Who such unicells

Who such unicells

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The most numerous group of living beings - the simplest organisms. They represent one cage possessing necessary information for existence and reproduction. Monocelled – the first living organisms which appeared on Earth.


1. More than 3.5 billion years ago in sea depths there were first living organisms consisting of the only cage. Some consider that disputes of monocelled could appear on Earth by means of the meteorites arriving from space open spaces. Most of scientists connect origin of life with the chemical reactions happening in the atmosphere and oceans.

2. Monocelled there are more than 30 thousand types. They are inhabitants of the salty seas, fresh waters and damp soils. Is among protozoa many parasites living in a human body and animals.

3. The body consisting only of one cage represents the complete organism having the microscopic sizes, however in classes of protozoa are reckoned, the reaching lengths several millimeters and even centimeters. The separate classes which are characterized by certain signs are distinguished from these organisms.

4. Monocelled with a changeable shape of a body because of a subtlety of a plasmatic membrane carry to a class kornenozhek. Protrusion of cytoplasm forms so-called lozhnonozhka by means of which the kornenozhka is capable to move. For these protozoa the main habitat is the sea, but among them is parasitizing in a human body and animals.

5. An amoeba - the colourless lump which is constantly changing a form living in fresh water. Lozhnonozhki help this organism living in silt and on leaves of the decaying plants to flow imperceptibly on other place. As food to amoebas serve seaweed and bacteria, and they breed, being divided into two parts.

6. The structure of other representatives of protozoa – infusorians is more difficult. The cage of these organisms contains two kernels performing different functions, and the eyelashes which are available for them are the vehicle.

7. The paramecium caudatum reminding a look graceful women's shoes possesses a constant shape of a body, lives in small still water. The numerous eyelashes located the correct ranks wavy fluctuate, and the shoe moves. The infusorian eats bacteria, monocelled seaweed, dead organic matter (detrity). Eyelashes help to get to food into a mouth which then moves ahead to a throat. The shoe is gluttonous if it lives in favorable conditions. At asexual reproduction the body of an infusorian is halved in the cross direction, and affiliated individuals begin to develop anew. But through several generations similar reproduction will be replaced by the sexual process called conjugation.

8. The body of representatives of a class of flagellates covered with an elastic cover defines its form. These protozoa have one or several zhgutik and kernels. Reproduction depends on a species of a unicell.

9. The euglena green lives in standing fresh reservoirs. It quickly floats, thanks to a streamline shape of the body. Promotes movement located ahead screwing in in water only zhgutik. This simplest organism specially eats that helps it to survive under different living conditions. The most lit sites where the body of an euglena containing a chlorophyll is arranged for favorable photosynthesis, are found by it by means of a photosensitive red peephole. If the euglena long stays in the dark, the chlorophyll collapses. In such cases as means of food serves organic matter. Breeds by cell division in the longitudinal direction on two parts. If conditions have, this monocelled being is capable to breed every day.

10. The parasites protozoa adapted for existence in some cells of a human body and animals belong to the class of Sporozoa. Quite often in a warm humid climate causative agents of a serious disease – malarial plasmodiums meet. Change of owners accompanies life cycle of this parasite. At a sting of a malarial mosquito of people can be infected with this dangerous disease. The plasmodiums which got to cells of a liver very quickly breed, then appear in blood erythrocytes where again breed. The destroying vital blood cells, parasites lead to a serious illness.

11. The simplest beings are very different. For example, among living in oceans kornenozhek meet such which body hides in a limy sink. There are also parasitic kornenozhka. It is possible to carry the dysenteric amoeba destroying a mucous membrane of intestines to their number.

12. Among representatives of a class of flagellates there are a lot of parasites. For example, the lyambliya can be an etiology of a liver, intestines. Now the disease caused to the trypanosomes getting to blood through saliva of a tsetse fly occurs among inhabitants of the African tropics. This sleeping sickness quite often leads to the death of the person.

13. Some infusorians are parasitic organisms too. Their separate types adapt to existence in intestines or a stomach of artiodactyl ruminants, causing their inflammation.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
