Useful properties and contraindications of dried sunflower seeds from pumpkin: recipe and instruction of preparation of fried pumpkin sunflower seeds

Useful properties and contraindications of dried sunflower seeds from pumpkin: recipe and instruction of preparation of fried pumpkin sunflower seeds

Food and Drinks Hits: 148

Pumpkin sunflower seeds are that delicacy which is known to all of us since the childhood, but very few people know that this product got to our latitudes from far open spaces of America. Exactly there still ancient tribes of Inca opened for themselves the power and therapeutic value of sunflower seeds of pumpkin for a human body. However, the mankind managed to reveal a secret of this product not so long ago therefore many up to the end and do not represent what is this gift of the nature. And in article we will try to understand in detail this question and also to define, than after all pumpkin sunflower seeds for the person — valuable foodstuff or powerful medical tool are.

Power value or caloric content

Speaking about nutrition value of this product, it is worth mentioning that it is rich with many nutrients. The power value of sunflower seeds is about 550 kcal on 100 g of a product. Bulk from them is represented by fats (about 400 kcal), and only a small amount drops to proteins (about 90 kcal) and carbohydrates (about 60 kcal).

Besides, as a part of seeds of pumpkin the huge amount of minerals, vitamins, minerals, irreplaceable amino acids contains. For this reason they are the real gift for all adherents of healthy nutrition and a healthy way of life.

Whether you know? Only 100 g of pumpkin sunflower seeds are capable to satisfy completely the daily need of a human body for important amino acids.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of pumpkin sunflower seeds is not less various, than their power value. At this foodstuff there is practically all group of vitamins B (folates, a pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, Riboflavinum, thiamine), RR vitamin (which amount in 100 g of seeds is about 70% of daily need of the person) and also vitamins A, C, E, K.

Besides, in pumpkin sunflower seeds also meet: food fibers, it is well-cared, essential oils, phytosterols, resinous connections, carotene and carotinoids. Fat oil which also is a part of sunflower seeds is the multicomponent substance consisting of glycerides of olein, linoleic, stearin and palmitic acids.

The widest variety of valuable substances in sunflower seeds is presented only by group of biologically significant elements. These are so-called minerals among which it is possible to meet: selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.

Useful properties

Useful properties of pumpkin sunflower seeds are known since ancient times. A lot more centuries back actively used them for treatment of depressions, reduction of influence of stresses by an organism and even at fight against baldness. Today this list is expanded practically to a limit, but despite this, every year the seed of pumpkin opens for mankind under more favorable corner.

Let's consider in more detail, than after all this product and what main useful properties it in itself(himself) bears was fallen in love.

Whether you know? For today an absolute champion on cultivation of pumpkin is Harry Miller from Napy, the USA. The farmer managed to grow up vegetable weighing 900 kg.

The main value of this product — its anti-oncological influence. As a part of sunflower seeds specific substances of group of kukurbitatsin contain, according to many researches they have antineoplastic effect and also help to neutralize already available cancer cells in a human body. Besides, the seed of pumpkin helps to cope with manifestations of arthritises, depressions, helminths, cardiovascular illnesses, violation of a menstrual cycle and also improve health and the general emotional state.

Regular application in a diet of these sunflower seeds promotes reduction of risk of diabetes, stones in kidneys and gives the chance to increase protective functions of an organism against virus and fungal defeats.

Read also what properties pumpkin obladt and what are recipes of its preparation

Medical application, treatment and prevention

For most of readers it will become opening, but the pumpkin seed already throughout not one century is actively applied in the therapeutic purposes. And today positive influence of this product on the general human health is confirmed with many medical researches. For this reason many nutritionists advise actively to include them in a diet at any age. Further we will consider in more detail, than after all this product is so useful to an our organism.

Whether you know? Pumpkin is considered one of the most ancient cultural agricultural plants. Still ancient Aztecs in the III millennium were engaged BC in active cultivation of vegetable.

For women

Pumpkin sunflower seeds are just irreplaceable product for the woman's organism. Except cumulative effect on improvement of a condition of hair, nails and skin, this gift of the nature helps to cope with many frustration and undesirable conditions of an organism. First of all, sunflower seeds help to facilitate a current of a menstrual cycle and all accompanying processes and also to facilitate a menopause of age character and its symptoms.

Natural phytoestrogen which is a part of sunflower seeds contribute to normalization of the general hormonal background at women, and with it and many disorders of metabolism.

We advise to read about the vitamins necessary for pregnant women and the feeding mothers.

For pregnant women

Often women in situation ask a question: whether it is possible to use pumpkin sunflower seeds during pregnancy. Despite full safety of this product, variety of highly active connections in its structure sets thinking on harm of such food for the weakened female body and a fruit. But the modern medicine does not limit quantity of the eaten sunflower seeds for pregnant women as they are one of the few sources of important minerals, vitamins and minerals.

Besides, only this pumpkin product is capable to help ladies to cope with eternal problems of women in situation: locks, toxicoses, the increased puffiness of extremities and other zones. For this purpose it is worth using only 100 g of a product a day (50 pieces).

Important! For the all-strengthening purposes during pregnancy the pumpkin sunflower seeds should be used only in a crude or dried look, the fried product is contraindicated to women in situation.

For children

The children's age is the period during which the organism demands huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, but not many parents manage to organize really correct diet for the child. In that case the derivative pumpkins possessing the whole complex of various vitamins can come to the rescue.

Besides, daily inclusion in a diet of children of all age of sunflower seeds of this vegetable promotes fight and prevention of such pathologies as enuresis, locks, decrease in immunity, the increased temperature and cough at cold and a SARS.

For potency of men and at prostatitis

It is known that functioning of a male reproductive system is closely connected with zinc metabolism. After 45 years in an organism of men there occur natural processes of washing away of this element therefore the probability of development of prostatitis and oncological diseases of a prostate increases.

Read also what vitamins are useful to women, men and children; for patients with diabetes; are necessary for cheerfulness and energy, memory and work of a brain; for appearance nails and health of nervous system, joints and ligaments, liver, heart and vessels.

The use of only 60 seeds of pumpkin sunflower seeds promotes full saturation by zinc of an organism and to elimination of a dangerous imbalance of substance. As a result of it simplification of a course of prostatitis or full elimination of a disease and also preventing of pathological growth of tissues of prostate is observed. It protects male health from adenoma and other age pathologies.

Besides, it is worth not to forgetting also about the Omega-6 fatty acids that also contain in sunflower seeds. They are one of the few substances protecting an organism from development of oncology of an urinogenital system.

For a liver

As in national, and traditional medicine the seed of pumpkin is actively used for normalization of functioning of a liver. This body passes through itself all biological liquids, purifying them from harmful components. However over time and the liver needs cleaning. Derivative pumpkins cope with this problem with ease. The preventive use of means from sunflower seeds of vegetable gives the chance to bring hazardous substances out of body, to normalize activity of bile-excreting processes and also to restore structure of hepatocytes — the main structural unit of which directly and the liver consists.

Against parasites

Even in the modern world the helminthoses belong to some of the most widespread diseases among all age and social spheres. According to statistical data, from an invasion of this sort about 30% of the population suffer worldwide. Still since ancient times a seed of pumpkin of people actively struggles with this illness. The antiparasitic effect is explained by existence in structure of a product of highly active substance — a kukurbitina.

Important! For increase in glistogonny effect of means from pumpkin sunflower seeds it is necessary to use with castor oil, the greatest oppressing effect on an organism of parasites is in that case reached.

Even in small doses it is capable to make the oppressing impact on a set of types of helminths, but is not capable to do harm to the person and also his microflora. Today there is a mass of recipes of glistogonny medicines from these sunflower seeds, they can be eaten crude, fried and also to make protivogelmintny tea on their basis.

Except glistogonny influence, this foodstuff is capable to have beneficial influence and on the general functioning of digestive system therefore normalization of both its general state, and separate processes is observed.

We advise to read about structure, advantage and harm of fruit for a human body: grapefruit, bananas, kiwi, mango, feijoa, durian, unaba.

At diabetes

Most of professional physicians agree in opinion that each diabetic has to have pumpkin sunflower seeds in a diet. It is, perhaps, one of the few products which at the systematic use is capable to lower in blood of the person the level of sugars to natural norm. And it is not the only advantage of this product for the general condition of an organism at diabetes.

As show many medical researches, the daily use of these sunflower seeds promotes:

Important! You should not abuse a pumpkin seed at diabetes as it leads to accumulation in an organism of salicylic acid which worsens the general processes of digestion.

Harm and contraindications

Even such at first sight safe product, despite the advantage and the proved therapeutic effect, has a number of contraindications which non-compliance can make indelible influence on the general welfare of an organism and its separate systems. Therefore before including such food in the diet in the therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to deal with all existing nuances of its use in detail.

You should not abuse pumpkin sunflower seeds at inflammatory pathologies of bodies of a GIT. Rough fibers of which sunflower seeds consist by all means will cause irritation of a mucous membrane of digestive bodies that will aggravate the general condition of an organism. Also excessive use of this product can become the reason of increase in acidity of a stomach that will aggravate gastritises or stomach ulcer.

Activity of digestive tract is normalized also by such herbs as a marjoram, a wormwood bitter and a hyssop medicinal.

In a case of a liver it is necessary to limit the use of any derivatives of pumpkin. In the course of splitting of such products the organism demands production of special enzymes owing to what load of a liver raises. As a result of it the body can undergo significant changes, up to pathological defeats. One more contraindication to the use of sunflower seeds is obesity as the diet with their high content, except additional calories will not bring anything to an organism any more. In other cases at the moderate use this product of negative effects is not capable to render on human health, except for the allergic reactions caused by individual intolerance.

As it is correct to accept (to click) also a day ration

Optimum norm for a human body are about 100 g of pumpkin sunflower seeds a day (50-60 pieces). Such portion will give the chance to be sated with all necessary useful connections without harm for digestive and other systems. In case seeds are used for adjustment of weight, reduce this norm twice.

To children most of physicians and nutritionists recommend to include in a diet this product from five-year age. For this purpose sunflower seeds as much as possible crush in the blender and use in pure form or as additional ingredient to dishes. The initial dose makes no more than 0.5 teaspoons a day which should be increased with age.

Important! Small children should give sunflower seeds of pumpkin with extra care as often such product can cause a serious allergy in the child.

There is a mass of ways of cleaning of seeds of pumpkin. Most often get rid of a peel by a rasshchelkivaniye her teeth. Despite speed and universality, a method does not find approval at physicians as in that case often tooth enamel over the years is strongly damaged. It is safely possible to clean sunflower seeds by means of cuticle scissors. In that case the sunflower seed should cut off everyone accurately on a contour then it is possible to get rid of a peel safely.

For mass cleaning it is convenient to use a rolling pin. For this purpose sunflower seeds pour out on parchment paper, cover with it from above then they need to be pressed through slightly a rolling pin. Further mix is sifted and choose from it the cleaned kernels.

As it is correct to dry pumpkin sunflower seeds

Drying of sunflower seeds is one of the simplest culinary processes therefore it can safely be trusted even to children. After extraction of seeds from their pumpkin it is necessary to wash out and dry up carefully on parchment or a kitchen towel. Process of drying can happen in the natural or compulsory way. A natural source of elimination of moisture from grains is the sun. For this purpose sunflower seeds need to be spread out to parchment in one layer and to put in the sun, periodically stirring slowly. Depending on intensity of radiation of the sun the process can be dragged out from one to several days.

Forcibly the product is dried up in an oven. For this purpose the prepared dry seed of pumpkin gets enough sleep on a baking sheet in one layer and goes to an oven for 20 minutes at +180 °C. Later time of grain check for readiness and as necessary continue process further. For giving of more intensive taste the sunflower seeds presoak previously in salty water.


It is the best of all to store crude sunflower seeds in the fridge, in densely closed glass or plastic food capacity. They can be stored in such look about a year, however for this purpose they should be dried previously in the sun or in an oven at +40 °C for 20 minutes. The fried sunflower seeds can be stored at the room temperature, they will be in that case suitable for the use for 6 months.

Whether you know? In the ancient time our ancestors used pumpkin sunflower seeds as the main ingredient of a love potion.

Fried pumpkin sunflower seeds: recipe and instruction for preparation

It is possible to fry pumpkin sunflower seeds in several ways. The most popular among them is preparation in an oven or in a frying pan. For this purpose on a heating surface clean and dry sunflower seeds in one layer get enough sleep, after that they should be heated to temperature of +170...+200 °C and to fry, periodically stirring slowly before emergence of a characteristic crash which testifies to fast readiness.

At achievement of necessary extent of pro-frying they are removed and poured out on parchment. In order to avoid burning the baking sheet or a frying pan can be greased with a small amount of sunflower oil. For giving of more intensive tastes the sunflower seeds can be boiled thoroughly previously in the added some salt water for 10 minutes.

It is possible to fry sunflower seeds and in the microwave, for this purpose after preliminary preparation of grain pour out in one layer in the flat superficial vessel. After that they are placed in the microwave and fried thoroughly at the maximum power for a minute. Further the procedure of frying is repeated before achievement of optimum degree of readiness.

Whether you know? In the ancient time Indians actively used pumpkin in needlework: from strips of a sluggish fruit the natives of the American continent spun traditional rugs for a floor.

Such dish will please with the mass of tastes, and its smell will fill with bright aromas the house not for one day. However their advantage in that case will decrease many times. Business is that during frying the aggressive influence of high temperatures promotes decrease in amount of useful substances twice. Therefore pumpkin sunflower seeds nevertheless it is aggressive it is not necessary to fry as they will not have useful properties in that case any more.

Pumpkin sunflower seeds are the real gift of the nature which can not only present bright fragrant taste, but also to become the real panacea against many frustration of an organism. Besides, this product not the road is also available everywhere for all year therefore to load an organism with force and energy it is possible at any time. However derivative pumpkins it is worth approaching the use of this with care as even such useful and safe product as sunflower seeds, can do considerable harm for an organism.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
