How to express as a percentage fraction

How to express as a percentage fraction

Knowledge Base Hits: 76

The fractional form of record of numbers contains information on that into how many parts the general is divided whole (a fraction denominator) and how many such parts are included in this number (numerator). Just the same sense invests also in a percentage form of expression of sizes, but in this case to specify a denominator there is no need - it is always equal to one hundred.


1. If the initial share is presented in a format of the proper common fraction, it is necessary to take the value standing in a denominator for hundred percent. For example, for fraction ¾ hundred percent have to contain in four shares of the general whole. From this follows that a quarter of all available percent has to fall on each of shares: 100/4 = 25%. And how many such shares the initial fraction contains, shows numerator - in the given example their three, percentage expression of one share (25%) means it is necessary to treble 25*3=75. The received value will also be required size. Conclusion: for finding of a percentage equivalent of the number expressed by a common fraction you divide number hundred into a denominator and multiply by numerator.

2. For the improper common fraction use the same algorithm of calculations. Distinctive feature of this case only that the received value will always be more than hundred percent. For example, for transfer to percent of fraction 7/4 it is necessary to divide 100 into 4 and to increase result by 7: 100/4*7 = 175%.

3. Recalculation in percent of the mixed common fraction has the same feature - the result always exceeds hundred percent. Transfer a fractional part to percent according to an algorithm from the first step. Increase the whole part by hundred and add result to the received value. For example, the fraction 3¼ is equivalent to 325% as 100/4*1 + 3*100 = 25 + 300 = 325.

4. The fraction which is written down in a decimal format can be considered as mixed ordinary in which for you already made a part of calculations on transfer to percent. The number standing more to the right of a decimal comma is the numerator divided into a denominator, and standing more to the left - the whole part which was already added to private received from division. It was necessary to increase both summarized parts by hundred. For example, the decimal fraction 2.17 is equivalent to 217% as 2.17*100 = 217.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
