Healthy food – guarantee of good health

Healthy food – guarantee of good health

Food and Drinks Hits: 64

Food plays an important role in human life. Improper feeding can do much harm very strongly to our health. Obesity, avitaminosis, osteoporosis – all this consequences of improper feeding. For this reason many people adhere to a healthy lifestyle, in order to avoid various diseases. What does healthy food consist in?

Healthy food is food which doesn't harm an organism, contributes to the normal growth and the development of the person. First of all it is refusal of fast food, sparkling water and alcohol. Healthy food means alcohol consumption, but it is no more than 20 g (pure alcohol), 0.5 l of light beer or 50 g of vodka. Even single excess of a dose can do serious harm to health. From all alcoholic beverages wine has the most useful properties. The use of one glass of red wine at dinner, will help digestion to acquire quickly food and will improve a metabolism.

The most part of products of healthy food is made by a plant food (vegetables, fruit, dried fruits, greens). But also meat (turkey, chicken), fish (tuna, a sardine) and eggs take place. On the Internet the set of programs and applications which select dishes under personal characteristics are created, and calculate the number of calories for all day.

Healthy food is a frequent consumption of food, but in small portions. Upon transition from improper feeding to healthy the loss of weight is possible. It is better to adhere first to some diet which everyone selects a baking plate of, later when you get used, it will be possible to pass to another or throughout long time to adhere to initial. The main thing not to change meal sharply if one day you ate for breakfast fried eggs, for lunch a shish kebab, and for dinner a fried potatoes, then upon transition to porridges, cottage cheeses and a fresh vegetables the health can worsen considerably. Headaches, dizziness, the general weakness as the organism got used to receive more calories will begin, than I received for this day.

The first week just it is worth refusing flour and fat. Then to reduce amount of carbohydrates, that is smaller to use sweet, to replace sugar in tea with honey. Also you shouldn't forget about physical activity which too positively affects health. It is possible to be engaged at home or if there is an opportunity, to take the subscription in the gym. The set of home trainings can be found in the Internet. There are also exercises on a press, and on legs, hands, and on buttocks. At the same time all this will show skilled the trainer.

You shouldn't forget about the use of a large amount of water. On average for day of people has to drink 1.5 l, at physical activities the indicators increase to 2 liters. In addition it is worth refusing consumption of mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces. If for the first, second day the health worsens and ailed, means it is worth reconsidering the diet. Remember, healthy food is an excellent health and long life!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
