How with the naked eye to distinguish a star from the planet

How with the naked eye to distinguish a star from the planet

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Space fixed inquisitive eyes of people still from time immemorial. For the past millennia a lot of information on stars, planets, black holes, galactic congestions and other space realities was accumulated. Certainly, for more detailed study of space not to do without the special equipment in any way. However some moments can learn to be caught with the naked eye.

Let's decide on concepts

The planet (Greek πλανήτης, an alternative form other - Greek πλάνης — "wanderer") is a celestial body which rotates around a star (or the star remains), on own orbit.

The star is a massive gas sphere of which light radiation is characteristic and in which depths thermonuclear reactions proceed. Stars keep at the expense of forces of own gravitation and also internal pressure.

At once we will make a reservation: with the naked eye it is possible to record only planets of our solar system.

Planet, star. Differences

Both the planet, and star are characterized by a luminescence on which, as a matter of fact, can be noticed from Earth. However the star is a self-shining object. While the planet shines at the expense of light reflected from stars. So, the radiation of planets is many times weaker than star. Especially it is noticeable in frosty night or after a rain. Shine of stars much more intensively (especially what is closer to the horizon). The luminescence of planets differs in a priglushennost or even indistinctness.

Venus with Jupiter, by the way, are an exception to the rules. They can be distinguished without effort on a characteristic luminescence which is much brighter than some far stars. Besides, pay attention to a radiation shade. Venus otlichima the cold bluish-white luminescence. Mars — reddish, Saturn — yellow, and Jupiter — yellow with impurity white.

One more distinctive feature – the nature of light radiation. The blinking caused by air fluctuation is more characteristic of stars. Even in lenses of powerful telescopes of a star are presented by the blinking points. Planets, in turn, shine evenly, though is more dim.

The most effective method to distinguish a celestial body is an observation of an object. It is recommended to observe the sky within several days. You can even graphically fix arrangement of the main bodies and day by day compare results. The point is that stars are located not movably on - to the relation to each other. The only thing that will change for them - it is emergence time in a sky. Planets, on the contrary, differ in inconstancy. They move on inconceivable trajectories concerning stars, at times, replacing a route with opposite.

Space cunnings

There are certain nuances which should be known at observation of the sky. Venus, for example, steadily appears in the east, before the sunrise. Visually it reminds a bright spot during this period. If to look at night in the right direction – it is possible to notice Jupiter.

Not superfluous will be to study the astrological calendar. With its help you will be able to learn in advance what planets will be in a visibility range in any given periods.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
