How to eat at fitness classes properly?

How to eat at fitness classes properly?

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Current problem: we go to fitness, we become more vigorous and is fresher, however excess weight still does not want to leave us. Really the fitness does not help? You are close to disappointment? You do not hurry with conclusions.

What is power exchange?

Let's imagine process of power exchange, so to speak, in persons.

Our organism consumes a certain number of calories with food. Calories is a stock of energy which we or spend in the course of activity, or lay in store in the form of nice rollers on a waist, a stomach and hips. The more we move, the we burn more energy. To lose weight, it is necessary to spend many calories. And it, in turn, is equivalent, for example, to four hours of run daily! Whether it is real?

Importance of physical activities

But, fortunately, the fitness is a system, but not just a set of exercises which is carried out by 15 minutes a day, and the rest of the time relax in front of the TV in an embrace a pack of chips. Therefore creation of a body of your dream will include not only squats and push-ups, but also the mode of healthy nutrition. It is necessary to balance the food so that during intensive weight loss to use less calories. Then the plan of your energy consumption will look more really. Physical activities will help to activate exchange processes in an organism. Calories will be spent during the trainings, but not to be postponed a type of a fat layer.

Healthy nutrition. Basis of bases

That is why the healthy nutrition gains such great value. It, we will notice in brackets, has no relation to beautiful boxes in supermarkets with an inscription fitness flakes, fitness cookies, fitness tea or bar. It that other, as a way to sell goods. Fitness food does not assume any monodiets, neither banana, nor chocolate, nor buckwheat, nor water-melon, nor even pumpkin!

The system of fitness food is a given set of products, universal for all more than once and forever. On the contrary, you can see in it many contradictions. And the fact is that it pays off differently, depending on objectives: whether you want to gain muscle bulk or to get rid of excess weight. Moreover, at different stages of your movement to the fitness purpose, this system is adjusted, reducing a share of some components and increasing a share of others. Components only three – proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

What their role?

Squirrels are responsible for restoration and updating of all body tissues. At the same time it is more preferable than a squirrel of animal origin, they are easier acquired. As for carbohydrates and fats, this fast and slow fuel. It either is spent, or laid in store. So, if you strive for symmetry, then it is necessary to reduce a share of carbohydrates. And it is possible to refuse fats in general for a while. Attentively read labels on products. Caloric content as it becomes clear, in this case not the most important. Pay attention to a ratio of proteins-fats-carbohydrates.

About vitamins

Whether it is necessary to accept vitamins in addition? It is necessary to tell that the lack of vitamins as a clinical case, is observed extremely seldom. None of acquaintances ever were ill a scurvy you? The use of such products as meat, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and also regular physical activities in the fresh air, supply an organism with all necessary elements.

About water

The huge role in fitness food is played by water. It is, roughly speaking, Wednesday of a metabolism. If not to renew its stocks in enough, then all processes including combustion of fats, and removal of the fulfilled and hazardous substances slow down. Therefore it is so important to use every day enough water and by all means high quality, you care for the health?


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
