How to increase torrent speed to a maximum?

How to increase torrent speed to a maximum?

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Torrent – the program which is intended for downloading of different bulky files. This technology is developed in such a way that loading happens directly between users without filling of the file on the server. To have an opportunity to use the program, it is necessary to download and establish a torrent client, for example, of uTorrent. There are several ways how to increase downloading speed through a torrent which are reached by change of the existing settings.

For a start some information on the program. As it was already told, it works by the principle – you to me, I to you. Users who already downloaded the file are called Sida, and those who can distribute – "Feasts". From here a conclusion follows that the more Sidov and "Feasts", the quicker will pass loading. For this reason it is recommended to be connected to downloading where the greatest number Sidov is specified.

How to increase torrent speed to a maximum?

To have an opportunity to download movies, music, games and other files from network as soon as possible, it is necessary to change settings of a torrent, data by default.

The instruction how to increase downloading speed through a torrent:

  1. For a start it is necessary to activate enciphering of the protocol that will allow to avoid possible restrictions from provider. For this purpose come into the program and choose the subparagraph of "Control" where stop on the section "Settings Program". On the screen of the computer the window where it is necessary to choose BittTorrent will appear and to look that "the protocol encryption" was activated and "to allow the entering connection".
  2. We pass to the capacity as change of these settings allows to increase gallop speed significantly. You should not limit such parameters as "the maximum speed of return" and "the maximum speed of loading". For this purpose it is worth putting opposite to these indicators 0. It is worth noticing that seldom similar manipulations can lead to reduction of speed. Now in parameter – "maximum number of connections" it is necessary to establish value equal 2500. One more change in this point – "the maximum quantity of the connected feasts on one torrent". The value of this parameter should be established on 500.
  3. Now it is necessary to make change to point – "Additional Settings". When pressing this indicator, there can be prevention that you should not make changes here if there are though any doubts, but do not pay attention to it. Click on bt.allow_same_ip and establish True value there. In the subparagraph of "gui.show_notorrents_node" change the existing value to "False". In "rss.update_interval" establish – 20. Do not forget to press "to Establish", and then, "to Apply". After that it is necessary to reboot the program.
  4. Two times click on the Torrent that will lead to emergence of the menu where it will be possible to see "The maximum speed of loading". In this parameter it is necessary to change the existing value to 99999999999999 or any other large number.

There are some more recommendations how to increase downloading speed in a torrent. During downloading it is necessary to check that other programs using the Internet did not work. It is the best of all to carry out downloadings, having connected the computer directly to the modem and not to use Wi-Fi as different devices can prevent connection. One more council how to increase the speed of loading of a torrent to a maximum – you should not load at the same time several files even if they are in turn. The thing is that each downloaded file takes away a part of bandwidth of the channel. Downloading speed also depends on the version of a torrent therefore regularly you monitor updates.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
