Whom and when chemical elements were discovered

Whom and when chemical elements were discovered

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Scientists discovered chemical elements till 1500, then in the Middle Ages, already during Modern times and continue to open now. It was promoted development of science in the age of Enlightenment, industrial jump in the history of mankind, opening in spectroscopy, quantum mechanics and nuclear fusion. So what elements by whom and when were recorded and included in the chemical table?


1. Men of science still of an extreme antiquity discovered copper, silver, gold, lead, tin, iron and carbon and also other chemical elements – antimony (before 3 thousand years BC), mercury (till 1500 BC), zinc (approximately 1300-1000 BC) and is gray (about the 6th century BC).

2. The Middle Ages gave to mankind three more opening – arsenic (1250, and the author is not known), bismuth (1450 and also the name of the pioneer is not known) and phosphorus which in 1669 was discovered by German Hennig Brand.

3. The 18th century became more prolific: in 1735, cobalt was discovered by Swede Brandt; in the 1748th platinum Spaniard de Mendoza; in 1751 nickel Swede Kronshtedt; in 1766 m the 1772nd hydrogen and nitrogen British Cavendish; in 1774 J. Priestley's oxygen; with the assistance of Swede Sheele, manganese, chlorine, barium, molybdenum and tungsten became known; in 1782 Austrian von Rejchenstein opened an element tellurium; in the 1789th uranium and zirconium German Klaprot; in 1790 the British Crawford and Klaprot found strontium; in the 1794th yttrium was discovered by Finn Gadolin, in 1795 the titan German Klaprot, and chrome and beryllium Frenchman L. Voklen.

4. Even more chemical elements became known in the 19th century: in 1801 Hatchet – niobium; in the 1802nd Ekeberg – tantalum; in 1803 Vollaston and Bertselius found palladium and cerium; in the 1804th iridium, osmium and rhodium by scientists from Great Britain were discovered; British Davy in 1807 found two at once – sodium and potassium; a pine forest in the 1808th – Gay-Lussac, calcium and magnesium the same year the same Davy; iodine is found in 1811 by Courtois; cadmium – the 1817th Stromeyer; selenium – in the same Bertselius; lithium – then Swede Arfvedson; silicon – in 1823-ohm Bertselius; vanadium – in the 1830th the Swede Sefstr; opening of three elements (lanthanum, erbium and terbium) happened at once with the assistance of Swede Mosander; ruthenium in the 1844th in Kazan was found by Claus; rubidium and caesium – in 1861 – Bunsen and Kirchhoff; thallium – in 1861st Kruks; indiya – in 1863 Germans the Reich and Richter; gallium – in the 1875th Frenchman Lecoc de Boibodran; ytterbium – in 1878 Swede Marinyak; thulium – in the 1879th Biting; samarium – in 1879 Lecoc de Boibodran; holmium – in the 1879th Biting; scandium – in 1879 Swede Nilson; praseodymium and neodymium – in the 1885th Austrian Auer von Welsbach; fluorine – in 1886 Muassan; germaniye – in the 1886th Vinkler; gandoliya and dysprosium – the same year Lecoc de Boibodran; argon, helium, neon, xenon and krypton – in 1898 the British Ramzay and the Traverse; polonium and radium – in 1898 Curie's couple; radon – in the 1899th the British Owens and Rezenford and the same year Frenchman Debyern found actinium.

5. In the 20th century the scientists from the different countries found the following chemical elements: europium – in the 1901st Demars; lutetium – in 1907 Frenchman Urben; protactinium – in the 1918th the team of the German experts; hafnium – in 1923 Danes the Fire and Hevesha; rhenium – in the 1927th German Noddak; technetium – in 1937 the team of scientists from the USA and Italy; frantion – in the 1923-ohm Frenchman Perey; the mankind is obliged to efforts of the American researchers by popularity of astatine, neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, promethium, berkelium, California, einsteinium, fermium and mendelevium; in the 20th century, nobelium, lawrencium, rutherfordium, dubny, seaborgium and barium were found in Dubna situated near Moscow; Germany in the eighties found meitnerium, hassium, darmstadtium, roentgenium and copernicium, and in 1999 and 2000 in the same Dubna found fleroviya and livermoriya.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
