Duck eggs: advantage or harm

Duck eggs: advantage or harm

Food and Drinks Hits: 175

In this article we will talk about such type of eggs as duck: as it is correct to eat them to avoid potential harmful effects on an organism and in what cases this product is contraindicated.

Whether it is possible to eat duck eggs

On counters of shops you for certain never saw eggs of ducks, and there is no wonder — this product is not in broad demand. The first what the attention is quite often paid to, is a specific smell and their flavoring features — taste saturated therefore not it will be pleasant to each person. These factors often lead to refusal of the use of duck testicles. Due to such circumstances there can be a question of their suitability in food.

Definite answer: of course, is them it is possible. It is important to study rules of the use that inclusion of this product in a diet brought only benefit only. Besides, it is important to know also degree of freshness of egg as it quickly spoils.

Important! A period of storage of duck eggs in the fridge — one week. After this term to use them it is unsafe.

To be convinced that you get a fresh, useful product, we recommend to you to buy eggs of ducks on special farms. In case of doubt there are several ways how to define freshness of a product:

Caloric content and chemical composition

Duck egg by the sizes much more chicken — approximately by one and a half times, and it affected its caloric content. Structure I WATCH:

Read about advantage chicken, quail, indyushiny and goose for a human body.

On average contains in it:

Besides, this product is rich:

Whether you know? Annually on the second Friday of October the World day of egg is celebrated.

On it the list of useful components of egg does not come to an end, it can sate your organism also mineral substances, in particular:

Advantage or harm

Let's consider what advantage and what harm duck eggs can do and how often it is possible to use them.

Than are useful

As it was stated above, existence of useful minerals, vitamins and mineral substances in this product is quite high — duck testicles contain practically all necessary substances for healthy functioning of an organism. Group B vitamins which are contained in egg have beneficial influence on work of all organism:

Important! Duck eggs it is more and more fatly chicken therefore are recommended to use them the people suffering from dystrophy and also with poor health and immunity. Also this product promotes a set of weight in this connection people with obesity do not need to abuse it.

Besides, the product contains the important element necessary for women during pregnancy — folic acid and also vitamin A which improves sight, and so-called vitamin of beauty — it is vitamin E.

Egg of a duck and to strengthening of bone tissues promotes and also to acceleration of their regeneration, this process is possible thanks to compound of phosphorus and calcium. Normalization of activity of a cardiovascular system happens due to maintenance in potassium egg. Duck eggs are necessary for the athletes and people occupied with hard physical work. Protein and amino acids as a part of egg will help to restore and strengthen muscles, and zinc will update skin cells, strengthens work of a brain and will improve mood.

Learn how to cook egg in the microwave without explosions.

What harm

Despite of the fact that the product contains a lot of useful substances which well affect human health there are also contraindications to application:

Whether you know? To achieve the best result and to completely peel egg from possible infections, you can use when washing economic (or any other) soap or soda.

There is this product no more than two-three times a week are desirable. The diagnosis dystrophy or weakening of an organism can only become an exception, but before inclusion of duck eggs in the diet consult to the doctor.

What can be prepared from duck eggs

Preparation of duck eggs also differs from habitual to us a little. That the product brought benefit, it is necessary to follow several rules:

It will be for certain interesting to you to learn, than the egg shell is useful.

One of the most widespread options of the use of a product — in a boiled look. But duck egg needs more time to prepare: the hard-boiled small egg cooks from 13 to 17 minutes, depending on its size, and egg in a sack — about 10 minutes, soft-boiled — 7, and it is enough to spend for egg-pashot only 6 minutes. The product is used as ingredient of salads, pastes, sauces or added to forcemeat. Confectioners appreciate such feature of consistence of duck eggs as oiliness and elasticity. Thanks to these characteristics, egg sponge on their basis turns out very gentle and air. The yolk is quite often used at preparation of noodles.

Important! Crude eggs of ducks categorically cannot be eaten, they can become the cause of infection with a salmonella or lead to violations of work of intestines, intoxication.

Application in cosmetology

Eggs of ducks can be used for personal care. But for masks it is necessary to take only the fresh, purely washed up product.

For hair

The egg yolk is long since known as a fine alternative to shampoos. Head skin after such shampoo is cleaned, and hair bulbs become stronger.

It is desirable to save a yolk from a cover that the smell became more pleasant then properly to shake up by means of a nimbus or a fork. Thanks to it house egg shampoo will better foam. It is also possible to add to your house shampoo various oils — castor, burdock or olive. Calculate quantity of yolks proceeding from length of your curls — for short will be one yolk, for averages enough — two-three, and for long about four-five are required.

Important! This mix is applied on hair as well as usual shampoo, and here process of washing off has small, but important feature: it is necessary to wash away a yolk warm, even a little cool water. Too hot water flow will just weld a product directly in your hair.

Also duck small egg the best natural conditioner. The mix prepared at home will help to save hair from dimness, fragility, will recover locks and will add them natural healthy gloss. The plain, but effective house strengthening mask for hair is preparing on the basis of two duck yolks, yogurt (100 ml), honey (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice (2 tablespoons). All these products carefully mix up then are applied on roots of hair for 25 minutes, and also best of all to wash away it cool water.

For face skin

Face packs on the basis of eggs also proved very well. This product — universal, so, the woman with any type of skin will be able to pick up the option suitable for itself.

  1. Mask for oily skin. Mix protein and white cosmetic clay among themselves so that the mask had consistence of dense sour cream and to you it was convenient to put it on a face. Then it is necessary to apply the received mix in several layers and to wait until it finally dries. Then it is possible just to wash away a mask water of room temperature, not above.
  2. Mask for the combined skin. That to prepare it, take small crude potato and rub on a small grater. At you two tablespoons of grated potato have to turn out. Add a single whole to it a small egg and carefully mix. Put this mask on the cleaned face, wait for a quarter of hour and wash away room water.
  3. Mask for dry skin. The yolk is a part of this mask only. The only ingredient of a mask is shaken up by a nimbus or a fork then it is applied to dry clean skin and no more than a quarter of hour keeps. After this time just wash away yolk mix with the help of cool water and if necessary apply cream.

As we see, duck eggs are good both on a table, and for maintenance of beauty. Remember how previously to process eggs what substances necessary for an organism are contained by this product and why categorically little children cannot eat it. It will help you to make correctly the diet and not to do harm to health. Choose for the table only useful products and God bless you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
