What is zabrus and than it is useful

What is zabrus and than it is useful

Food and Drinks Hits: 182

Bee zabrus — one of the most unique, interesting and useful products of beekeeping representing the wax lids which are cut off from hundreds.

It possesses a huge range of useful components thanks to what became extremely popular in medicine, cosmetology, cookery.

What is bee zabrus

Zabrus bee is the product received by a cut of the top layer honey the slot. It represents wax lids (seals) acting as sealant for maintaining sterility of honey.

Whether you know? Honey signets are considered as the main criterion by which determine a honey maturity as bees seal slots only after honey ripened, some kind of put on it quality mark.

zabrus received the name thanks to a location of lids, that is they are behind a frame bar.

What contains in structure

The main component of a zabrus is wax. Also honey, propolis, pollen, a perga, secretion of salivary glands of insects are its part. The product is vitamin-rich groups B, antioxidants, proteinaceous connections, ascorbic acid, essential oils, lipids and sugar.

Color of a zabrus is defined by several factors: species of bees, flower melliferous herbs, season and weather conditions. When in a layer between honey and a signet there is no air, a lid call Sukhoi, in the presence of air — wet. On taste honey zabrus it is sweet - luscious, when chewing turns into a lump.

Than it is useful zabrus

Thanks to the unique chemical composition zabrus consider the natural antibiotic capable to fight against many pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. It has antimicrobial and anti-virus properties that gives the chance to apply it to prevention and treatment of diseases of virus and bacterial type.

On it useful functions of a product do not come to an end. It renders the cleaning, antiseptic, anesthetizing, immunomodulatory, strengthening and antioxidant action.

Whether you know? The medicine how uses long ago zabrus for treatment that scientists still cannot precisely define time when it was for the first time noticed. In Ancient Russia this product was actively used and also taken away out of borders of the state by poods.

For increase in immunity

Bee zabrus it is actively applied to strengthening of immunity and increase in resilience of a human body to various negative influences of the environment.

Vitamin complexes will help to increase immunity. It is possible to strengthen immunity folk remedies by means of an ekhinatsea purple, bark of a buckthorn, a sea-buckthorn, badger fat.

For these purposes the product is recommended to be chewed for 8–10 minutes, to spit out the remains. By means of saliva it is well split, allowing to get quickly to blood to useful substances. Regularly applying zabrus, the person feels cheerfulness, improvement of the general condition of an organism, activity, at the same time is practically not ill during the winter period.

For a mouth

As this bee product has the antiseptic, antimicrobic and cleaning properties, it is applied to treatment and tooth care. At regular chewing of a signet the teeth become much more white, stronger, stones disappear. Resorption of balls from wax helps to get rid of the bleeding gums, stomatitis, periodontosis and other diseases of dental character.

Learn how to look after teeth and to prevent their destruction what products are necessary for teeth and what spoil tooth enamel.

For a GIT

Zabrus is capable to help at sharp digestive tract pains. For treatment of inflammations mucous a stomach and other chronic diseases it is necessary to chew a product for half an hour before alleged consumption of food or at once at emergence of painful feelings in a stomach.

For nervous system

It is recommended to use zabrus at the increased nervous tension. Active components of a product well influence nervous system, have the sedative, calming effect.

Important! In each case the treatment zabrusy is done according to different schemes, taking into account a form and disease severity, age of the patient, his sensitivity to a product, etc. Anyway the dosage and a method are defined by the doctor.

Chewing of means helps to win against a depression and insomnia, to reduce neurotic manifestations.

For the musculoskeletal device

The traditional medicine recognized zabrus as one of the best natural means for treatment of the musculoskeletal device, including a backbone, joints long ago. At sciaticas, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, joint pains use medical ointments and creams on the basis of wax lids which take off painful effects, fight against inflammations. Several times in day of ointment impose on a sore joint or do compresses.

For skin

Zabrus found the application in cosmetology for skin and hair care. Ointments which part the product is use for treatment of acne rash, furuncles, wounds, hems, callosities and natoptyshy. He remarkably removes inflammation, struggles with rashes, restores integuments, removes peeling, rejuvenates skin.

As it is correct to choose upon purchase

It is necessary to buy this honey product from familiar beekeepers, in the markets at the checked sellers or in specialized shops. When choosing it is necessary to pay attention on:

In the market there is a set of fakes of a zabrus therefore it is very important to get it from the acquaintances or sellers who were credible.

How to use and whether it is possible to swallow of it

To feel medical effect of a zabrus, it is recommended to be consumed courses throughout certain time. At insignificant problems with health and also in the preventive purposes it is enough to chew a product from time to time.

The basic rule of the use of a zabrus is a chewing. It needs to be chewed until there is a small firm lump from wax. It is not necessary to worry if its small amount gets into a stomach as it will not do essential harm to an organism.

Important! It is not necessary to swallow of wax balls as digestive system can not cope with their digestion.

Whether it is possible

Bee zabrus it is considered effective weapon in fight against many diseases. However it is necessary to accept it carefully, especially if it is about such categories of people as children and pregnant women.

To pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of a honey signet. In the absence of an allergy to honey the pregnant women can use a product on 2–3 teaspoons a day throughout the entire period of incubation of a fruit. It will allow to strengthen immunity, to increase resistance of an organism and the child to external factors, to protect from negative consequences after flu and cold.

That the child was born healthy, future mother needs to eat properly.

To children

Children since two-year age are recommended to use zabrus for increase in immunity, prevention of catarrhal diseases, especially during the period from September to April. The dose for children of 2-3 years makes 1/3 teaspoons daily in thirty minutes prior to food. To school students from 6 to 12 years the dosage is increased to a half of a teaspoon. For Bol of easy and comfortable chewing of wax it can be mixed with a small amount of honey.

At weight loss

It is actively used zabrus at weight loss. Thanks to its bile-expelling properties, fats are well acquired, metabolic processes accelerate, the metabolism becomes more active, intestines flora is restored, the feeling of appetite decreases. Nutritionists advise regularly to apply a product to the growing thin people and also to completely replace with it sugar and honey.

Effective products for weight loss also consider honey, kefir, buckwheat, milk.

But to remain in good shape it is not rather simple to lose weight, it is necessary to know how to keep result of weight loss.

Where and how many it is possible to store

It is necessary not only to use correctly zabrus, but also it is correct to keep it. The product is stored in densely corked glass capacity, at the room temperature, in the dark place, in the distance from direct sunshine which destroy the chemical composition of raw materials. Dry zabrus (without honey) surely store in the fridge. All vitamins and minerals remain in wax lids for 1-2 years. After this time it is better not to use a product.

Contraindications and harm

In spite of the fact that the honey signet has practically no contraindications, in certain cases it can render harm. The excessive use of a product leads to development of a gipervitaminoz, an allergy. It is forbidden to give zabrus to children up to two years, to people with oncological diseases of the last stage. With care pregnant women and the feeding women, people having gastritis with the increased acidity should use it.

Important! It is necessary to begin reception of a wax lid with the minimum doses to analyze as the organism will react to it.

Anyway application of a product has to be coordinated with the doctor. Cases of poisoning with a signet or overdose in medical practice were not recorded.

Other useful products of beekeeping

Products of beekeeping are a source of many vitamins, micro and macrocells, useful substances which are necessary for maintenance of normal activity of the person.


Beeswax — the second product on the importance which is made by bees from special gland. Wax possesses the expressed bactericidal functions therefore it is widely used in medicine as a part of ointments and creams for healing of wounds, burns, eczemas and other inflammatory processes.


Perga — the pollen preserved together with honey. The product is quickly acquired by an organism and has effective medical effect at anemia, stomach ulcer, gastritis. Application of a perga saves from insomnia, a depression, nervous tension, emotional emptiness.


Subpestilence — little bodies of the died bees. It did not find broad application in traditional medicine, though is not deprived of all positive properties of products of beekeeping. It is used for strengthening of immunity, treatment of heart and vessels, at skin diseases. The subpestilence has the great anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic, anesthetizing properties, is capable to prolong youth.

Learn how to use a bee subpestilence in the medical purposes.


Propolis, or bee glue has high content of vitamins and minerals. From other honey products it is distinguished by a pleasant smell of essential oils. Propolis is applied to treatment of a throat, at migraine, rheumatism, violations in work of a GIT, alcoholism, inflammations of a genital tract.

Study medicinal properties of propolis; as use honey with propolis in traditional medicine.

Uterine milk

Uterine milk — quite specific product possessing a nonconventional smell and sweet-sour, burning taste. It represents mix from secretion of pharyngeal and maxillary glands of an insect. The milk promotes increase and strengthening of immunity, endurance, normalization of pressure, memory improvement. All know of magic power of bee products practically. Zabrus is really valuable, unique product which can be a panacea from many diseases. Its regular consumption will help to restore forces, will give energy, will strengthen immunity and will significantly increase quality of human life. You remember, it is better to be engaged in good prevention, than long drug treatment.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
