Why there are goosebumps

Why there are goosebumps

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Sometimes on a body "goosebumps run". Different people are capable to test similar under different circumstances, and, as a rule, very few people know what this phenomenon is connected with?

"Goose" skin is small pimples which are located at the indumentum basis, they arise involuntarily. As the reason of their emergence sharp change of ambient temperature or strong emotions, for example, fear, excitement, admiration can serve. Feelings of this sort most often are followed by the words "goosebumps ran".

"Goosebumps" received the name because of similarity with the insects of the same name. There is a lot of them, and they are dispersed on all area of a body.

The reflex which leads to emergence of goosebumps is called "a pilomotorny reflex".

This reflex can be explained approximately so: the nervous terminations transmit signals of change of environmental impact. These signals come straight to back departments of a brain. After receiving signals the brain sends them to peripheral nerves from which signals arrive on hair follicles. As a result of this phenomenon – muscles under hair follicles strain and raise hairs. The raised hairs detain warm air at the integument basis, it helps to suspend cooling of an organism for some time. In medicine are called goosebumps - a paresteziya. Emergence of goosebumps is a reaction of an organism to nervous irritation or fall of temperature. Goosebumps disappear together with elimination of the irritating factor. Also the result of the fact that the person served a leg can be the cause of emergence of a paresteziya or has pins and needles in a hand. But if the person feels emergence of goosebumps on all body constantly, then it is the obvious sign that it is necessary to address the dermatologist. Excessively dry skin or diseases of skin can cause the similar phenomenon. Paresteziya only in the lower extremities can demonstrate violation of blood circulation in legs and hands. It is quite dangerous, and in such situations it is necessary to see a doctor. Symptoms of this sort can lead to development of such diseases as: atherosclerosis and varicosity. The phlebologist is engaged in these symptoms. At the person the goosebumps can appear not only from the irritating factor or negative emotions. Sometimes this effect can be caused to strong experiences of the person or an intense emotional background. For example, when viewing the intriguing movie, and sometimes even from listening of music. But "goose-pimples" can be observed not only at people, but also at animals. Generally this reflex is inherent in mammals, such as cats, dogs, chimpanzee and mice. It is their congenital reflex which serves for self-defense. As a result raised indumentum, the animal begins to seem more terrible, big.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
