneys and vodyanka. Spirit tincture of a salikorniya — excellent resolvent. It is recommended to rub in joints at gout, arthritises and rheumatism.

For men

In ancient Egypt, and then in Greece the court Aesculapians recommended the to Pharaohs and tsars an asparagus as means for increase in their male power. The modern science confirmed these guesses of ancient healers.

Yes, really at juice of a medicinal asparagus there is an amide of asparaginic acid — amino acid which is used for prevention and treatment of diseases of a prostate and an urinary system today and also for increase in potency.

The marjoram, dried apricots, dogrose, thyme, celery, ginger, sesame, dairy (kefiric) mushroom, kalganovy root, nutmeg and sour cream also influence normalization of potency.

At pregnancy

Because of high content of B9 vitamin (or PP) the asparagus medicinal is very useful during pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Folic acid participates in blood formation, in DNA synthesis, in growth and reproduction of cages, in formation of nervous system and brain of future person.

Are also useful to future mother: pomegranate, feijoa, pumpkin, orange, cornel, cowberry, cloudberries, white and red cabbage.

At deficiency of folic acid in an organism of future mother the formation of a placenta can be broken, and occur in the future its peeling, at a fruit the heart disease or such defect as splitting of a lip can develop. Also the probability of termination of pregnancy or an arrest of development of a fruit increases.

It is important! As Paracelsus told: Everything is poison and everything is medicine — it is defined by a dose. And so daily need of the pregnant woman for B9 vitamin should not exceed 0.4 mg that corresponds to 150 g of a fresh asparagus.

At diabetes

The asparagus medicinal is very effective at complex treatment of diabetes. At all the wealth minerals and vitamins it is a low-calorie product, and it is vital for the diabetics predisposed to excess weight.

But its main therapeutic properties in this case is a settlement of sugar in blood and normalization of functioning of a pancreas. Its constant use promotes stabilization of insulin in an organism.


At all its nutrition value and salutary advantage the asparagus has contraindications. Treat such cases individual intolerably

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
