How to develop a voice?

How to develop a voice?

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They say that the voice is the best musical instrument. To any who doubts this statement, it is enough to hear at least once akapelny singing and to estimate all its beauty. But what to do to those to whom on an ear there stepped a bear or the quality of a voice leaves much to be desired? For them there is a mass of decisions how to develop hearing and a voice. Let's consider the most effective of them.

How to develop a beautiful voice?

It is possible not only to transmit information through a voice, but also to open the feelings and to express emotions, to convince the interlocutor or to touch it. In a word, the voice is the main tool of belief. It can be pleasant, melodious, strong, and can be hardly audible, sharp or irritating. Once you remember that our vocal chords are muscles too, and the wrong breath, tension or stiffness of muscles can lead to distortion of a voice. To restore a voice or to do its beautiful and pleasant enough several exercises.

Try to go and control the breath slowly. In the first attempts the breath and an exhalation have to be lasting two steps. Gradually increase an interval to 10 steps. Get up directly, having put legs on width of shoulders, and close hands in the lock over the head. Having slightly caved in back, inhale through a nose and slowly exhale, bending forward. At the same time every time you say different main sounds: "and", "э", "at", "and", "about".

These exercises will help to remove the excess stress of vocal chords and to develop its natural potential.

The beautiful voice in most cases has to be strong. To understand how to develop voice force, imagine that you train voice muscles like physical education classes. And it is the best of all to do it in the mornings, it will give to cheerfulness and self-confidence. Being in the bathroom, get up in front of the mirror. Take a breath, then exhaled until there is enough breath. And at each exit lingeringly you say vowels in the accurate sequence: "iiya", "эээ", "aaa", "oh", to "uu". By the way musicians use the same set of sounds and their sequence at descants. But if almost since the childhood explain to musicians how to develop a strong voice, then it is not always clear to many persons interested how to develop a voice for singing.

How to develop a singing voice?

Whether it is possible to develop a voice, without having hearing? As a rule, both the voice and hearing develop equally well. However for singing the ear for music is extremely important component. Most often the beginning singers face a problem when having good ear for music, they cannot change intonation of a voice, i.e. are not able to operate the sheaves. However and in this case sheaves can be trained. Begin all occupations with respiratory gymnastics: 6-7 times make a deep, short breath through a nose both imperceptibly and quickly exhale through a mouth. Also make warm-up of a mouth in the form of pokusyvaniye of lips, language and inside of cheeks. When you feel that you are weakened and ready, start exercises.

  1. Development of a singing voice should be begun with pronunciation of syllables which contain ringing and breath consonants in combination with a vowel. For example, use such options: pkt, pkte, pkt, pkto, pkta. Combinations can be others and it is the best of all to write down them and to sight-read.
  2. Read tongue twisters. At first slowly, pronouncing each letter, gradually accelerating but not losing pronunciation clearness. It is desirable to choose several main tongue twisters with use of different letters and syllables.
  3. Read aloud literary works - both verses, and prose. At the same time accurately you say each letter and gradually increase the volume of readable literature till two o'clock in day.
  4. Sing syllables. At the same time on the ascending movements stick out a stomach. At first sing monotonously, then begin to do intervals and jumps between syllables.

It is desirable that development of your singing voice was monitored by the professional musical teacher. He will help you not only to pick up the necessary range of your voice, but also will watch that you did not overdo and did not put a voice.

How to develop voice range?

By the way, musicians ask the question "How to Develop Voice Range?" most often. Happens so that with age the voice changes, becomes lower and the former singer of a soprano becomes a viola. To keep vocal skills or to develop voice range to desirable level, define on what notes your normal voice comes to an end, and you begin to rattle or the voice turns into peep. It will allow to define border with which it is necessary to begin to work. Use the same exercises as for development of a singing voice, but at the same time gradually take on one higher or low note, depending on that in what degree you want to expand your range. The person interested to increase voice range, it is necessary to acquire the main mistake: if you want to sing a high note – do not lift up the head. It will only strengthen throat stretching. It is the best of all to help itself gestures.

The same who does not know how to develop a deep voice besides banal surgical intervention, it is worth remembering two simple receptions:

  1. Always you breathe through a nose. In it it is a little believed, but nasal breath will quicker lower a voice, than breath by a mouth.
  2. In a standing position or sitting press a chin to a breast and begin to buzz. The above you raise the head, the tonality of hum becomes higher. Daily repeating exercise, you will notice results already soon.

Often together with a deep voice many men wish to have a chest voice which can only be developed having felt, what is it. The chest voice therefore and is called that is felt not in a throat, and in a breast. It is possible to check the level of its development having put a hand on a breast and the usual tone saying on an exhalation of "aaa". If you feel vibration, then you have no problems. If there is no vibration, the voice needs to be developed.

You say syllables and train several times in day until you achieve vibration:

Attach on a mirror in the bathroom those exercises which are necessary to you for development of your voice. It not only, will allow not to forget about trainings, but also will give you cheerfulness in the mornings.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
