Bananas: useful properties and contraindications"

Bananas: useful properties and contraindications"

Food and Drinks Hits: 179

Though bananas also do not grow in our country, but all the year round they can be found in the markets and in shops. It is a tasty dessert, nourishing having a snack, a gift to children and the ill friend, and still it is a source of the vital vitamins and minerals. Further we will tell what advantage of bananas how many they can be eaten and to whom is better to refuse the tropical ekzot.

Caloric content and chemical composition

In some equatorial countries, bananas are considered as daily and main food product. And all because they very high-calorie, their components promote enrichment of an organism with substances, necessary for full functioning. At the same time as a part of a tropical fruit there are practically no fats.

Whether you know? Bananas are at all not palm trees, but a grass which can reach three-meter height. Scientists carry its fruits to berries.

One more feature of this strange ekzot is the essential difference between the number of calories in fruits of different ripeness and a grade. For example, in one green banana of a plane tree of the average size about 160 kilocalories how many they contain also in a hundred-gram portion of buckwheat cereal. This indicator is equal in a green fruit to 140 kcal, and here if to cut it and to dry up, then caloric content will jump up to 360 kcal / 100.

Dessert sortovida are considered as the most low-calorie. Their nutritional value fluctuates within 66–298 kcal, and in ripe fruit it is much lower, than in green.

Among consumers to bananas there was very ambiguous relation. Some consider that the product has to be on a table all the year round, and others are rather afraid of it because of abundance of the contained sugars and carbohydrates. Therefore before claiming about advantage or harm of bananas, we will find out what vitamins and in what quantities in them contain.

If to analyze all structure of 100 g of ripe banana berry, then on the first place there will be a lysine (58 mg).

Besides, power value is made:

Composition of useful substances of banana:

Whether you know? In Latin the name of the sort Banana sounds as Musa. The sort was allocated by Karl Linney in 1753, and was probably called in honor of the ancient Roman doctor of times emperor Octavian Augustus Anthony Moussa.

Each fruit contains a lot of fructose and sucrose that generates certain bans for certain categories of people.

Than bananas are useful to a human body

Irrespective of how many in pulp of bananas of carbohydrates, sugar and calories, the advantage of a product is indisputable. Its distinctive feature consists in lack of allergens among components. For this reason fruit is recommended to babies as the first feeding up.

According to scientists, these tasty and available exotic delicacies promote activization of intellectual activity, well influence a cardiovascular system and digestive tract.

Then a unique set of nutritious components that contain in bananas, is simply necessary for men, women and children.

Whether you know? In many countries often organize competitions in search of the one who will be able to eat the greatest number of bananas in a definite time. A world record — 81 fruits for an hour. And the fastest eater of these fruits in the world Estonian Mayt Lepik who in 3 minutes managed is considered to swallow 10 berries. The secret of its speed consisted in eating of pulp together with a thin skin.

For men

If not to generalize functioning of female and male bodies, then for men tropical delicacy is some kind of aphrodisiac. Its components make positive impact on potency and quality of sperm.

For women

Of course, this fragrant fruit not only will sate an organism with nutritious components, and and will help to lose excess weight. Bananas are included into the list of the products resolved by many diets. Therefore, if it is correct to pick up the menu and to distribute physical activity, then calories are not terrible. Besides by means of bananas many beauties prepare cosmetics on skin and hair care.

But this fruit is considered the most useful to future mothers. When sick is made by various and unpredictable smells, berry is the real rescue. It saves from heartburn, gives satiety and enriches both organisms with vitamins and minerals.

For children

Kids just adore this sweet fruit. Already at six-month age they can quite enjoy it. But some experts do not advise to give bananas earlier for vegetables. The fact is that the taste of the tropical ekzot can be pleasant so to the baby that he also will not want to try all another.

Important! Bananas are long acquired therefore not to provoke failure in bodies of a digestive tract, for the night they do not need to be eaten.

The leading pediatricians advise to include bananas in the kids menu before physical and intellectual activities. Also this delicacy can quite replace the candies saturated with trans-fats. Advantage of it many times big.

For athletes

Such berries surely will be in kitchen at people who at the professional or amateur level play sports. The fact is that they help to build up muscle bulk, stimulate work of heart. And the sugar which is contained in pulp quickly turns into energy what the high caloric content of a product accompanies to. Cardiologists note that one fruit a day is enough for normalization of arterial blood pressure.

Learn what properties have and in what look it is possible to regale on a kiwi, a lime and Pamela.


Ripe fruit differ in pleasant aroma and sweet taste. And the maturity, big at them, the is more gentle pulp. In a tandem all useful and tastes of bananas found broad application in cookery, house medicine and cosmetology.

In cookery

In our latitudes ekzot it is most often used for consumption in the raw. Also with success it is added to various desserts. Well who did not taste some banana ice cream, a pudding, cake, yogurt, cookies, pancakes, oladyev, cheesecake and baked pudding? The list of these delicacies can be continued indefinitely.

Important! The combination of bananas to milk causes an abdominal distension and indigestion.

As banana was included in the list favourite children of products, mothers often from it prepare juice, smoothie, kissels, puree and even porridges. Also it is a magnificent way to force disobedient the baby to eat a dish which he does not love. Very appetizing segments of the tropical guest in fruit salads.

Experienced culinary specialists share recipes for banana liqueurs, wine, kvass. Also fruit is added to meat viands. It is baked, dried and cooked. However, the last variations are more widespread in tropical countries where this culture is grown up. Such culinary masterpieces are traditional in Madeira, Ecuador, Indonesia, Egypt and on Philippines. And on some the islands, Pacific, far from a civilization, the habitual dish is considered the green banana fruits baked on stones. Besides eat them together with a peel.

In house cosmetology and medicine

Thanks to the balanced structure, bananas have to be in a daily diet of hypertensive persons and also those who endured a stress, big physical activities. This fine means for treatment of a headache, hypostases, breakdown and disorders of digestion. Some psychotherapists use it as antidepressant as they as a part of fruits contain in plentiful quantities serotonin, or "happiness hormone".

It is important! If to rub a banana peel the place of a sting of an insect, and after that to attach to it a plaster a small piece of this thin skin, unpleasant feelings and an itch will pass, and the wound will quickly drag on.

Pulp of these fruits is widely used in house cosmetology as ingredients for various masks. Classical option of similar care product for face skin is mix of 2 parts of banana puree with 1 part of cream. The received weight is applied for 15–20 minutes on the cleaned epidermis then remove warm water. And if means to use for hair care, then already through short time your head of hear becomes brilliant and streaming. Very few people know that medicinal properties also the fruit peel has. With its help it is possible easily in house conditions to bleach teeth. For this purpose it is necessary to rub every day after cleaning them at least for 2 minutes inside of a crude thin skin.

Equally well the skin can cure acne rash and remove warts. Process of treatment consists in its applying to affected areas of small pieces. It is better to do it for the night, fixing edges by a plaster. Also national Aesculapians use this substance as protivogelmintny and wound healing means.

How to choose upon purchase

To receive the maximum advantage of products, they need to be chosen correctly. Especially as bananas do not grow in our area and to buy them from the farmer is simply unreal. For commission of the correct purchase the experts recommend to pay attention to a form, color and features of a peel of fruits.

Whether you know? The biggest banana plantations are in India and Brazil. And the total weight of these fruits concedes superiority in world scales only to oranges.

The quality goods should have no ridge form. It is always streamline, with a smooth opaque skin of bright yellow color. You should not choose green fruits. In their structure there is a lot of starch which very harmful influences a small intestine. As a result the product will cause at you heavy feeling in a stomach and a meteorizm. Even more unpleasant consequences will expect you upon purchase of bananas with a gray peel. This obvious certificate of a podmorozhennost. Also avoid copies with dark stains. They demonstrate the rotting processes which began inside. And here black dots on yellow skin speak about ripeness of berry. but you should not buy it by kilograms as it will not be able long to lie.

Some consumers consider that they in shops to us realize fodder fruits. Experts discredit this myth and claim that the size of bananas has no value. On the global standards, fruits up to 20 cm are qualitative. Carry to the first grade 15-centimeter copies, and all what is enlisted less to the second grade.

How to store in house conditions

It is no secret that bananas after long transportation from the native environment are not inclined to long storage. In some supermarkets to prolong life to this perishable product, it is sprinkled water.

Important! Experts categorically do not advise to store bananas in the fridge and in plastic bags.

In house conditions for the best safety of ripe fruits it is recommended to provide temperature condition within +7–10 °C. If you bought slightly greenish fruit, then +13 °C will be optimum temperature for them. At the same time the humidity of air at the level of 90 percent is desirable. In case a purchase was made for the future, the crude cellar where stem of thermometer shows +13 - 16 °C will be the perfect place for saving of bananas. If you place an unripe cluster there, it will lie about a month. But for this purpose it is desirable to wrap up tails in a polyethylene film. This cunning will serve as an obstacle for intake of ethylene that accelerates maturing.

Experts strongly recommend to protect the ekzot from direct sunshine as under their influence the thin skin begins to blacken and spoil. Also fruits are affected by cold.

If you doubt whether it is necessary to wash bananas before food, then every time remember a way which there passed these exotic guests from tropics to your table. For certain you will not want to taste all microbes, collected in a travel and storage. From the same beliefs the experts advise when cleaning a thin skin to break off a dry top from pulp.

Whether you know? On each stalk of a banana grass that in the diameter about 40 centimeters can develop, about 300 fruits with a total weight about a half-ton annually ripen.

Contraindications and harm

It is senseless to challenge advantage of this exotic delicacy for a human body. But, when you know everything about useful qualities of bananas, we will try to understand, than they are harmful. First, you should not forget that fruit of this sort are strangers for our environment. It will be much simpler to the organism living in a moderate climatic zone to acquire nutritious components from so-called "native" apples, pears, plums.

Secondly, banana fibers very long are digested both in children's, and in an adult organism. Therefore if you very much like to regale on it ekzoty, then be shortly ready to problems in digestive tract. Also do not forget about the number of calories in berry. From here it becomes clear why it is impossible to eat many bananas, and already especially in the evening.

Thirdly, the product with a green thin skin as we already mentioned above, does not designate its quality and freshness at all. Such food will unambiguously do much harm even to the person with good health. Consequences are fraught with belly-aches, gas generation, a general malaise. It is better to lay such fruit for several days before their maturing. Then starchy substances will be transformed to sugar and will do much harm to nobody.

Whether you know? On the planet Earth exists the unique place where bananas with a golden, red and black thin skin grow. It is about the Seychelles island of Mao. His local natives use berry as a garnish for various mollusks and lobsters.

Fudexperta warn about danger of the bananas which underwent chemical treatment. Unfortunately, practically all fruit from shops and the markets belong to this category. According to experts, businessmen continue life of perishable products from fruit and vegetable category by means of phenol. This toxic substance contains in E 232, E 231 and E 230 additives. Getting to an organism in big dosages, at the cellular level it provokes formation of malignant tumors. There is one more reason for which before consumption of banana pulp it is necessary to wash a peel in warm flowing water. And do not add the cut rings of the crude fruits to fruit cuttings at all.

Besides, it is important to know who cannot eat bananas. Got to this category:

Bananas in our life act as the natural power engineering specialist. Therefore if to consume them moderately and intelligently, then to do much harm to itself it will not turn out in any way.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
