Types of vegetable oils and their property

Types of vegetable oils and their property

Food and Drinks Hits: 189

All know that oil you will not spoil porridge, however about what product is better, there is no consensus. At the majority the flavoring preferences usually incline to butter, however many are careful of cholesteric and other dangers of substance of animal origin. Let's try to understand what vegetable oil it is the most preferable not to spoil porridge if its types there are nearly four dozen.

Vegetable oil by origin

Any vegetable oil comes from plants – it is clear. But here about parts of plants, them which it is got not everything is so unambiguous.

It can be received both from seeds, and from pulp of fruits, and from stones, and from kernels of nuts, and from roots, and from other parts if it is about oil-bearing crops.

Read also about the most useful vegetable oils according to Forbes.

Seeds oils

It is the most widespread way of their receiving.

And for this purpose not only seeds of oil-bearing crops of type of sunflower, but also such which poorly are associated with any oil – for example, seeds of tea, carrots or cotton are good.

From the oil-bearing crops which are cultivated only for receiving seeds from which then vegetable fats are extracted are most known:

From seeds of corn and soy food fats are actively extracted too.

Read more about such soy products: tofu cheese, mash and chick-pea.

However these cultures were not included in the list as they are grown up not only for receiving seeds, but also in other useful purposes.

Seeds of such known melon cultures as watermelon, the melon and especially pumpkin, are capable to give very valuable product too. The same can be told also about apple-tree and pear seeds and also about stones of cherry, plum and apricot.

From pulp of fruits

From these types of oils it is best-known olive, got from pulp and seeds of fruits of an olive tree.

Olive oil is used not only in cookery, but also is active in cosmetology, namely for face skin, a body and hair.

Also for this purpose pulp of fruits is used:

Of course, it is strange to hear the word pulp in relation to a firm kernel of peanut which, by the way, is the representative bean, however in this case pulp does not mean softness at all, and is a synonym of the word body. The same is with kernels of cedar or walnut nuts and also with a coco copra.

Read in more detail about advantage of nuts of cashew and walnuts for the woman's organism.

Oils on extent of cleaning

Just received vegetable oil, as a rule, is not ready to the use yet.

In most cases crude oils have the strong smell preventing their further culinary use, are saturated with substances of which for the sake of health of consumers it is necessary to get rid, or have a non-commodity muddy appearance. Therefore vegetable fats subject to cleaning. It happens different intensity, and on its degree oils are divided into the following types:

Read also what crude sunflower oil is useful.

Not refined

This product is exposed only to mechanical cleaning that allows to keep in it a possible maximum of useful substances and also taste and a smell.

Preservation of biologically active components does it useful to a human body.

For example, the lecithin which is present at crude sunflower oil considerably stirs up brain activity. However at the same time there are also minuses in not refinement of a product. It cannot long be stored, is subject to negative impact of sunlight and allows formation of a low-esthetic deposit.

Important! For frying it is impossible to use not refined vegetable oil as at high temperature from it toxic and cancerogenic substances are emitted.


At this type of cleaning vegetable fats are exposed to processing by the sprayed hot water with the temperature up to 70 °C therefore from them phosphatides are removed.

Besides, mucous and proteinaceous components which usually also lead to fast damage of oils as a result of process of hydration drop out in a deposit and clean up from a product.

As a result it becomes transparent, the intensity of its smell is muffled, and it becomes ready to the use. However oil in such look practically does not get to commodity network.


The refined oil can especially often be met on sale as it is the most popular with buyers. Process of cleaning in the form of refinement consists of two stages:

  1. At first there is a neutralization during which influence heated vegetable fats alkali. It allows to save them from free fatty acids which surplus impacts them unappetizing relish. Besides, in the course of neutralization there is a release of a product from heavy metals and pesticides.
  2. Then there is a bleaching in the form of processing by natural absorbents, for example, clays therefore the product brightens.

Whether you know? As the Guinness Book of Records testifies, the largest flower of sunflower with a diameter of 82 cm was grown up in Canada, and the plant managed to be extended up to the height of seven meters in Holland.


Even began to smell weak and taste of oil can have negative effect on quality of products which of it are made. For example, on mayonnaise and margarine which are produced on its base.

For prevention of it the process of cleaning in the form of deodorization during which by means of hot dry steam with the temperature up to 230 °C in a vacuum the smell and taste of a product are leveled is used.

Deodorization significantly prolongs a period of storage, however at the same time deprives of it useful substances not less significantly.

On a way of an extraction

Oils are extracted from an initial product too differently.

There are three main methods:

At cold pressing

This way of extraction of fats from plants called also an extraction so simple, as far as also old.

Raw materials are crushed simply and placed under a press. Absolutely natural product similar to fresh juice – turns out in the sense that practically all valuable substances in total with aroma from raw materials in inviolability pass into oil.

It is the most valuable and demanded look, but also the most expensive as the first extraction takes from raw materials only a part of the fats which are contained in it.

Therefore it is very expensive, demanding a lot of raw materials on each gram of the final product.

For example, from kilogram of the high-quality, that is containing a maximum fats of olives, only 250 ml of the final product turn out. And from 6 kg of pumpkin sunflower seeds by a cold extraction it is possible to extract only 1 liter.

Video: process of production of vegetable oil and why oil of a cold extraction is better

At hot pressing

The otzhimka which remained after cold pressing still contain fats which are possible for getting only by means of hot pressing.

It consists in heating otzhimok, sometimes with addition of an insignificant amount of water, and then – sending under a press of elevated pressure.

Strong pressure even more heats raw materials therefore from it it is possible to take much final product.

For example, from kilogram olive otzhimok receive about 400 more mg.

However heating changes the content of useful substances before process in raw materials and in the final product.

High temperature evaporates a part of elements, valuable to human health, and also considerably impoverishes taste and aroma of oil.

At extraction

When from seeds and fruits there is no other opportunity to extract vegetable fats, the method of extraction or extraction at which the special solvent incorporating them is added to the crushed raw materials is applied. Then solvent is removed. The remained product together with solvent is left also by a part of useful substances together with taste and aroma, but often there is though insignificant, but nevertheless a noticeable part of the solvent that does not give usefulness to the final product at all.

Classification by consistence

Oils differ not only on a way of receiving and cleaning, but also on the consistence which is firm or liquid.


The most characteristic types of solid oils are presented:

This type of a product is characterized by the saturated fatty acids which are present at its structure.

Read also everything about nonsaturated fatty acids.


This more widespread look differs from previous not only liquid consistence, but also availability of nonsaturated fatty acids.

Besides, in a product from olives and peanut there are monounsaturated acids. Polyunsaturated acids are present at vegetable fats from such plants:

On ability to form a film when drying

The chemical composition of vegetable fats influences also their such properties as ability to dry when drawing on some surface, forming a film, or to be left in liquid state without formation of a film.


The vegetable oils received from belong to the drying types incorporating mainly glycerides of linolenic acid with three double communications and forming a dense film:


This type of oil differs in presence of the same glycerides, as well as previous, but only with two double communications, and is capable to creation of a soft film. It is made from seeds:

We advise in more detail to read about these types of vegetable oil: sunflower, sesame, corn, mustard, black caraway seeds and also grape seeds oil.


This look does not form any film and contains glycerides of hydroksoleinovy and olein acids with one double communication. It turns out from:

What do of and what happen

As variously initial raw materials from which receive vegetable fats properties and areas of application are so diverse their chemical composition.

Most often vegetable oil is received from:

Read in more detail in what industries it is applied: hempy, linen, walnut, wheat germs, rape, soy and cottonseed oil.


This most widespread and demanded vegetable oil, among other things, contains valuable vitamin E which in it is ten times more, than at the main competitor – olive. Besides, it is saturated group B vitamins, incorporates vitamins A, D, F and K.

In it contents an omega-6 of polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other substances, valuable to a human body, is observed in solid concentration. It optimizes activity of cardiovascular and urinogenital systems, normalizes digestive tract and also gives a healthy look to hair and skin.

Not refined perfectly is suitable for additive in salads and other dishes, and refined actively it is applied during the frying and suppression, at production of pastries. On its base successfully produce mayonnaise, margarine, canned food and sauces.


This main component of the well-known Mediterranean diet contains many soluble vitamins, oleic acid in fats in solid quantity, nonsaturated acids and many other things, promoting human health. Advantages of olive oil:

It is widely used for improvement of taste of salads, sauces and other dishes. As when heating it does not emit toxic and cancerogenic substances, is the best means when frying. It is actively applied in cosmetic and pharmacological spheres.

Learn whether frying on olive oil is useful to health.


This product becoming more and more popular comprises, except solid quantity an omega-6 and an omega-9 of nonsaturated fatty acids, a big set of vitamins, polyphenols, stearin and tokoferol.

It allows it to act as effective antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic means. The use of oil is recommended at:

It is widely used in the cosmetic purposes and as great foodstuff.

From grape seeds

Content of linoleic acid which reaches 76% is especially big in this product. It is a lot of also in it vitamin E and also vitamins of group B, micro and macrocells, phytoncides, antioxidants – such as, for example, pro-anthocyanidin which slows down regeneration of cages.

It positively influences activity of a liver, kidneys and a cardiovascular system.

Read also about advantage of grapes for a human body.

Grape oil is ideal for frying as even at high temperatures does not change either taste, or a smell and does not emit toxic substances. It is very popular as additive in house conservation.


From all vegetable fats at it the lowest acid level. It is plentifully saturated vitamin E and also A, D, K, PR and almost all representatives of group B.

Mustard oil, thanks to availability of phytoncides, is powerful bactericidal and resolvent, the real natural antibiotic. It also considerably stabilizes activity of digestive system and purifies blood.

It is actively used in the baking sphere; it well is suitable for seasoning of salads, allowing them to keep long freshness and also for conservation, frying of pancakes and to that similar.


It is capable to deliver actively to a human body fatty polyunsaturated acids, antioxidants, phytosterols, amino acids, vitamins A, E, K and many components from vitamin group B, a chlorophyll.

Important! Nutritionists consider that any adult healthy person has to use daily vegetable oil in number of about 30 grams.

Use of hempseed oil:

Except the medical purposes, this product is actively applied in the cosmetic sphere – for example, to giving to hair of gloss and splendor.

Before emergence of sunflower oil hempy was the most common therefore it and can be used today in food as well as sunflower.


Corn oil – very valuable product having the whole palette of useful substances.

At it there are saturated and an omega-6 nonsaturated fatty acids, a complex of vitamins from which are especially distinguished E, K3, PP and pro-vitamin A.

Thanks to them the product has such medicinal and dietary properties:

Thanks to ability not to foam and not to burn during frying, this oil is actively used in cooking. It is applied also as additive in salads and other dishes, in hlebopekar

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
