How to make pears jam segments

How to make pears jam segments

Food and Drinks Hits: 74

Pear – the queen among fruit who brings big benefit for a human body. There is a set of ways of its preparation for the winter. Indulge yourself and relatives with original pears jam segments.

It is a little history

The first mentions of pear came from China. At first it was grown up as a decorative tree with fragrant and beautiful flowers. Began to use tree fruits in cookery much later. From them cooked many various culinary dishes including jam.

A large number of variations of preparation of delicacy from pear is known. However, the most original of them is a pears jam segments. It beautiful golden color and peculiar taste.

Components for pears jam segments

In order that jam at you turned out, it is necessary to study the step-by-step recipe in advance and to prepare all products. In addition, it is possible to watch video the recipe in advance, or to study step-by-step photos with comments of skilled hostesses on preparation of jam.

We will consider the simplest and fast recipes for this jam.

Recipe 1

To make classical pears jam by segments (amber), the following ingredients will be necessary for us:

In the end result from the listed components it turns out four banks of jam of 500 ml.

Step-by-step management

The first step - the choice and preparation of fruits of pear. Fruits have to be ripe, juicy and rather dense. Further pear is washed carefully out, we delete leaves. We display on a towel that fruits dried.

The second step - we clean pears from a peel, we cut them on two halves and we delete seeds and fruit stems. Further, we cut a pear half on thin segments and we shift them in a basin.

The third step – we cook syrup. We mix sugar and water in a bowl. We put it on gas and we wait until sugar is dissolved. We allow syrup to begin to boil, we boil 2 – 3 minutes and we switch off.

Step 4 – we fill in with syrup of segment of pear and we leave for 30 - 40 minutes in order that they became impregnated with syrup and started up the juice. Periodically we stir slowly preparation with a wooden scapula.

The fifth step – direct process of cooking of delicacy of pears segments. We allow to begin to boil to contents in a basin, we switch off and we allow to cool down to contents. When weight a little cools down, we repeat process before boiling. We repeat this procedure 2 – 3 times until segments of pear become yantarno transparent color.

Some hostesses use small cunning: the pear fruits are more sweet, the less they take sugar or add lemon juice / lemon segments.

The sixth step – we display the made delicacy in the pasteurized banks and we close covers. Tasty and beautiful pears jam segments is ready, it is possible to give to a table!

Recipe 2

Fast pears jam segments

Ripe fruits of a juicy and soft grade a duchess pear are suitable for this recipe.


Step-by-step management

Wash pear fruits with water, dry on a towel and cut out a core with seeds.

Slice pears thin, place in a copper basin, fill up granulated sugar, add the lime cut by pieces and leave weight for 2 – 3 hours that juice acted.

Put a basin on average fire and allow to begin to boil to fruit weight. After weight begins to boil, it is necessary to lower gas and to scum.

Boil thoroughly fruit weight for 15 – 20 minutes, accurately stirring slowly with a wooden scapula. Switch off gas and allow to cool down to preparation.

Spread out ready jam in the prepared banks and roll up covers. Delicacy from pears segments (with a peel) is ready!

At you it will turn out the 4th banks of jam of 0.6 liters.

Jam caloric content

Pears jam segments brings benefit and doesn't damage health if to use it in the small portions and is moderate.

So, 100 grams of pear jam contain 200 kcal. As a part of fruits contains: waters of 85 g, proteins of 0.4 g, fats of 0.3 g and light carbohydrates of 10.5 g.

Useful properties

Pear very valuable and useful fruit which contains a vitamin-mineral complex, tannins, flavonoids, phytoncides, folic acid, iodine (in seeds) and essential oils. It found application in medicine at anemia, violation of a warm rhythm, gastrointestinal diseases and stones in kidneys. Besides, pear helps to stabilize work of an urinogenital system and to strengthen immunity. It is recommended at cholecystitis, heartburn and diarrhea. In addition, pear possesses antipiretichesky cure for cold and mukolitichesky at cough, and juice from fruits of pear strengthens walls of vessels. Any preparations from pear keep valuable properties which are very useful to an organism.

It isn't recommended to whom to eat pears

Pear is valuable useful minerals, but you shouldn't use it in food of subjects in whom chronic gastrointestinal diseases are found, diabetes also is present excess weight. Also, it isn't recommended to elderly people to include in a food allowance crude pears and that who is inclined to locks. With care and small portions should use pears or pear jam the pregnant women feeding and children up to 6 years. It is necessary to reduce consumption of delicacy to those who control body weight and care for dental health.

It is important to remember several rules of the consumption of pears:

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
