Whether water-melon sunflower seeds are useful

Whether water-melon sunflower seeds are useful

Food and Drinks Hits: 141

Eating watermelon, people usually get rid of its sunflower seeds. At the same time water-melon seeds are a source of fatty acids, vegetable protein, quality fats and carbohydrates. They have high power value and are eaten both in crude, and in a dried look by many people. In this article useful properties and harm of sunflower seeds, their chemical composition and possible methods of application will be considered.

Caloric content and chemical composition

High caloric content of stones from watermelon is caused by high content in them of fats and is 557 kcal. Content of feedstuffs in 100 g of this product the following:

Whether it is possible to eat water-melon sunflower seeds

High content in sunflower seeds of proteins and fatty acids does them by a valuable food and medicinal product. Before eating sunflower seeds, they need to be roasted — in finished form they are more useful.

Whether you know? The biggest watermelon in the world was grown up in the American State of Arkansas. The farmer by the name of Bright who since 1979 is engaged in cultivation of melon cultures in 2005 grew up the huge sizes a fruit. The weight of record watermelon was 159 kilograms, and it ripened the whole five months. This surprising berry was included in the Guinness Book of Records, and still nobody managed to surpass a record of the American farmer.


On a question whether these sunflower seeds are useful, doctors give unambiguously affirmative answer:

  1. Amino acid arginine is responsible for strengthening of a cardiovascular system, helps to normalize pressure and reduces risk of developing of coronary heart disease.
  2. In 100 g of sunflower seeds about 30 g of protein contain - it is more than 60% of standard daily rate for the adult. Such amount of protein allows to use this product at high physical activities and injuries of muscle tissue.
  3. Saturated fatty acids reduce amount of "bad" cholesterol in blood, and an omega-6 fatty acids improve appearance of skin, nails and hair. Also they stimulate mental activity and save a brain from age degradation.
  4. Vitamins of group B do these seeds by a product, useful to digestion and metabolism.
  5. A large amount of magnesium well influences a cardiac muscle.
  6. Only 100 g of this product are capable to satisfy daily need of the person for iron. Respectively, water-melon stones stimulate the haematogenic function and prevent appearance of anemia.
  7. The surplus in sunflower seeds of zinc promotes strengthening of men's and women's sexual function.

Important! Nutrients from sunflower seeds will be acquired better if you chew them in gruel but not to swallow entirely. Eating of seeds of watermelon in the raw together with its pulp will not bring benefit to you, and opposite, can provoke emergence of locks.


Hardly will come to the ordinary person to mind to worry about that, water-melon stones are how harmful. Nevertheless this product is not completely safe. Its harm is caused by existence in stones of such amino acid as tsitrullin. This substance is easily acquired by an organism and helps at the elevated pressure, exhaustion and an anemia. On the other hand, because of it the level of harmful ammonia increases. Also tsitrullin it can be dangerous to people with a congenital tsitrullinemiya — inability of an organism to process this amino acid. It is necessary to consider also that 100 grams of stones contain one and a half standard daily rates of magnesium for the adult. People with diseases of a cardiovascular system should use this product with care, the excess of magnesium can do much harm just as its shortage.

Read about structure, advantage and harm of watermelon.


Water-melon sunflower seeds are appreciated not only the food properties. They are considered effective cosmetic and with the different purposes used in traditional medicine.

In traditional medicine

Most often this product is used as anthelminthic means. There is a simple and available recipe:


Way of preparation:

  1. Dried or fried sunflower seeds carefully crush.
  2. The received weight is spread in ceramic capacity and filled in with boiled milk.
  3. Capacity is closed a cover, insisted 30–40 minutes and drunk in three steps during the day.
  4. It is necessary to use medicine for half an hour to food.

Whether you know? In total in the world there are more than 1200 grades of watermelons. They are divided first of all by color of the pulp. So, there are not only all known red watermelons, but also fruits to yellow, black and cream pulp. Also selectors are engaged in removal of berries without stones, and the Japanese farmers in the 1990s began to grow up watermelons of square shape. Such innovation is explained by simplicity of warehousing — square fruits do not roll out and less often burst at storage. To receive square berry, the Japanese handymen place watermelon at an ovary stage in cubic glass capacity, and the growing berry in process of increase takes the form of this capacity.

At the first symptoms of a hypertension infusion on water-melon stones will become effective remedy.


Way of preparation:

  1. The shelled seeds spread in superficial ceramic capacity and fill in with a glass of cold water.
  2. It is necessary to draw seeds 10–12 hours.
  3. It is necessary then filter the received infusion through a strainer and to drink for half an hour to food. The course of treatment lasts two-three weeks, depending on symptoms.

As means against uterine bleeding the following broth is used:


Way of preparation:

  1. Seeds crush in a chesnokodavka or by means of a rolling pin.
  2. The received weight is shifted in the enameled saucepan, filled in with cold water.
  3. Mix is brought to boiling on slow fire and weary under a cover within 40 minutes.
  4. Then mix is cooled, filtered through gauze fabric and take the received medicine three times a day on 1 glass for time before total disappearance of symptoms.

Important! At long storage, broth from these stones is oxidized and turns rancid at the expense of high content in it vegetable fats. That it did not occur, you store broth in the cold dark place and prepare portions no more daily volume.

In cosmetology

High content in stones of fatty acids does them by effective cosmetic for softening of face skin and elimination of early wrinkles. For this purpose 20 grams of seeds crush and pound in a mortar to a condition of gruel, apply the received weight to previously cleaned and steamed out skin and maintain a mask within 20 minutes. Wash away its warm weak solution camomiles. Small particles of stones work as a peeling, in addition purifying skin and peeling the horny sites.

How to fry water-melon sunflower seeds

Fry these seeds most often with salt as their own taste rather neutral, than pleasant.

Read how to choose ripe watermelon.


Way of preparation:

  1. Heat a pig-iron or ceramic frying pan on slow fire. Pour out on the sunflower seeds which it are previously cleaned, washed out and dried up.
  2. Fry them, constantly stirring slowly, within 5–6 minutes until their shell gets a black shade.
  3. Prepare solution — add salt to the container with water and stir before full dissolution.
  4. Fill in with the received solution sunflower seeds and fry them before full evaporation of moisture.
  5. Cool seeds and use them in number of 30–40 g a day.

Important! High content in water-melon stones of fibers of cellulose helps to support a vermicular movement of intestines and health of his mucous membranes. At the same time the excess use of this product can provoke disorder of intestines. Try to eat no more than 40 grams of these seeds a day.

Caloric content of water-melon sunflower seeds and high content of protein in them do them by important food product for athletes and people who are exposed to big physical activities. Their useful properties considerably exceed possible harm. This product is used in traditional medicine for many years so the moderate use of water-melon sunflower seeds will affect your health positively.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
