Bran during pregnancy: advantage or harm"

Bran during pregnancy: advantage or harm"

Food and Drinks Hits: 175

The joy that in you the little person grows can be saddened by problems with digestion: the word "locks" is known to most of pregnant women. The modern science thought up a set of safe means for the solution of this question. However, there is a product which allows to do without drugs, is a bran. If you doubt whether it is possible to use bran, being in the family way, we will tell about how to do it without harm for ourselves and future kid.

Whether it is possible to eat bran at pregnancy

Bran is the thin cover covering grain. In processing of grain it is removed, as a rule. Long time they were considered as waste and were used on a forage by a pet, but recently it was revealed that this peel contains the most part of useful substances. This product is useful to pregnant women as it is capable to provide normal development of the kid and to clean intestines.

In shops it is possible to take such forms of bran:

Learn what is chop off as them is and than they are useful.

Depending on processing, distinguish bran:

Bran of a fine crushing as they pass through an intestinal path easier are the most useful to an organism. And the bran processed by means of high temperatures which kill useful substances will be the least useful.

Important! In digestive tract bran absorbs liquid and increases in volume more than by 20 times.


Useful properties of oat bran:

  1. In 100 g of a product 246 kcal contain, and these are nearly 10% of day norm of kilocalories for pregnant women.
  2. Nutrition value: proteins — 17.3 g, fats — 7 g, carbohydrates — 66.2 g; and also over 15 g of food fibers, more than 6 g of water, nearly 3 g of ashes.
  3. Rich vitamin structure: B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, K, SS.
  4. Abundance of macrocells: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium.
  5. Provide an organism with minerals: manganese, iron, zinc, copper, selenium.
  6. Contain 10 irreplaceable and 8 replaceable amino acids, the Omega-3, the Omega-6, fatty acids.
  7. Prevent emergence of congenital malformations, provide the correct formation of bones and connecting fabric at the kid, nervous system, other systems and bodies.
  8. Help to clean vessels from deposits of cholesteric plaques.
  9. Clean intestines, normalize its microflora, save from locks.
  10. Bring toxins out of a liver, promote production of bile.
  11. Are capable to save from constant feeling of the hunger familiar to many pregnant women.

However the advantage can turn into harm if to use them:

It is important! If not to respect the rules of eating of bran, then the strengthened work of intestines can increase a tone of a uterus and lead to threat of termination of pregnancy.


Wheat bran will bring to the pregnant woman such benefit:

  1. In comparison with oat, in them there are a little less calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but the increased content of vitamins, micro and macrocells, other useful substances is nearly 3 times more than food fibers and also.
  2. Help to get rid of problems with a toilet.
  3. Normalize a metabolism, including digestion of sugar.
  4. The product promotes the blossoming appearance.

Harm for an organism can achieve if:

Whether you know? During World War I Denmark came to be under the threat of hunger. In the country began to bake bread, using the raw grain flour with a cover. As a result mortality decreased by 17%.


Rye bran is a low-calorie product and has such positive effect:

  1. Give feeling of satiety and at the same time do not influence a set of weight thanks to the low level of carbohydrates and small caloric content.
  2. They have not such rich vitamin structure as oat and wheat bran, but has the iodine necessary for normal development of the child and health of future mother.
  3. The cobalt which is contained in them regulates exchange of folic acid without which formation of healthy systems and bodies of a fruit is impossible.
  4. The amount of food fibers in them more than by 3 times exceeds day norm therefore intestines will work as it is necessary.
  5. On the qualitative structure of squirrels of a rye more useful, than wheat.
  6. This bran normalizes the content of sugar in blood.
  7. Reduce risk of developing of malignant tumors.
  8. Regulate work of a cardiovascular system.

Consumption of rye bran will not bring benefit if at you:

Limit rate of the use 30 g of a product a day are considered.

Read also, than rye bran is useful.


Advantage for pregnant women of consumption of corn bran:

  1. As they contain a large amount of insoluble food fibers, well regulate balance of intestinal microflora and eliminate locks.
  2. Are characterized by the largest amount of protein among all types of bran.
  3. In them the lowest level of fats and carbohydrates.
  4. Strengthen immunity.
  5. Clean vessels.
  6. Improve mood.

If not to adhere to consumption rates (3–5 tablespoons), it is possible to feel negative consequences:

Perhaps it will be interesting to you to learn, than it is useful also who cannot eat corn.


You will infrequently meet barley bran on counters of shops, but it does not mean that they are less nutritious. Useful properties of this product are as follows:

  1. Contains vitamins of group B, E, RR, N.
  2. Distinctive feature is the content of silicon, sulfur, chlorine, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine and others micro and macrocells.
  3. Positively influences a condition of integuments.
  4. Promotes sensitivity of cages to insulin.

Harmful properties of this bran are connected with the excess use (more than 20-30 g) as a result of which intestines are irritated, and the positive effect is completely replaced with opposite.

Whether you know? Barley is long since known for ability to restore forces after physical activities therefore was the main food of the Roman gladiators.


Rice bran has the highest caloric content. Their useful properties:

  1. Contain many fats and the carbohydrates necessary for providing an organism with energy.
  2. Satisfy feeling of hunger.
  3. 100 g of a product completely will provide an organism with day norm the Omega-6 and on a third — the Omega-3.
  4. Practically do not cause allergic reaction.
  5. Positively influence sugar level in blood.
  6. Promote health of teeth and bones.

The product is capable to do much harm if not to adhere to standard daily rates of its use (2–3 tablespoons) or not to observe the precautionary measures provided below.

Also, learn what rice is useful and what it is possible to eat it with.

Precautionary measures

You want to enter bran into the diet — follow rules of their use:

  1. Do not go to far, respect standard daily rate. The surplus of this product strongly irritates intestines.
  2. Do not use them in a dry form, otherwise they will strongly inflate inside and will create problems with passability of intestines.
  3. You do not enter bran into a diet if you have diseases of digestive system. Already angry intestines do not need additional irritants.
  4. Do not use along with medicines. Drugs will not manage to be soaked up, will wash up them together with a peel.
  5. You enter into a diet courses — for 10 days with a break 2–3 weeks. Digestive system needs to allow to take rest.
  6. Begin with a small amount, watching reaction of an organism. Each person is individual, and it is impossible to predict reaction of an organism.
  7. Do not use in the presence of an allergy to vegetable protein. All types of bran are rich with protein therefore they are contraindicated to people with hypersensibility to it.
  8. Do not buy products with the content of chemical additives and a smell of a mold. The spoiled bran will not bring any benefit, will only poison an organism.
  9. Drink a lot of water not to allow dehydration. The grain peel soaks up a lot of liquid which stocks need to be filled.

Directions of use

There is bran it is possible so:

How to accept from locks

At locks during pregnancy such recipes with bran are recommended:

  1. To fill in a day portion of bran with 1 glass of water, to trouble, divide into several portions, to accept in 30 minutes prior to food. To wash down every portion with a glass of water. It is possible to add the washed-out raisin.
  2. Otrubna dessert. To fill in a day portion of bran kiselyom, kefir or yogurt for all day in the morning. To eat instead of a dinner, to wash down with a glass of water.
  3. Drink from bran. To fill in a day portion of bran with hot boiled water in number of 400 ml, to leave for the night. To merge water in separate ware in the morning, to wring out a peel, to warm up water to a warm state, to add 1 tablespoon of honey or lemon juice, to stir and drink. It is possible to have breakfast in an hour.
  4. Beet bran salad. To wash, fill in beet with cold water, to cook 2 hours after boiling. Then to clean and grate. Bran to trouble for 0.5 hours, to merge water, to add a peel to beet, to mix. To add greens, to season, mix. As gas station it is possible to use linseed or olive oil of a cold extraction.
  5. Useful okroshka. Rye bran (30 g) to trouble. To dilute low-fat kefir (1.5 glasses) with boiled cold water that was not too dense. To boil 2 hard boiled eggs and 1 beet, to cut on small cubes, to add small cut fennel, parsley and green onions. From bran to merge water, to add them to other products, to salt, mix, fill in with kefir. It is possible to give with sour cream.
  6. Otrubny porridge. 1 glass of milk or water to boil, pour 30 g of bran, to bring to boiling, to lower fire, to cook, stirring slowly, 1 minute. To pour the prunes which are previously washed up and cut on pieces in number of 30 g into porridge, to allow to begin to boil and remove from fire. After within 30 minutes porridge infuses, it is possible to add 1 tablespoon of honey. In 0.5 hours prior to and in 0.5 hours after consumption of porridge about 1 glass of water is recommended to have.
  7. Rye flat cakes. To include an oven, having exposed temperature of 180 °C. To process 1 tablespoon of rye bran in the coffee grinder, to add 9 tablespoons of mix from rye and wheat flour, to salt, water with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. It is possible to add a dried basil, an oregano, other seasonings. Gradually adding water, to knead dough so that did not stick to hands. To powder a table with flour, to divide dough into parts and to roll flat cakes. To lay a baking sheet paper for pastries, to lay out flat cakes, it is possible to oil slightly them sunflower. To bake 30 minutes to a zarumyanivaniye.
  8. Useful fritters. To fill in 2 tablespoons of oat or corn bran (it is possible to mix them) with 1 tablespoon of yogurt or kefir. Slightly to beat one egg white a fork, to add to mix, to mix. To bake fritters in the warmed frying pan, to give with honey, yogurt or kefir.
  9. Bread with bran. Prepare 340 g of wheat flour, 50 g of wheat or oat bran, 40 g of sugar, 250 ml of warm water, 18 g of fresh yeast, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1.54 teaspoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of milk. Add sugar and yeast to water, leave for 10 minutes in the warm place. Pour the sifted flour, the bran crushed in the blender or the coffee grinder, salt, olive oil. The turned-out dough should not be too hard. Leave dough in the warm place for 1.5 hours that doubled. Press down dough, lay out in the oiled form, leave in the warm place for 40 minutes. Dip a culinary brush in milk and grease from above bread, it is possible to strew with coriander kernels. To warm an oven to 200 °C, to put a form with bread, to bake 40 minutes to a zarumyanivaniye.

So, there is bran during pregnancy not only it is possible, but also it is necessary. Besides that they will save from problems with locks, the organism will receive a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

Important! Before the use bran fills in with boiled water and steams within 30 minutes.

But you remember that this product demands observance of precautionary measures, otherwise instead of advantage you injure a food path and will create threat of termination of pregnancy.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
