Cranberry at pregnancy: advantage and harm

Cranberry at pregnancy: advantage and harm

Food and Drinks Hits: 158

Pregnancy of the woman means full revision of her daily menu. At this time the organism needs products with the increased content of vitamins and minerals. One of the best in this plan is the cranberry — the unique berry which is the natural antibiotic capable to replace many medicines. In what advantage of fruits and as it is correct to use them at pregnancy, let's consider.

Whether it is possible a cranberry at pregnancy

During incubation of the child the woman should limit the menu as not all products are allowed to be eaten. The cranberry is not included into the list forbidden, moreover, it, thanks to the richest chemical composition, allows to warn and cure a set of illnesses. Let's consider, than berry is useful to women in situation.

Advantage and harm of fresh berries

Fresh berry contains water for 90%, the rest is made by vitamins — A, E, P, C, B5, B12; mineral substances — copper, manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc; food fibers, cellulose, various acids and antioxidants.

Examine influence of a cranberry on a human body.

Its advantage is extremely high, it:

Meanwhile fresh berries during pregnancy are capable to do harm to a female body. In particular, they cannot be used in a large number on early terms as at the expense of the high content of ascorbic acid they can provoke a tone of a uterus and, as a result, lead to an abortion.

Also it is not recommended to eat a cranberry in the raw that who has problems with an urinogenital system, the tendency to allergic reactions is observed, there are violations in work of digestive system — gastritises or stomach ulcers.

Video: in what cases it is impossible to eat a cranberry at pregnancy

Important! The use of a fresh cranberry along with sulfomedicines is not allowed.

The frozen and dried cranberry

The frozen and dried berry is not less useful to pregnant women. The last though contains a little less vitamins, than in fresh, but in it there is an increased amount of antioxidants which are designed to struggle with viral, bacterial infections, to reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

The dried cranberry is considered also fine source of cellulose and carbohydrates. Power value on 100 g of a product is 125 kcal.

As fresh berries are absent in winter time, frozen or dried will become in this case a fine alternative. If to say about whether it is possible to eat dry berries daily, then, certainly, there has to be a measure. Such product to pregnant women is allowed to use on 1/3 glasses daily, but no more than one month. Further it is necessary to take a break. It is recommended to cook fruit drinks, compotes from the frozen berries, to make tea.

Whether you know? Literally cranberry is translated as a sour ball: oxis is sour, coccus — spherical.

Fruit drink from a cranberry

Cranberry drink is considered one of the best drinks for women in interesting situation. It is a well of useful minerals and vitamins which have beneficial effect practically on all systems of an organism. The main rule of preparation of useful fruit drink — a minimum of heat treatment.

Such fresh drink at the regular use will allow:

Except that fruit drink from a cranberry has excellent taste, he has antimicrobic, anti-inflammatory effect, struggles with free radicals, serves as fine prevention of development of diseases of oncological character.


On the basis of berries of a cranberry it is possible to prepare not only useful fruit drink, but also compote. It, though loses a part of vitamins and minerals at heat treatment, but remains useful to health of future mother.

Its regular consumption will allow to stir up brain activity, to improve blood circulation, to eliminate nausea and other symptoms of toxicosis, will help to cope with hypostases.

Advantage of compote from a cranberry essential, and here it is capable to do harm in extreme cases, only at the excessive use in high doses.

Pay attention to useful properties of a combination of a cranberry with honey.

Contraindications are:

Whether it is possible to drink compote on late terms, it is better to specify at the doctor. However many experts recommend several weeks prior to estimated childbirth to refuse cranberry products.

Tea with a cranberry

On the usefulness tea from a cranberry is considered unique. First of all, it is the most powerful antioxidant which interferes with skin aging, brings hazardous substances and toxins out of an organism, improves functioning of digestive system, serves as prevention of oncological diseases.

For prevention of oncology pay attention to properties of broccoli, a guelder-rose, cumquat dried, a filbert, hempy milk.

Besides, this tonic gives the chance:

However, despite useful properties, similar drink has also contraindications:

After consumption of drink it is necessary to rinse a mouth clear water as acid which in high doses contains in tea is capable to destroy tooth enamel.

Important! Scientists proved that intake of cranberry tea together with antibiotics strengthens action of the last and does them by the most effective in fight against a disease. Especially it is important at treatment of gynecologic illnesses.


Cranberry decoction is applied as the toning, anti-inflammatory and diuretic drink. Thanks to the high content of ascorbic acid it has the all-strengthening effect, increases protective functions of an organism and helps to resist to catarrhal diseases.

Broth is widely applied to decrease in temperature at a SARS and flu, serves as excellent means for prevention of formation of stones in kidneys. At the expense of the increased content of iron and phosphorus, drink is used for prevention of anemia, improvement of composition of blood, blood circulation activization. However this drink is not recommended to be drunk to women with an acute inflammation of intestines, at problems with a liver and kidneys, violations in work of a GIT. Also do not advise to drink more than one glass of broth a day. After the 37th week of pregnancy it is better to stop consumption of a cranberry in any kind.

Whether you know? Some bushes of a cranberry are capable to grow to one hundred years.

How to prepare a cranberry

Traditional medicine submits a set of various recipes from a cranberry which allow to avoid and also to cure various illnesses.

From hypostases

At emergence of puffinesses and also at violations in work of kidneys and urinary tract it is recommended to use fruit drink from berries.

Its preparation comes down to the following algorithm:

It is necessary to drink cranberry drink at hypostases warm. For elimination of puffinesses it is necessary to drink daily up to 1.5 l of drink, for prevention — 1–2 glasses.

It is important! As drink possesses diuretic action, it is not recommended to be used just before a dream.

At cold

To increase protective functions of an organism at cold and also to reduce temperature without medicines cranberry drink with honey or juice will help.

To make fruit drink, follows:

  1. To wash out a glass of berries, to pound properly.
  2. To boil 1 l of water, to allow to cool down up to the temperature of 40 degrees.
  3. To fill in with water cranberry puree, to add honey to taste.

Such drink possesses sudorific, febrifugal action, allows to reduce quickly temperature and I am eager to satisfy.

For cold it is necessary for preparation of juice: 1 glass of a cranberry to wash out, grind with 1 glass of honey. To accept juice at a tonsillitis or cough on 1 tsp several times a day. As honey belongs to allergenic products, it is not recommended to be used pregnant, inclined to allergic manifestations. In fruit drink it can be replaced with sugar. Also for treatment of catarrhal diseases it is possible to make tea from fresh berries, adding to it both honey, and sugar to taste.

At cystitis

Will help to remove inflammations at cystitis cranberry infusion.

Whether you know? Cranberry berries which are picked in the spring have more pleasant and saturated taste, than collected in the fall. However the last have richer vitamin and mineral structure.

It is prepared from such recipe:

  1. To add 0.5 glass of a cranberry to a pan and to pound a little.
  2. To add 1 glass of boiled water to berries.
  3. To allow a cranberry to infuse a little.
  4. To add to warm infusion if desired honey or sugar to taste.

It is necessary to accept infusion three times a day on 0.5 glasses. Drink should be cooked just before the use. A cranberry — berry, unique on the curative properties, which will become the great assistant for women during pregnancy. She is capable to save from many illnesses, to prevent their development, however its application cannot be an absolute guarantee of recovery. Pregnancy — very important and responsible period in life of each woman therefore the use even of such useful product has to be coordinated with the doctor.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
