Rigidity – what is it, main types, a technique of measurement and how it is possible to get rid?

Rigidity – what is it, main types, a technique of measurement and how it is possible to get rid?

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Many people live on an established order, they do the same things every day, and change of a habitual rhythm of life unsettles them. Such behavior – rigidity, in insignificant manifestations is safe and it is even useful. Serious deviations demand intervention of experts and correction by psychotherapists.

What is rigidity?

The concept "rigidity" is known in physiology and psychology, this word came from the Latin concept "rigidus" that is translated as "firm", "tenacious". In physiology rigidny call features of an organism at which there is no reaction to external irritants, it is possible to give the raised tone of muscles of the person as an example. The rigidity in psychology is such condition of an individual at which he does not wish to change depending on various situations, to adapt to a course of life. It is difficult to such people to leave a zone of own comfort.

Types of rigidity

Modern psychologists distinguish several types of rigidity, separately they meet seldom, in practice the combination of several types at one person is allocated.

  1. The cognitive rigidity distinguishes people who cannot change the usual scheme of the activity when the habitual situation changes. This type of rigidity is shown at the persons who got used to sample existence when everything is classified, simple and clear day by day. It belongs and to work, experts with cognitive rigidity are incapable to acquire the advanced skills, to study new.
  2. The motivational rigidity meets at people who do not wish to develop. Any changes in life are alien to them, they do not seek for new achievements and opening as though having got stuck at some age many years ago. Thoughts of the backward professional status do not disturb them.
  3. The affective rigidity is an inability of the personality to connect the events which are taking place in real life with the imaginations, unwillingness to focus the attention on important problems which need to be solved here and now.

Rigidny person

In life of such persons call differently, the following epithets are applicable to them: looped, stubborn, stubborn and so forth. It is heavy to communicate with such people and to exist under the same roof not easy. Rigidny persons suffer from constant stresses, and are not always glad to the sample behavior, but to get rid of it to them not easy. The rigidity is not a disease, and it is very hard to change the habits to such person. It is simple to recognize the rigidny person, it is necessary to look narrowly at his behavior only. It is easy to reveal such type of the personality on acts, thinking, the speech of the person.

Rigidity of behavior

It is wrong to consider that the rigidity is based on desire of the person everything to make in own way. The slowed-down reaction to the changing circumstances of life lead to emergence of signs of rigidity of mentality, it is shown in behavior:

  1. The person cannot change the behavior even if sees that he behaves incorrectly in relation to people around.
  2. He is obsessed advocates the interests, not in view of arguments of interlocutors.
  3. For the sake of the idea it is capable to threaten health and life of the relatives.
  4. Feels confusion and rage if it is necessary to refuse habitual daily rituals.

Rigidity of thinking

Not always the rigidity is negative quality of the person. Insignificant manifestations can help the person to adapt in difficult situations. Understanding that it is rigidity, it is impossible to challenge the fact that the persons having this feature are capable to meet easier with strangers, prove good heads, differ in assiduity and are capable to perform boring and monotonous work easily. The Rigidny type of thinking becomes a problem when the person shows aggression, clashes with people around.

Rigidity of the speech

Manifestations of rigidity meet not only in views and sample habits in behavior of the person. It is possible to notice signs of rigidity of thinking in psychology on a conversation. Use of identical words, is frequent – filler words, long pauses says that the rigidity of the speech is present. The reason of such behavior can become:

  1. Low I.Q. and formations.
  2. Low lexical vocabulary.
  3. Unconscious copying of the speech of other people.
  4. Features of development of the person.

Technique of measurement of rigidity

To define as far as the person is subject to rigidity, the special test can. Diagnostics of rigidity is constructed on a number of questions, depending on the number of affirmative answers the picture of emotional rigidity of the person is built. It is necessary to answer questions without thinking, positive statements need to be written down. Than "Yes" will give more answers checked, especially the rigidny type of thinking is peculiar to it.

  1. It is uninteresting to read books in which thoughts of heroes do not correspond to mine.
  2. It is impossible to distract someone from very important occupations.
  3. New year and other holidays always should be celebrated in the bosom of the family.
  4. It is impossible to be on friendly terms with those whose acts you do not approve.
  5. In any game it is necessary to be the winner.
  6. When you get stuck in a traffic jam, it is necessary to think only that you are late.
  7. In some situations it is heavy to concentrate.
  8. At home everything has to lie on the places.
  9. The route home is always invariable for me.
  10. Sometimes, that words are not in time behind my thoughts.
  11. Acquaintances joke on my pedantry.
  12. It is heavy to good expert to switch from one business to another.
  13. Always it is necessary to seek to try to obtain the, irrespective of circumstances.
  14. Many envy my patience.
  15. Only one opinion in a controversial issue can be considered right.

Rigidity – how to get rid?

Psychotherapists agree in opinion that it is more harm from rigidity, than advantage. The Rigidny type of the personality forces the person to suffer most, and gives the behavior an inconvenience to relatives and fellow workers. Understanding of the problems, understanding that the behavior the person is incapable to develop and move ahead on a career ladder, desire to get rid of obstinacy and conservatism – the first steps. Faithful assistants:


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