What most poisonous spider in the world

What most poisonous spider in the world

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In the nature there are several thousands of species of spiders from which a part is poisonous in different degree. Some of them pose threat for insects and animals, and some - and to the person. There are several species of spiders which are recognized as especially dangerous.

The Brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian wandering spider is considered one of the most poisonous in the world and one of the most dangerous. He lives in America, generally in subtropical and tropical regions. Unlike spiders who spin webs and the most part of time spend in one place, he constantly moves in search of food, including gets into houses of people. He eats insects and other spiders, sometimes attacks even lizards and birds and also very much loves bananas. Carry two views to the Brazilian wandering spiders, depending on a way of prosecution of the victim - the running spiders and jumping.

The size of the Brazilian wandering spider is not so big - about 10-15 cm in scope of extremities, but its poison can kill more than two hundred mice.

This look is capable to allocate a considerable dose of toxic poison at a sting. His sting will cause in the adult healthy person most often strong allergic reaction with which the medicine by means of antidote can cope. If the spider bites the child or the sick weakened person, and the ambulance will be late, then poison can lead to a lethal outcome. Some copies of this look allocate the poison dose capable to kill the person within 20-30 minutes if do not render it the immediate help. It is interesting that in micro doses poison can treat erectile dysfunction at men, according to a number of the American and Brazilian scientists.

Fortunately for people, the wandering spiders usually attack the person only for self-defense. But it is easy not to notice the spider who hid in the house and to frighten involuntarily, thereby having caused his aggression. Therefore in regions of dwelling of these arthropods the people should be very attentive and not to try to touch a spider.

Black widow

These spiders differ in black coloring with small bright spots and live in prairies and deserts worldwide. They, and, more precisely, than a female, are extremely dangerous. Females of the black widow, the size reaching two centimeters, are known that they kill males after pairing. Males of time in two more small than females by the size are also a little dangerous to the person and animals as their skin for a male of the black widow quite thick and it it is difficult to bite through. This species of spiders is extremely poisonous. Their poison works several times more intensively than rattlesnake poison. At a sting of a female it is necessary in to enter antidote as soon as possible. In summer months the number of victims sharply increases since this time of migration of females who are especially active at night. Often vacationers become the victims and the sleeping people being in field conditions and rural areas, in the cities - are more rare. Quite often the person accidentally presses down a female spider, and she bites in reply.

If urgent medical care is impossible no later than in 2 minutes it after a sting of the black widow follows prizhech this place the lit match that heating destroyed poison and that did not manage to be soaked up.

The person not always notices a sting which not especially painful in itself also reminds a prick a needle. Too it is difficult to find the place of a sting, only the pallor of skin is usually shown. Therefore victims often bethink and see doctors late. Intoxication develops within 5-30 minutes after a sting and then amplifies. At hit of enough poison in blood there is also a lethal outcome. Doctors determine a sting of the black widow by the following symptoms: muscular pains and tension, tremor, sweating, condition of excitement, fear of death, dacryagogue, dryness of language, weakness in muscles, etc. At easy forms of poisoning the state is normalized already within a day or couples of days.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
