Why people albinos are born

Why people albinos are born

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At first sight can seem that albinism - a rare mutation. However by estimates of scientists, only in Europe one person from 20000 is an albino.


1. Albinism is a riddle of 21 centuries. For some reason the people suffering from such mutation partially or completely lose a pigment therefore their hair, eyelashes, skin and even eyes lose the color.

2. Unfortunately, the reason of the similar phenomenon for science is still unknown. It is clear only the fact that the depigmentation results from tyrosinase enzyme blockade which directly participates in melanin synthesis – the pigment which is responsible for coloring of tissues of the person. Happens that at people albinos with formation of tyrosinase everything is normal, scientists explain such cases with a mutation of the genes regulating formation of other substance – enzyme.

3. Albinism is not a disease. It belongs to group of genetic disorders of a pigmentary system and depends on congenital metabolism of the person. Similar meets and in fauna, but is much more rare. Besides fabrics, the mutation strikes also sight which worsens as a result of problems with light perception by an iris and a retina of an eye. Usually eyes of albinos have rose-red color, blood vessels are examined through a transparent iris. Besides, also skin which becomes sensitive to ultra-violet influence suffers.

4. Unfortunately, to cure albinism or at least partially to fill a lack of a pigment of melanin, it is impossible. The only exit – to protect a body from direct sunshine by means of special cream, to use light filters or the darkened lenses and also light fabrics in odezha objects which do not attract light.

5. Most than the others residents of the African countries suffer from this genetic disorder. For example, according to researches, in Nigeria one albino is the share of 3000 people, and among group of Indians of Panama – 1 of 132 persons.

6. If it is possible to fight against problems with sight and with imperception of ultraviolet still somehow, then to take cover from "well-wishers" extremely hard. Albinos not only were caught for circuses and kept in cages as "wonder", but also sacrificed, including gods, envoys of hell. It is heavy to believe in it, but even in a civilized 21st century on them the whole hunting as a part of a body of an albino is considered … a mascot on raising of fund and good luck is open. But they are the same people, as well as all others. The only difference is that the chain of their DNA for some reason changed the structure. Scientists look for a solution also now, and, perhaps, in several years the people albinos, at last, will be able safely to look at the sun.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
