Carbohydrate diet for weight loss: pluses and minuses

Carbohydrate diet for weight loss: pluses and minuses

Food and Drinks Hits: 183

As a rule, the people seeking to lose extra kilos at the expense of a rigid diet try to limit themselves in fat and sweet, that is, speaking to language of science, to reduce consumption of fats and carbohydrates, they first of all settle on sides in the form of ugly folds. But, it appears, for weight loss there is a special diet at which emphasis is placed on carbohydrates. Of course, the speech at the same time does not go about uncontrolled eating of rich donuts with condensed milk. What carbohydrates help to struggle with obesity and as it works — we will understand.

Main essence of a diet

To understand an essence of an unusual diet, it is necessary to remember materiel, that is school lessons of chemistry and biology. Sugar is the main supplier of energy, without it existence of a living organism is impossible.

Carbohydrates are a source of sugar, but this is acquired sugar differently, depending on in what look it comes to our stomach. Many heard that carbohydrates are two types — simple and difficult, or as sometimes speak, fast and slow.

For descriptive reasons we will show this classification in the form of the table:

Plain carbohydrates (monosaccharides)

Plain carbohydrates (disaccharides)

Complex carbohydrates



maltose = glucose + glucose




(fruit sugar)

sucrose = glucose + fructose

(the refined sugar)



(component of milk sugar)

lactose = glucose + galactose

(milk sugar)


When sugar (monosaccharide or disaccharide), the glucose forming its basis gets to an organism, fructose or a galactose will almost instantly be transformed to energy. If this energy also quickly is not spent, it is transformed to fatty tissue and postponed in the form of a strategic stock on sides, a stomach and hips.

Sugar is taken from complex carbohydrates slowly, by their gradual processing, thus, the released energy comes to blood too not at once, leaving an opportunity to spend it during long amount of time.

Whether you know? Cellulose belongs to carbohydrates, however, unlike most of them, cannot be split, is not a source of glucose and is removed from an organism practically in original state. At the same time cellulose improves motility of intestines, regulates amount of sugar in blood and is powerful antioxidant, so, has property to prolong youth and, according to some information, to prevent formation of cancer cells.

The essence of a carbohydrate diet just also is in eating only complex carbohydrates, in particular, cellulose and pectins. Besides that they do not allow to oversaturate an organism excessive energy which, without having found a way out, will be transformed to fat, process of their digestion and splitting assumes the certain work demanding power expenses. At last, until food is acquired, we keep feeling of satiety while, having eaten sweet candy, the person hungers already in half an hour.

Main principles and rules

The carbohydrate diet is based on such principles:

Important! In cardinal restriction of proteinaceous food at usual weight loss there is no need. Transition to an absolute carbohydrate diet is carried out as an element of clinical nutrition at some diseases of kidneys and a cardiovascular system. It is carried out on doctor's orders and under its strict control.

Basic rules of a diet are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to eat fractionally, small and equal portions, five — six times a day.
  2. Weight every portion — 100 g.
  3. Way of preparation of products — cooking, roasting, processing on couple, suppression.
  4. During the day it is necessary to drink not less than one and a half liters of liquid.
  5. It is necessary to accept liquid fractionally, but not for once, approximately on 150 ml. The best option is to use mineral still water for drink.
  6. Between meals no having a snack is provided, only replacement of one meal during the day by snack from nuts and also raisin, dried apricots and other dried fruits is allowed.
  7. The last meal has to take place not later, than in three hours prior to a dream.
  8. Correction of food should be combined with physical activities, and their intensity needs to be increased gradually.

Whether you know? Too sharp reduction of the consumed calories results in the return result: the organism perceives a lack of nutrients as distress signal and begins … to create feverishly stocks, that is to accumulate fat. For effective weight loss it is recommended to reduce daily consumption of kilocalories at least by 500 and at most for 1000. The critical threshold at men makes 1800 kcal, women have 1200 kcal.

Pluses and minuses

As well as any system of change of a diet based on violation of balance between various nutrients at a carbohydrate diet has both pluses, and minuses.


It is necessary to carry to positive sides of a technique that it:


There are situations when the carbohydrate diet can do more harm, than advantage. Contraindications can be absolute or relative (with entering into a diet of certain adjustments, use of the facilitated technique option, etc.), however to distinguish the first from the second and only the doctor can make necessary recommendations about an admissible diet. Without such consultation it is impossible to be fond of carbohydrates, limiting themselves in other nutrients:

Learn whether it is possible to lose weight on porridges.

Duration of a diet and presumable loss in weight

The carbohydrate diet, at all the appeal, is rather serious stress for an organism. Decrease in the calories consumed during the day is considerable can bring benefit only in case it lasts during short amount of time. Correct entrance to carbohydrate food assumes creation for an organism of a certain reserve of fructose and cellulose. Therefore three days before a diet need to be eaten as much as possible vegetables and fruit, having completely excluded fried food, coffee and alcoholic beverages (to smoke during this period, as well as during a diet, also does not follow).

Important! The usual course of a carbohydrate diet is calculated on two weeks with an obligatory three-day preparatory course. The first week — the most rigid, on the second occurs fixing of the achieved result.

During the first week of starvation of fruit in a diet has to be a little (fructose as we remember, belongs to plain carbohydrates). Under strict restriction also milk (it contains a galactose) and honey (at it there are all simple sugar). In the second half of a course of the rule are a little softened.

Results of a carbohydrate diet are always individual, but on average it is possible to count on loss of 7 — 10 kilograms, at the same time it is necessary to be ready to the fact that:

Frequency of use of a course for safe maintenance of weight — once in six months.

We recommend to learn more about grapefruit, apple, tangerine, banana, water-melon and beet diets for weight loss.

List of products

The basic principles of formation of a diet at a carbohydrate diet were already called, but nevertheless we will specify what products are admissible during its action and what should be excluded completely.


During a carbohydrate diet of the menu has to consist from:

Important! Concerning a possibility of inclusion in potatoes diet a situation ambiguous. Some types of a carbohydrate diet allow the use of this root crop, others carry it to the list of forbidden.

Coffee during a diet is not under the strict ban, but it is necessary to use it in moderate quantities (no more than two cups a day), to drink without sugar and to use only quality natural fresh ground grains.

Also small amount of dry red wine is allowed, however this exception concerns only noble drink, nevertheless it is better to refuse cheap grades.


During all course, the preparatory period and an exit from a diet in a diet should not be:

We advise to esteem how to lose weight by means of starvation.

Combination to trainings

Trainings in the period of a carbohydrate diet are possible and are even necessary, however at the same time it is necessary to follow some important rules. The fact is that sharp restriction of the received calories and deficiency of protein in an organism leads not only to combustion of fatty tissue, but also to the fact that the organism begins to use muscle tissue as necessary fuel, transforming it to glucose.

For certain will interestingly read you about whether it is possible to lose weight on buckwheat with vegetables.

The athletes using so-called drying (serial combination of proteinaceous and carbohydrate diets) in carbohydrate days should increase intensity of loadings, all other are recommended to use special programs of sports exercises for weight loss for a two-week course, without allowing violation of the mode, but at the same time giving to an organism the chance to be restored and have a rest completely.

For this purpose it is necessary to sleep at least seven hours a day. The main principle of combination of sports occupations with any starvation is in completely to exclude power trainings, having put emphasis on aerobic and cardioloadings.

Thus, during this period the yoga, extensions and any static exercises, run, swimming, dances, etc. is allowed, and here the work with weighting compounds demanding the maximum tension of muscles, on the contrary is contraindicated. Also It should be noted that the carbohydrate diet is very good period for holding such general procedures after own body care as anti-cellulite actions, wrappings, the medical and relaxing massage.

Whether you know? Athletes-security officers and that who does cyclic sports (long-distance runners, cyclists, swimmers, oarsmen, skaters, etc.) in day need to receive from 0.06% to 0.1% of carbohydrates of the weight.

The best way out from a diet

The best way out from any diet is not less important, than its strict observance. The considered option of weight loss belongs to a low-calorie kind of diets, and it means that it is necessary to increase nutritiousness of the diet very slowly and gradually.

The general formula looks approximately so: if decrease in number of the consumed calories during the first week of starvation was 50% of habitual norm (for example, 900 kilocalories instead of 1,800), to the termination of the second week it is necessary to increase a day portion of calories no more, than by a quarter (up to 1,125) and to keep this level before full adaptation of an organism.

Deduction of the weight lost as a result of a diet at the reached level will be the proof that everything becomes correctly. If weight returns, an exit from a course means it is carried out too quickly.

Having convinced that the provision of an arrow of scales within several days remains invariable, it is possible to add a quarter more of the calories which are cut down by a diet, again to wait until the organism gets used to the new volume of nutrients and so on. In general the entrance and an exit from a diet are carried out by the same principles — the forbidden products are brought out of a diet and return to it gradually.

Whether you know? Our organism spends energy even when has a rest. So, for night of a full-fledged dream about 70 calories are burned. For comparison: about the same energy it is necessary to make a lunch, to wash a window or to iron bed linen. And here full cleaning takes away 250 calories, digging-up of one and a half square meters of beds — 500, and thirty-minute run — 600.

Told does not belong to the alcohol, fast food and other products which are harmful is unconditional also for all. These delights can stop be accepted without any preparation, and after the termination of a diet, whenever possible, to them not to return any more.


There are several options of a carbohydrate diet differing from each other in extent of restriction of a usual diet and also structure of the resolved and forbidden products.

The recommended versions of the menu for three types of a carbohydrate diet — classical, facilitated and the most severe are given below.



Week No. 1

Week No. 2





The 1st

boiled potatoes

kefir of 0% of fat content

400 g

500 g

buckwheat cereal


vegetable salad or ragout


300 g

2 pieces

400 g

200 g

The 2nd

low-fat cottage cheese

curdled milk

500 g

500 g


soft-boiled eggs


fruit kissel

300 g

2 pieces

2 pieces

400 g

The 3rd

sour fruit

kefir of 0% of fat content

400 g

500 g

whole-grain bread


carrot juice

low-fat fish

150 g

1 piece

200 g

150 g

The 4th

light meat boiled (chicken)

kefir of 0% of fat content

400 g

500 g

low-fat cottage cheese

boiled veal


the paprika stuffed with vegetables

400 g

150 g

1 piece

1 piece

The 5th

sour fruit

kefir of 0% of fat content

400 g

500 g

white beans

low-fat yogurt


grated carrots

200 g

400 g

2 pieces

300 g

The 6th

mineral water without gas

apples green or

low-fat cottage cheese

2 l

2 pieces

100 g

pearl-barley porridge

low-fat fish soup

low-fat kefir

300 g

400 g

400 g

The 7th

sour fruit

kefir fat-free

400 g

500 g

cottage cheese with fruit

paste with mushrooms

kefir of 0% of fat content

boiled beet or puree from a celery root

300 g

300 g

300 g

200 g



Week No. 1

Week No. 2







The 1st

porridge on water; apple

stewed haricot; vegetable salad

low-fat kefir

steam omelet with spinach and tomatoes

ragout from vegetables or vegetable salad

boiled chicken breast

The 2nd

buckwheat cereal; low-fat kefir

boiled chicken breast; stewed cabbage

cabbage and green apple salad; rye bread

2 soft-boiled eggs; 1 grapefruit

the baked fish with a garnish from haricot

ragout from a cauliflower or vegetable salad

The 3rd

two oranges

vegetable stew

banana milkshake

low-fat kefir; granola or muesli

lentil soup

ragout with mushrooms or fast beef

The 4th

boiled rice

boiled beef with a vegetable garnish

low-fat kefir

low-fat cheese;

whole-grain bread;

garden radish

chicken boiled breast with a garnish from wild rice

seafood salad

The 5th

cottage cheese with banana and apple

boiled fish with a garnish from haricot

low-fat kefir

low-fat cottage cheese; nuts

paste with seafood

the baked eggplant

The 6th

still mineral water — 1.5 l;

sour fruit

still mineral water — 1.5 l;

sour fruit

The 7th

cottage cheese

boiled chicken breast with stewed cabbage

fresh vegetables salad

low-fat kefir; granola or muesli

lentil soup

ragout with mushrooms or beef



Week No. 1

Week No. 2





The 1st

the potato baked

400 g

the potato baked kefir of 0% of fat content

400 g 400 g

The 2nd

low-fat cottage cheese

400 g

low-fat cottage cheese kefir of 0% of fat content

400 g 400 g

The 3rd

low-calorie fruit

400 g

kefir of 0% of fat content fruit sour

500 g 400 g

The 4th

chicken breast boiled

400 g

curdled milk light chicken meat boiled

500 g 400 g

The 5th

low-calorie fruit

400 g

kefir of 0% of fat content fruit sour

500 g 400 g

The 6th

still mineral water

1.5 l

still mineral water

1.5 l

The 7th

low-calorie fruit

400 g

curdled milk fruit sour

500 g 400 g

Important! It is impossible to include bananas, grapes, persimmon, mango or avocado in the strict version of a carbohydrate diet. These are the real champions on calories among fruit.

What diet is better: proteinaceous or carbohydrate

Both proteinaceous, and carbohydrate diets are directed to disposal of excess weight, and though they work differently, but a keyword here — superfluous. Any imbalance in food, by whatever good purposes it was caused, also, especially, useful cannot be considered as absolutely safe.

Each of the considered types of diets has the advantages and shortcomings, we will try to compare them from this point of view:







insignificant decrease in caloric content;

there is no loss of muscle bulk;

more stable result (at the expense of bigger duration);

it is easy to make a mistake in calculation of carbohydrates;

can lead to increase in weight;

highly tomorrow


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
