What will be if friction force disappears

What will be if friction force disappears

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Engineers since ancient times made a lot of efforts that to reduce friction force and harmful consequences which it makes in mechanisms to a minimum. And what will occur if sometime it is possible to eliminate this physical phenomenon completely? Whether will lead it to unpredictable consequences?

Fight against friction force

Friction represents a serious problem if to speak about operation of machines and mechanisms. It is counted that not less than five percent of all work which is made by man-made devices go for overcoming friction force and the destructive consequences made by it. Harmful force leads to losses of energy and premature wear of details of cars.

Different types of lubricants and also special intermediate devices, for example, bearings are widely applied to elimination of friction in separate knots and units of technical systems. Everyone who had to ski, knows that the lubricant which is correctly picked up and competently applied on the sliding surface is capable to increase the speed of the movement on snow considerably.

What will lead disappearance of friction force to

Actively battling against friction force, experts nevertheless do not forget that not always this physical phenomenon does harm. The movement of land vehicles, for example, becomes possible only because between wheels and the road there is a friction. If to assume that this force suddenly will disappear, moving cars will not be able to stop, and those that stand still, will not be able to move on millimeter. Problems will arise also at those who like to sew. The lack of friction force immediately would lead to independent unleashing of knots and a raspadeniye of fabrics on separate threads. Without friction it would become impossible to knot on a thread or a rope. Many useful devices would cease to function, having broken up to parts which are not able to keep the friend near the friend. The equipment, where a lot of attention is paid to fight against harmful friction, would also come to a deplorable state. In the majority of technical devices various fasteners on a carving basis are widely used: screws, screws, bolts and nuts. They keep in material and connect among themselves only at the expense of friction force. Without it to screw a nut on a bolt and it will be impossible to record it in the necessary situation. Changes would concern practically all physical objects. Any material body, whether it be a small stone or a massive steel column, without friction could not keep on the surface of the planet. All objects would begin to move randomly on a surface, would not come to be at one level yet. Without friction force Earth quickly would turn into ideally equal sphere reminding a drop of liquid which is located in zero gravity.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
