Cowberry drink: useful properties and harm

Cowberry drink: useful properties and harm

Food and Drinks Hits: 161

Today cowberry drink becomes more and more demanded because of the excellent natural qualities which are equally good both in gastronomic, and in improving meanings. About this ancient drink the speech in article will also go.

Than cowberry drink is useful

The advantage of this drink for a human body is caused by existence of the whole bouquet of nutrients in a look:

Cowberry drink has such pronounced useful properties:

Learn more about useful properties of cowberry and leaves of cowberry for a human body.

Besides, ancient drink is capable:

Features of the use

So diverse properties of cowberry drink assume also its various manifestations in different situations. For example, at pregnancy some properties of this drink are demanded, at weight loss or diseases — others.

Whether you know? Being a perennial plant, cowberry at the same time is also long, having ability to live up to three hundred years.

At pregnancy

For pregnant women this drink can be shown on the following bases:

But not always and not all future mothers can use flavoring and medical qualities of fruit drink from cowberry.

It is not recommended to use it:

When breastfeeding

On a question of the feeding women of whether they can use cowberry drink, doctors, except for cases of presence of pathologies, not only answer positively, but also recommend this useful drink for the use to women in the period of a lactation. The danger consists in high allergenicity of cowberry drink in relation to many babies. Therefore at gv it is necessary to begin with 50 ml of drink and within two-three days to track reaction of the baby.

Important! However before active consumption of fruit drink the feeding woman should be convinced surely of absence at the baby of allergic reactions to a product.

If everything is normal, the dose of intake of drink can be brought to a glass in day, but at the same time the amount of the drink drunk within a week should not exceed liter.

At observance of these conditions, fruit drink from a cranberry, except satisfying of thirst and receiving flavoring pleasure from its use, is capable to help the feeding mother in:

For weight loss

Cowberry, without having ability to burn fat, nevertheless is registered among the most demanded means for weight loss.

It occurs thanks to the fact that it:

Whether you know? Any berry, except cowberry, cannot remain from a harvest till a harvest without preservation, without decaying, without turning sour and without growing mouldy. Berry is helped with it by benzoic acid.

At cystitis

Cowberry gained authority among the means shown at treatment of urological diseases long ago and strongly. For example, fruit drink from this berry well proves at fight against cystitis thanks to:

Learn how at cystitis recommend to apply a cranberry, cape gooseberry, a grass a chaber, hop cones, bay leaf, fennel seeds, citric acid.

At cold

Already mentioned anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and febrifugal qualities of this drink as well as possible prove at catarrhal manifestations in an organism.

Besides, fruit drink from cowberry promotes fast treatment by means of:

Contraindications and harm

Rather high allergenicity of cowberry drink, especially in relation to small children, predetermines its contraindication to the use by people, inclined to allergies and also having individual intolerance of the described product. Besides, drink cannot be applied at:

Important! It is not necessary to use cowberry drink more than three weeks in a row.

How to make cowberry drink: recipe

Except the production of fruit drink existing not one century of a classical way from cowberry which consists in a razminaniye of fruits a wooden masher and flooding several more difficult recipes for drink from ripe or frozen berries are available their spring water, nowadays.

At the same time it must be kept in mind that at heat treatment of berry nearly a third of vitamins and minerals which contain in them lose.

From ripe berries

Recipe No. 1 Ingredients:


  1. Carefully to touch and wash out berries.
  2. To add granulated sugar to the enameled container with water, to mix contents and to place on the furnace.
  3. Having brought liquid to boiling, to leave the received product to cool down.
  4. To add a little cooled down sweet water to the glass container with berries and to shake up mix the blender, homogeneous mass will not turn out yet.
  5. Then weight should be passed through a sieve, to add the received product to the container with sweet water.

Recipe No. 2 Ingredients:


  1. To fill the touched and washed cowberry in the enameled capacity.
  2. To add capacity with water and to put on the furnace to heat up.
  3. To bring to boiling and on weak heating to boil thoroughly still about 5 minutes.
  4. After that hot mix needs to be filtered by means of a sieve.
  5. Then, having added sugar, it is necessary to leave a ready-made product to cool down.

From frozen



  1. To defreeze berries indoors without any additional heating.
  2. Washout the defrozen cowberry to crush it the blender.
  3. From the received puree by means of a gauze to wring out juice.
  4. Remained to place in a gauze in the enameled container with water.
  5. To place capacity on the furnace, to boil contents and to cook it on slow heating not less than five minutes then to switch off and allow a product to cool down slightly.
  6. Then it needs to be passed through a sieve, to add the juice which is wrung out earlier to the received mix and to mix everything.

And I am eager to satisfy the ancient drink capable to give to the person gastronomic pleasure, to make the revitalizing impact on its organism, today receives the increasing popularity. At the correct use, fruit drink from cowberry sustains the competition to many drinks on a table of the person.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
