Beer: than harmfully whether there is an advantage of it

Beer: than harmfully whether there is an advantage of it

Food and Drinks Hits: 176

The glass of beer for many became habitual addition to a dinner or a day off element. Many will object — and that supposedly in it reprehensible, it is low alcohol. Yes, it seems, nothing, but upon this drink can cause serious problems with health. Let's find out, than the foam product is dangerous and whether there is an advantage of it.

Popularity of low alcohol drink

Many heard about such indicator as the consumption of alcoholic drinks per capita expressed in liters. Such data allow to judge their popularity in the different countries.

If to take beer figures of 2017 into account, then the picture will be following:

As for the non-European countries, here superiority for the USA (74.9 l and the 12th place). They are followed by Australia with figure in 71.82 l.

Important! The long feeling of depression, especially notable in the morning after a feast, indicates existence of dependence (especially if it passes after acceptance of a new dose).

Of course, statistics — the exact science, but life often introduces amendments in strict rows of figures (and as in smaller, and upwards). Though the given numbers cause concern among doctors.

In this plan logical will be to learn how and when intoxicated drink entered mass use.

It is interesting to read about advantage and harm of wine: white, red (cahors wine).

Historical information

Beer is considered one of the most ancient drinks — there are data that people got acquainted with it almost in the childhood of the world (or rather in the Neolithic era which began 11.5 thousand years ago). The most ancient remains of this drink are found by archeologists in mountains of the western Iran and are dated the end of the IV millennium BC.

Appreciated it and in Egypt — it is for certain known that builders of pyramids, besides food, received also beer.

It was popular in Ancient Greece and China where developed production from fruit and rice (including sprouted).

The Middle Ages — an era of blossoming of monastic brewing. Monks the first began to add hop (in the 8th century).

Read also about properties of cones of hop: from what help and that treat when to collect and how to dry how to accept. It is remarkable that this technology reached England only by the beginning of the 15th century.

In the same time in Russia cooked barley beer and perevar — beer mix with mead.

To the middle of the 19th century the volumes of consumption remained small: brewers hardly sustained the competition from wine makers and producers of cider.

The real break took place in the 1860-1880th: at first Louis Pasteur found out that the yeast starting fermentation of a mash is living organisms that allowed to adjust transition of sugar to alcohol. And in 1881 Dane Emil Christiaan Hansen received the pure culture of beer yeast: the quality of a product began to improve. The XX century — time of rapid development of the industry and increasing production. However, other trend is now observed: on the trend craft grades produced by mini-breweries.

Whether you know? Legendary Zhigulyovsk began to make in 1935. It was the most mass beer in the USSR — at the peak of popularity (at the beginning of the 80th) it was at the same time cooked at 735 (!) plants.

Beer dependence: myth or reality

This question causes hot discussions in which fans and producers of drink, doctors and psychologists are involved. But we will lay emotions aside and we will try to understand in general whether there is such dependence actually.

For a start we will listen to those who believe that they it no more than the myth, and will give arguments of their opponents. The most widespread argument — beer low alcohol, and therefore is harmless. Actually, it not so: many grades contain about 9-12% of alcohol that brings closer them to wine. And if to consider volumes (very few people are limited to one bottle), then the situation appears absolutely in other light.

Important! Narcologists note that sharp and, apparently, causeless change of mood at the teenager has to guard parents — perhaps, such differences are connected with consumption of beer.

One more popular argument of defenders of frothy beverage — beer only relieves the tension. Yes, it became one of attributes of companionship, but behind it more serious consequences are: over time accustoming begins that attracts change of psychosomatic reactions of an organism. In other words, at frequent and plentiful reception of people kind of loses behavioural reference points.

It is often possible to hear also that such concept as beer alcoholism, does not exist. Partly it is the truth — there is no such diagnosis in the International classification of diseases. This term is more used by the press and narcologists note that only 1% of the people staying on the dispensary registry is the share of not knowing when to stop fans of beer. However, the same experts note that intake of beer at early age becomes the dangerous springboard leading to consumption of more serious drinks (same vodka). In it the insidiousness of popular slaboalkogolka also is — its reception is capable to create prerequisites for appearance of full-fledged alcohol addiction. And such trend is twice dangerous if to consider that teenagers and youth treat risk group (if in early youth the excessive addiction to beer is noticed, then to fight against it extremely difficult — it will be told by any psychologist).

Whether you know? The original compounding of the British ale does not provide hop participation. Instead of it long time used the mix of herbs welded in a mash.

So the dependence after all exists, but it is possible to make out it not always especially as many do not consider it something dangerous. And it is vain — beer has significant effect on the main groups of bodies (though obvious consequences of its reception are evident too late: it is one more artful line of drink).

Why it is worth refusing a glass of beer

Even the mug, traditional for many, which is tossed in the evening at more or less regular repetition of reception is capable to start serious violations in work of an organism. Let's look narrowly at them more attentively.

Beer stomach

This the first that occurs. Besides communication between consumption of drink and growth of a stomach is obvious to many — beer, awakening appetite, forces the person to satisfy suddenly shown hunger. The croutons or chips which appeared near at hand, meat and other snack, harmful to a stomach, are used that leads to extension of its walls.

Read also about properties of popular snack for beer: peanut, pistachios, squids, shrimps.

But, besides outer effect, there are also deep processes: the broken lipidic exchange reminds of itself massive fat deposits, the content of harmful cholesterol and sugar in blood increases.

Beer heart

Heart the first assumes intoxicated blow. Beer of popular grades, being carbonated drink, very quickly gets into blood (it is promoted by carbonic acid).

In addition to it heart is forced to pump over the large volume of liquid that leads to increase in arterial blood pressure.

Important! It is better for people at whom the hereditary predisposition to diseases of vessels is noted to refuse reception.

As a result his cavities and vessels extend (sometimes so that it is about specific varicosity). Let's add a thickening of warm walls here — and it will become clear why zealous fans of beer suffer from arterial hypertension and also strokes with heart attacks. But there is one more nuance about which often forget. The fact is that producers, seeking to give to the product a beautiful foam cap, sometimes generously add to impurity drink with cobalt participation. Getting to heart fabrics, they destroy their cellular structure.

Learn what vitamins are useful to heart and vessels how to avoid cardiovascular diseases.

Irritates mucous a stomach

To stomach fairly gets both from drunk, and from eaten. And beer deservedly is considered one of the most harmful drinks.

On that is reason: having got on stomach walls, it not only stretches them, but also causes serious irritation of so gentle cover. Fermentation products together with carbonic acid start response of an organism — excess production of hydrochloric acid begins. And it is a direct way to an ulcer, gastritis and even cancer.

The extra care should be shown to young people: not a secret that many of them eat irregularly and what comes hand (that already conceals risk of appearance of gastritis).

Whether you know? Among related to hop of plants hemp appears.

At plentiful libations business can reach hypertrophic gastritis — against the background of the increased acidity the wall is thickened, and eventually acid already is practically not produced, and the unprotected stomach stays in a precancer state. Is what to think of.

Suppresses production of testosterone

This feature too very famous, and special objections in this occasion does not meet at all.

Really, in beer there is phytoestrogen (that is women's hormones) which is capable to suppress production of testosterone. And the more the volume of drunk — the more brightly it is shown: except a roundish stomach, pilosis of the face and all body considerably decreases, and instead the breast increases.

The regeneration of a parenchyma of testicles which is often leading to early infertility acts as the dangerous satellite of a hormonal imbalance.

Destroys a liver

Alcohol in small concentration is dangerous to a liver, and existence in beer of various impurity and preservatives only strengthens impact of drink on a vital.

It is important! If in the anamnesis diseases of kidneys took place, uncontrolled intake of alcohol can bring the matter to their heart attack (there is also such disease).

At the regular use the liver does not cope with the functions any more — processing and removal of hazardous substances that opens a way to various toxins. As a result the main bodies get poisoned, also the structure of a liver changes: it increases in sizes, and cages gradually die off. So cirrhosis, a liver failure and alcoholic hepatitis can be quite caused also by allegedly harmless beer.

Read also about vitamins for health of a liver.

Destroys cells of a brain

One more terrible effect this time connected with violation of mental functions. Yes, exactly. At the beginning decrease in memory and loss of concentration, violation of acoustical and visual perception are noted. But all this is only noticeable manifestations. In parallel there is much more serious process, namely dying off of cells of a brain. And if to drink regularly (let and in small doses), it gains irreversible character.

At young people it is shown in the form of sharp change of mood: from aggression to indecision, from determination to doubts, etc. With age remind of themselves physiological processes more and stronger that quite often leads to pronounced weak-mindedness.

Councils for improvement of work of a brain: vitamins for a brain and memory; how to prevent aging of a brain and to improve brain activity.

Than beer is still harmful

If about the listed effects of consumption of drink many have heard a lot, then are informed on other consequences of overzealous reception unless doctors. Meanwhile it is about so serious violations which beer is capable to start. We learn in what its harm can be shown.

For men

Before buying couple of bottles for mood, it is worth thinking once again — it is possible that at frequent repetition of this procedure the emergence is possible:

The huge value for normal functioning of kidneys has food.

Well and, of course, we do not forget about danger of obesity which pulls for itself the whole set of diseases (from thrombophlebitis to cancer).

For women

To representatives of a fine half of mankind is over what too to think. The addiction to intoxicated often attracts such problems with health:

It should be added one more point, namely influence of drink on posterity to this list. Any gynecologist will confirm that even a Friday sit-round gathering habitual to much behind a mug - another can affect health of future kid (and it, notice, long before childbirth). System violations of psychomotility and predisposition to epilepsy are usually mentioned in this context.

Whether you know? The oldest producer of beer is the Lowenbrau brand — the first decalitres were welded by its founders in 1383.

Whether there is an advantage of beer

Acquaintance to similar lists is enough that the person thought of the gastronomic and drinkable habits. But immediately there is also other question: and whether there is a use from beer.

Important! Buying drink, it is desirable to look at the issue date specified on the label and if any new grade, then and structure undertakes.

We hurry to calm — beer can do and good. However, sense of proportion and prudence for this purpose is necessary (more true, a clear idea of the state of health and strong will). Important and quality of drink: grades with huge amount of preservatives will hardly help to restore health. The small dose of the quality product welded with respect for technology has such impact on an organism:

As you can see, at the reasonable address frothy beverage can render also some help. But you should not be fond nevertheless.

Whether you know? On the diamond mines in Sierra Leone the got nuggets test by means of beer — at immersion in it visual defects of stones are clearly visible.

Video: history and properties of beer

Advantage and harm of beer: responses

In small amounts beer is not harmful. For me a small amount - one small small bottle once a month. It is enough, besides it is used as a reason for rest, a full otklyuchka from active life. Especially helps when it is necessary, to fall asleep quickly and to sleep tight and serenely. In it advantage of beer.


Yes here live beer is only useful, but not that which is sold in plasticity, bank or a bottle with an expiration date in half a year. From such beer except harm, it is possible to derive only pleasure and that doubtful, in comparison with the present. And here the quantity, in my opinion, should not exceed a floor liters. But in the good company on it it is difficult to stop.

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If in good company, to the guitar, a joke of old friends and the little why is also not present? one life and if there is a strong wish - that is possible :D


We found out how beer influences a human body, in what its harm and advantage. We hope that this information gave to our readers an exhaustive picture of effect of popular drink. Here is over what to think, and it is better to minimize its reception at all (the benefit, there is a mass of harmless ways to distract). And let every day it will be filled with a positive!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
