As it is correct to accept sports food

As it is correct to accept sports food

Food and Drinks Hits: 188

Many people wish to get a good figure for the sake of what they visit gym, also houses play sports on the street. Really, the basis of creation of a body lies in regular trainings by sport, but sometimes it is not enough as the organism of the athlete has deficiency of necessary useful substances. Quickly it is possible to fill their shortcoming, using sports food.

Types of sports food

If the diet of the athlete consists of well balanced sports food and contains all listed below substances — the excellent figure with well traced muscles will be result.

  1. Complex of vitamins — strengthen immunity, lift a tone, fix the structure of bones and promote development of a body.
  2. Zhiroszhigateli — excess fat cages help a liver to remove and interfere with their accumulation.
  3. Amino acids — promote high-speed restoration of muscle bulk in case muscles are injured by high loadings.
  4. Glutamine — muscular amino acid, contains in structure of fibers. Increases amount of piperidic acid in an organism and also maintains balance of acid and alkali, promotes brain activity.
  5. Geyner — the nutritional supplement consisting of high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Promotes fast increase in body weight and growth of muscles. High content of carbohydrates provides an organism with the energy which is quickly spent at high physical activity, and proteinaceous contents is responsible for growth of fabric and muscle bulk.
  6. Creatine — the power additive promoting increase in endurance and force.

Features of application

Sports food the organism cannot do much harm even in case of excess of a dosage. But nevertheless it is necessary to follow instructions for use of nutritional supplements. It is important to consider to what purposes nutritional supplement is applied and in what case it needs to be used. Time of reception and a dosage are also important.

Whether you know? Lemons are considered as one of the most useful fruit in the world — one lemon contains a daily dose of vitamin C for the adult. Lemons clean a liver, increase immunity and help with loss of weight. The successful decision is to add lemon juice to a morning glass of water to begin the day with intake of vitamins.

What it is necessary for

As the organism of the athlete transfers the increased physical activities, the useful substances received from food can be insufficiently. To define whether so it in each case, is quite difficult. Therefore even those who does not feel deficiency of useful substances should use sports food in which there are all necessary nutritional supplements in the look, most available to an organism.

From what age it is possible to use

Sports food of any type can be used, since any age.

Some exceptions can be made for complex burners of fat and pretraining complexes because they contain the caffeine and other medicines influencing a mental condition of the person and also for work of heart and vessels. In this case with reception of sports food of a certain type it is necessary to wait at least up to 18 or 20 years.

Whether you know? Many people worry that they do not receive the daily amount of vitamins necessary for an organism because of what they begin to accept polyvitamins. However all vitamins and minerals can be received, eating whole grains, dairy products, red meat, sea fish, bean, vegetables and fruit.

Elements of which sports food consists:

All listed substances are in food which people consume daily. Practically from the birth the baby begins to eat both creatine, and amino acids and a L-carnitine, and collagen, and carbohydrates. Continues to accept the same components of people throughout all life just because all this is in structure of usual products.

General rules of application

Despite harmlessness of sports food, it should not be used uncontrolledly.

  1. Adhere to the instruction and the dosage attached to each medicine. Calculation is made so: for definition of a daily dosage on kilogram of body weight of the person it is offered to take 1.5 grams of a geyner or a protein. If to exceed a dose, nothing terrible happens, but also wonderful transformation of a figure immediately will not happen — the excess amount of medicine just will not work in any way. In this case harm to the person will not be done, and surplus of medicine will be brought out of an organism in the natural way.
  2. The protein is used twice in a day (for an hour prior to the occupations and at once upon termination of a training), but only in days of trainings or other physical activities. To reach the best effect, in days, free from trainings, the athlete needs to eat cottage cheese, bananas, honey, meat and other products rich with protein.
  3. Creatine will help in case muscles do not grow any more, and forces for continuation of trainings come to an end. Substance promotes energy inflow, but demands the moderate use as the organism gets used over time and the power effect decreases.
  4. Sport food suits the people who are constantly doing strength sports, for example, bodybuilding more. Professional athletes of this direction train with huge loads of a body, and such substances as collagen and a glycosamine are necessary for them for strengthening of ligaments and joints. To beginners will be reception of a geyner or a protein quite enough.

As it is correct to use sport pitas

That sports food had the expected impact on an organism, the athlete needs to follow the rules of his reception, so, to eat or drink what is necessary, and in the correct time.

First of all are considered:

At each element of sports food the requirements to reception.

For a set of muscle bulk

It is desirable for each athlete who works on extension of muscles to consume the corresponding amount of protein in the daily diet.

Important! Nutritional supplements are very useful during accumulation of muscle bulk, but they are not necessary to the person on a constant basis. They are good as assistants and can help with achievement of a goal, but the main components of success is the well picked up diet and systematic trainings. Additives can be accepted for simplification and acceleration of development of muscle bulk.

If the relation to increase in force and development of muscles serious, then the athlete has to accept about 2-2.5 grams of protein on 1 kilogram of weight of the body every day. This ratio is ideal for fighters or body builders who do not want to increase the weight, but wish to increase force and muscles.


The protein is a proteinaceous additive, and protein is the main construction unit of muscles, and it is impossible to construct a good figure without it. Proteinaceous additives are extremely useful in situations when the athlete cannot accept enough protein with food. For accumulation of muscle bulk it is necessary to provide reception of at least 1.2-2 g of protein on kilogram of body weight.

Study properties of different types of a protein: casein, serumal, soy.

Reception time:

  1. It is desirable for athletes to consume high-speed serumal protein for an hour or two before a training.
  2. The following reception in 30 minutes after the end of a training (for recovery of muscles).
  3. Time after the training — the best opportunity to build muscles because then the body needs protein most of all.
  4. Other source of protein for compensation of expenses of an organism is used before going to bed in the form of casein (squirrel of slow action) to help to recover muscles during sleep.
  5. Even in days when the gym is not visited, the athlete needs to consume enough protein. In days without training the best time for intake of protein is time after a breakfast, after a lunch and upon termination of a dinner.

How to accept a protein for a set of weight: Protein additive is very useful to video in many situations. It very easily fills protein in an organism right after sports activities because it is much easier to prepare and eat in gym protein additive, than normal proteinaceous food (meat, milk).

Whether you know? Bird's eggs are a source of natural food protein of the highest quality. All parts of egg, including a shell which contains a set of calcium are edible.

Creatine (for beginners)

Creatine is considered the most effective legal anabolic steroid. It is additive which is used by the athletes wishing to provide the maximum intensity of trainings and optimum increase in the muscular size and force.

It also perfectly is suitable for the beginners who are rather recently engaged in creation of a body by means of physical activities. Researches show that creatine has no negative impact on an organism. To find enough creatine in food is quite difficult task therefore substance is accepted in the form of powder or in capsules. Additives of creatine differ in a form, dissolution time in an organism (absorption) and efficiency therefore it is necessary to pay attention to it at acquisition.

They work due to increase in content of creatine in skeletal muscles that, in turn, increases over time muscles.

Creatine increases endurance, power, force, promotes performance of bigger number of repetitions of exercises, does run quicker, jumps are higher; at the same time it leads to fat loss. However it is worth remembering that use of creatine makes sense only in combination with a serious power training.

Learn, than protein cocktails are useful and dangerous.

How to accept:

How to accept creatine: video

Whether you know? Physicians advise to reduce consumption of salt and in day to accept no more than 15 grams (one and a half teaspoons without hill). Reduction of consumption of salt can lead to reduction of risk of appearance of heart diseases, a stroke, injury of kidneys and high blood pressure.

Glutamine (for restoration)

Glutamine, or L-glutamine, is natural amino acid which is usually stored in muscles and is released in a blood-groove in extreme situations. It is used by the immune system for restoration during the stress periods, such as physical trauma, burns, starvation and also at a long and intensive physical tension (marathons, thriathlons, runnings on long-distance distances).

When there is a deficiency of glutamine or when its quantity sharply decreases during a stress, there is a suppression of the immune system of an organism. In this case completion of the lost glutamine to the previous level through food or nutritional supplements is required.

For this reason the marathon runners often risk to catch colds, flu and other diseases during the next several days after the competitions. Intensive exercises on endurance not only exhaust glutamine reserves, but also is the reason of temporary decrease in immunity and susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections and other diseases.

Natural sources:

  1. The L-glutamine is most widespread in the products rich with protein, such as meat, fish, bean and dairy products. Thermal treatment can destroy a glutamine, especially in vegetables.
  2. Two good vegetable sources are a crude cabbage and beet.

Pay attention to sports vitamins: for women, for men.

L-glutamine additives for athletes

The athletes accepting glyutaminovy additives usually do it for prevention of muscular frustration and improvement of work of the immune system. In several clinical trials it was established that the oral glutamine can reduce incidence at the athletes training endurance or participating in extreme trainings.

Researches also found out that additives of glutamine help to support muscle bulk, preventing disintegration of protein and improving synthesis of a glycogen. The L-glutamine is classified as nutritional supplement and is not forbidden by any sports organizations. It can be found in most shops of sports food in the form of gels or tablets, also it often is ingredient of many proteinaceous powders.

Because of a limited research there are no established recommendations about doses, but specialists in bodybuilding recommend to begin reception from 3 grams and to gradually increase up to 5 grams a day.

Recommendations for reception

If the athlete eats healthy and various food and regularly trains, then it is quite probable that his organism will be rather supplied with all necessary amino acids. If the athlete often and hard trains, and his diet is not rather full, then additive of glutamine can bring it considerable benefit.

It is important! If the athlete plans to use L-glutamine additive, it will be reasonable to consult before it with the specialist in sports food to estimate the diet and to find out whether it is necessary.

How to accept glutamine: video

Geyner (for fast set)

Geyner — the name of this nutritional supplement comes from the English word gain meaning gain, medicine is used for a fast set of weight. The geyner generally consists of carbohydrates and proteins, looks as flour of the most fine crushing, practically powder.

Holding sports trainings with high intensity, the person uses a lot of energy. Quickly to fill its shortcoming, it is possible to use the proteinaceous and carbohydrate additive which is quickly restoring the lost energy.

These properties products with the high level of caloric content have, but if periodically there are problems with providing the necessary number of calories to an organism with food, the geyner can be very useful.

Learn why the guarana in sports food is necessary.

Regulations of Admission of a geyner:

How to accept a geyner: video

Important! To the people inclined to a fast set of excess weight, it is necessary to refuse reception of a geyner, otherwise the problem with excess weight can be aggravated.

VSAA (Amino acid)

Amino acids (BCAA, BCA) are a basis for extension of muscles in a body, helping to recover muscles after the trainings that leads to gradual increase in muscle fibers. They help to make muscles more and stronger, stimulating synthesis.

For this reason proteinaceous additives are so important for athletes who want to increase muscles. These products, thanks to their easy assimilation and high speed of absorption in an organism, are suitable for use both to, and after the training, guaranteeing that the organism receives easily acquired protein form.

Regulations of Admission of VSAA:

How to accept VSAA: video

For combustion of fat

Combustion of fat is a process which is necessary for provision of energy of the human body needing it even if the person does nothing. There are additives which accelerate combustion of fat so they can be applied to weight loss.

Important! One of myths of a healthy lifestyle is that all fats — the evil. However there are good and bad fats. In particular, A, D, E and K vitamins are fat-soluble so fat is important for their assimilation. It is desirable to limit consumption of the transgenic and saturated fats increasing cholesterol level in an organism. Nonsaturated fats reduce the level of bad cholesterol and maintain health of heart.


Laksogenin — vegetable steroid which on the structure is similar to a better known ekdisteron. Researches showed what laksogenin has similar properties with anabolic steroids, such as Anavar, one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids of all times. But it does not mean what laksogenin is pro-hormone. When the athlete accepts pro-hormones, in a body there is an increase in level of androgens (the general term for pro-hormones and testosterone) and own production of testosterone stops.

Unlike pro-hormones, laksogenin does not influence an endocrine system — it does not increase and does not reduce amount of hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen.

Concentrated laksogenin is issued in capsules or in powder. Depending on manufacturing firm, the dosage of contents of capsules can differ a little.

Learn why athletes accept insulin.

General instruction for application of a laksogenin:


The L-carnitine is irreplaceable for functioning of muscles and supports the process of combustion of fat. Athletes like to use a L-carnitine to improve sports results and endurance of muscles as it inhibits formation of lactic acid in muscles and improves their restoration after the training. This property allows to hold longer trainings and delays emergence of fatigue.

Important! At most of healthy people the levels of a L-carnitine are in normal range, so, its additional consumption will not give any effect. Unlike advertizing statements, additional consumption of a L-carnitine in this case does not lead to increase in combustion of fat as concentration of a L-carnitine in muscles does not change.

In a human body the substance similar to a carnitine is synthesized on the basis of iron, vitamins C, B6, B12, folic acid, a niatsin. The human body develops a L-carnitine from amino acids of methionine and a lysine and also from food (veal, lamb, mutton, fish, milk and cheese).

In a usual diet the adult receives on average from 100 to 300 mg of a L-carnitine, this quantity is enough for normal power exchange in an organism. However athletes often suffer from deficiency of a L-carnitine therefore additional consumption of this substance is useful for them. At desirable loss of weight the L-carnitine often is accepted for improvement of combustion of fat. However additional consumption of a L-carnitine has positive impact on combustion of fat only in connection with high sports loadings, and in case of obvious deficiency.

Learn what sports food is suitable for weight loss to men.

How to consume a L-carnitine to athletes:

  1. Take 1 gram of a L-carnitine (preferably in the liquid state) and use approximately for half an hour prior to a training. Lower or higher dose has no obvious effect.
  2. Sugar (it is equivalent to elaboration of secretion of insulin) nullifies combustion of fat therefore other products should not contain sugar at all (or have to support him a little).
  3. The overdose can arise after reception more than three grams of substance and leads to diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. To define an ideal dosage, it is necessary to observe the instruction provided by dietary supplement producers strictly. It is not necessary to accept more than two grams of substance a day and this quantity has to be distributed for reception during the day.
  4. At additional intake of additives of a L-carnitine the adequate hydration of an organism is important.

How to accept a L-carnitine: video

Additional councils

Perhaps, at the beginners who recently came to the gym not all will turn out correctly also not at once therefore we will provide several hints from experienced athletes:

  1. Keep the magazine of food. Write down in it everything that you drink or eat; if records are honest, results can surprise.
  2. Having a snack before a training. Will provide fuel for processing in energy and will increase its level during the occupations.
  3. Hydration during the trainings. The most part of a human body consists of water; being exhausted during the training, the athlete will not be able perfectly to act. On a training it is necessary to take a bottle with water or other drinks regularly to fill moisture decrease in an organism.
  4. Make meals of more frequent, but smaller on volume. It will make a metabolism better and will help burning of bigger amount of fat.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
