When there was an exact mechanics

When there was an exact mechanics

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At the beginning of a human civilization the people used rather rough and primitive technical devices. Later they were succeeded by more difficult and perfect cars and mechanisms. And only at the time of the Middle Ages there was an exact mechanics which means it was possible to create devices, very thin on the device.

What is exact mechanics

Modern exact mechanics – engineering and scientific discipline. This area of knowledge includes development of theoretical questions, design and the subsequent production of the mechanical systems demanding the highest accuracy. Here it is possible to carry the precision equipment, measuring systems, tools for jewelry production and so on.

Differ from ordinary mechanical devices of a system of exact mechanics in the fact that are intended not for direct production of material benefits, and for performance of the actions demanding observance of extremely exact parameters and characteristics and also for control of control and measuring systems.

As there was an exact mechanics

The exact mechanics began with creation of mechanical devices for measurement of time and the simplest optical devices.

The exact mechanics appeared not from scratch, and grew from mechanics traditional. Emergence of this applied science is closely connected with needs of mankind and development of science. Still in the ancient time people had to solve the problems connected with exact measurement of distances, corners, periods. But long time did not exist suitable material supplies and technologies for the solution of similar tasks. Ancient astronomers in the 3rd century used the simplest measuring devices based on the mechanical principles of work, for example, quadrants to calculation of coordinates of celestial bodies B.C. To provide high precision of measurements, such devices tried to do extremely big. Sometimes the radius of quadrants reached several dozen meters. Only by the beginning of Renaissance the mechanical goniometric tools reached perfection. Their accuracy was such is that allowed to solve scientific problems at absolutely new level. And with the advent of optical devices for observations the exact mechanics entered a time of the blossoming.

By means of exact optics became possible to construct the theory of celestial motion.

The important role in formation of exact mechanics was played by an invention in the 17th century Christiaan Huygens of the pendulum clock. The first such mechanism was created in 1657. Hours of Huygens differed in extremely high precision which for those times was surprising. Peru this famous master and the scientist possesses also one of the first works in the field of analytical mechanics which considerably outstripped the time. Some researchers of science believe that exactly since then the exact mechanics was actually allocated in separate applied discipline.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
