Than marrow sunflower seeds "are useful

Than marrow sunflower seeds "are useful

Food and Drinks Hits: 165

The vegetable marrow belongs to some of the most valuable and useful vegetables for our organism. For this reason pulp of this fruit is everywhere used as in cookery, and traditional medicine, however very few people from us thought of advantage of its sunflower seeds.

Often they treat less popular products, than seeds of pumpkin or a sunflower therefore not much managed to open really their flavoring and curative qualities.

Further we will understand, than vegetable marrow sunflower seeds are useful to our organism and also we will in detail consider possible harm from this product.

Caloric content and chemical composition

Sunflower seeds of a vegetable marrow provide curative impact on an organism.

They contain the following vitamins:

Learn more about useful and harmful properties of a vegetable marrow.

The product is rich also with such minerals as:

You should not forget also and that this product is especially rich santoniny. This substance since ancient times is known to medicine the powerful protivogelmintny influence therefore vegetable marrow derivatives are actively used not one century for fight against worms, both at adults, and at children.

Also the nutritional value of a product is high, in 100 g of seeds contains:

Advantage for an organism

Sunflower seeds of a vegetable marrow are one of the few products which possess one of the best ratios between the caloric content and usefulness for an organism. Their main value consists in an optimum combination of the important vitamins and useful minerals promoting the restoring, anti-inflammatory and regulatory impact on an organism.

As the result, a product differs in special influence, as on a female, and male body. Further we will consider in more detail, than after all vegetable marrow sunflower seeds are useful.


Male health especially needs useful properties of a vegetable marrow. Most of inhabitants of the densely populated cities not always manages to eat correctly and fully that by all means causes deficiency of many important elements. Seeds of a vegetable marrow give the chance to counterbalance an organism imbalance and also the various frustration caused by it.

The increased zinc content as a part of a product gives the chance to adjust work of a reproductive system and prostate in particular. In turn it helps to prevent oncological diseases and also sexual dysfunction.

A large amount of zinc also contains in such food as apples, oranges, grapefruits, raspberry, currant, dates, honey, porridge, barley grits and wheat bran.

Also thus it is possible to increase quality and quantity of men's gametes that by all means affects health of future posterity. Besides, zinc favorably influences also work of a secretory system. It helps to prevent age frustration including cystitis that is especially important at the chronic course of diseases. You should not forget also about the high content of a ferum as a part of sunflower seeds. This element not only promotes blood formation activization, but also production of testosterone. It helps an organism of the man to prevent early aging and also to be protected from its main manifestation — "a beer stomach".

The optimum indicator of testosterone also gives the chance to keep an organism in a tone that is especially important during the periods of excessive emotional and physical activity. Joint impact on an organism of zinc and a ferum helps to protect also a cardiovascular system.

Important! At prevention and treatment of deficiency of zinc for the active use of sunflower seeds it is recommended to reduce physical activity as the microcell is capable to be brought actively out of an organism through sweat glands.

It is known that diseases of vessels and heart are the most widespread pathologies among mature men, the periodic use of sunflower seeds promotes improvement of elasticity of vessels, decrease in level of cholesterol that favorably influences normalization of arterial blood pressure and work of heart.


Vegetable marrow sunflower seeds during pregnancy and a lactation are especially useful to women. They contain huge amount of calcium and phosphorus which are especially important to an organism of mother and kid in the structure. They interfere with pathologies of skeletal system and also help to improve a lactation that favorably affects also the child.

Whether you know? Vegetable marrows got to Europe in the XVI century with the first ships of openers of the New World, but in food began to use them only in the 18th century. Till this time the plant was grown up only in the decorative purposes.

As the source of vitamins A, E sunflower seeds help to prevent presenilation, they improve a condition of skin, a hair, nails and render the cumulative rejuvenating effect on an organism.

The increased content of zinc helps to prevent emergence of the fragile and splitting hair and also gives to face skin fresher and healthy reflection. At acne rash the increased use of a product helps to remove inflammation on skin and also to prevent appearance of new pimples.

But, the most useful these derivatives of a vegetable marrow will be for women after 45. Periodic introduction them in a diet gives the chance to facilitate the course of arthritises, hypertensions, disorders of intestines and stomach, to increase immunity and the general tone of an organism. As a result, in combination with high concentration of vitamins, this effect leads to natural rejuvenation of an organism and also helps to prolong youth for the long period.

Whether you know? Santonina were opened in 1830, independently of each other by druggists Alms and Kaler. Substance was emitted from not revealed Artemisia maritima flowers (A wormwood sea).

Recipes of traditional medicine

In spite of the fact that the vegetable marrow arrived to the territory of Eurasia rather recently, its curative properties were open for an organism and were actively used still by ancient inhabitants of Mexico.

In modern time the traditional medicine knows a set of recipes of the medicines based on marrow sunflower seeds, however the few from them gained special popularity. Below we will in detail get acquainted with the most popular and effective remedies based on derivatives of marrow seeds.

From worms

As it was mentioned above, the vegetable marrow belongs to recognized record-holder vegetables on the maintenance of a santonin. This substance is one of the few natural connections which are capable to take softly helminths from an organism, with the minimum harm for digestive tract and the accompanying systems.

In traditional medicine for treatment of helminthic invasions also use a wormwood, a carnation, birch tar, garlic, pomegranate and carrot juice.

Santonina excitingly influence muscle tissue of helminths that promotes their striking off from walls of intestines and to the subsequent extraction in the natural way. Protivogelmintny medicines on the basis of marrow sunflower seeds are prepared rather simply.

For this purpose it is necessary:

  1. To clean 50 g of kernels of the dried-up sunflower seeds from a peel and to wash out them under flowing water.
  2. The cleaned seeds to fill in 250–300 ml of cold water, to boil and boil thoroughly on average fire. If necessary water should be added periodically to an initial tag.
  3. In 25–30 minutes of boiling the received broth is brought to a tag, and then covered and insisted on an extent of 2 hours.
  4. After insisting, liquid is carefully filtered through a gauze and placed in storage in the fridge.

The prepared means is accepted in the cooled look on 100–150 ml on an empty stomach, in breaks between meal, by 2–3 times a day. Duration of therapy depends on the general condition of an organism therefore broth is accepted before total disappearance of the main signs of a parasitic invasion. In the preventive purposes broth is accepted short courses for 1–2 weeks, by 2–3 times a year.

At diabetes

From marrow sunflower seeds it is possible to prepare one of the best natural means promoting decrease in sugar in blood at diabetes of any type. Such medicine instantly improves work of the weakened organism and also contributes to normalization robots of a liver and kidneys which is often broken at diabetes.

Important! Sunflower seeds should be dried up in exclusively natural way, in the warm and well aired place. High-temperature drying promotes splitting of all useful substances that many times reduces efficiency of the prepared means.

To prepare medicine, it is necessary:

  1. To measure 2 tablespoons of the cleaned and carefully dried up kernels of seeds of a vegetable marrow.
  2. To process in uniform powder by means of the coffee grinder, a kitchen mortar or the other device.
  3. It is necessary to add to the crushed seeds 100–150 ml of boiled water and a half of a tablespoon of liquid honey, and then to mix.

The received medicine is used daily, in 30 minutes prior to meal. Train him every morning and use for 2 receptions in the first half of day.

At nervous breakdowns (depression, chronic fatigue, irritability, sleep disorders)

Vegetable marrow seeds contain natural sedative connections in the structure therefore their periodic use helps to overcome insomnia, a depression and other symptoms of an emotional overstrain. But, if it is not possible to prevent nervous breakdowns, will help to improve mood and to overcome emotional frustration special tincture.

That to prepare it:

  1. Measure 150 crude cleaned kernels of seeds and crush them in the coffee grinder or a kitchen mortar.
  2. Pour the crushed seeds into transparent glass capacity and fill in them 0.5 l of vodka, and then add to mix of 15-20 leaflets of fresh mint.
  3. Close capacity a dense cover and put to the dry, cool and dark place to infuse for 3 weeks. At the same time liquid should be stirred up daily.
  4. In 3 weeks it is necessary to add 4 tablespoons of honey to mix and further to insist 1 more week. At the same time liquid needs also to be stirred up daily.
  5. After insisting, infusion is filtered through a gauze and placed in storage in the fridge.

The prepared drug is taken on 1 tablespoon, by 2 times a day, in the second half of day. The general course of treatment makes 3 months.

For improvement of immunity

Will help to strengthen immunity in the period of seasonal catarrhal diseases best of all "medicinal candies" from vegetable marrow seeds.

It is possible to strengthen immunity folk remedies by means of an ekhinatsea purple, bark of a buckthorn, a sea-buckthorn, a zabrus, badger fat.

It is rather simple to prepare them, for this purpose it is necessary:

  1. To pour out 1 tablespoon of sugar on the heated frying pan, and then to fill in it 100 ml of milk.
  2. After milk with sugar begins to boil, on a frying pan it is necessary to add 1 tablespoon of butter, and then carefully to move all contents and on average fire to bring to solidification.
  3. It is necessary to add 1 glass of the sunflower seeds cleaned and dried in an oven to the thickened mix and to mix everything to uniform consistence.
  4. The received mix slightly should be cooled, and then to fill in in silicone candy molds before full solidification.
  5. The stiffened candies withdraw from molds and place for storage in the fridge.

Take such medicine daily, on 2–3 candies for reception, during mass spread of a SARS and also in the preventive purposes 2–3 times a week.

Important! Before application of marrow sunflower seeds in the medicinal purposes together with any medicamentous therapy it is necessary to consult surely with physicians, not controlled use of the concentrated substances can negatively affect the general course of illnesses.

Possible harm

Though sunflower seeds are also considered as absolutely safe product for health regardless of a condition of an organism and age, it is worth using it with care.

Therefore before use of the broths, infusions and other extracts based on marrow sunflower seeds everyone surely has to remember that:

Marrow sunflower seeds are a product, important and necessary for health. It possesses the whole complex of various useful substances, valuable vitamins and minerals.

For this reason in traditional medicine these sunflower seeds play the special place as their components are capable to eliminate insomnia, emotional nervousness and also to help to cope with gelmintozny invasions and manifestations of diabetes.

Whether you know? In the homeland of a vegetable marrow (Mexico) fruit sunflower seeds were in the ancient time appreciated and used in food only, its pulp was considered as inedible and even poisonous.

However it is necessary to use marrow sunflower seeds with care, at a renal failure and other pathologies of a secretory system they can not only aggravate the course of illnesses, but also do to an organism irreparable harm.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
