What is hydraulics and as it works

What is hydraulics and as it works

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The word "hydraulics" is translated from Ancient Greek language as "water" and "tube" and designates science which studies laws of the movement of liquids, rules of their balance and also ways of the annex to engineering practice. It is very close to hydromechanics, but nevertheless differs from it as the adjacent science most often addresses a direct experiment, and the hydraulics – analyzes basic laws.


1. Primary laws of hydraulics were created still by Archimedes in antique times, further they were developed already by Leonardo da Vinci in the middle of the 15th century when he made a number of valuable laboratory trials. Then the relay was picked up by the scientists who were living in the 16-17th centuries – Stevin, Galilei and Pascal and the new knowledge of hydraulics and a hydrostatics which gave to world science, and Torricelli already removed a formula of speed of liquid which follows from openings. New "horizons" of this science opened thanks to sir Isaac Newton who drafted regulations on internal friction in liquids.

2. In the 20th century laws and knowledge of hydraulics gained great practical popularity after development of scientific and technical progress in hydraulic engineering, aircraft, power system and mechanical engineering. If earlier water was the main subject of studying this science only, then in the modern world of its border increased and began to consider laws of the movement of viscous liquids (oil and oil products), gases and so-called non-Newtonian liquids.

3. As the applied science hydraulics is applied at the solution of engineering problems of the following areas – water supply and removal of water, transportation of substances, construction of water intaking and hydraulic engineering constructions and also designing of pumps, drives, compressors, presses, a damper and shock-absorbers. Application of hydraulics and in designing of the medical equipment is active.

4. The science is also ordinary divided into two parts – theoretical and practical. The first studies the most important provisions of balance and the movement of various liquids, and the second already applies theoretical provisions in relation to solutions of engineering practical questions. In turn hydraulic practice is subdivided into the following sections – pipeline hydraulics, regularities of open courses, a current of various liquids from openings and through plums, the theory of hydraulic filtration and also hydraulics of constructions. All these sections consider the movement of liquids in the established and unsteady state. Thus, the modern science outputs three important sections – a hydrostatics, kinematic hydraulics and hydrodynamics.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
