Zinc for men

Zinc for men

Knowledge Base Hits: 174

The deficiency of any given microcell can lead to serious violation to health therefore you should not treat the matter scornfully. The organism of the man requires enough zinc, and, it concerns, both teenagers and young men, and mature people.

For what zinc is necessary to the man's organism?

Zinc plays an important role in many biochemical processes which provide viability and functionality of a human body. Sufficient level of zinc guarantees:

For men zinc has special value as it is necessary for full work of an endocrine system, in particular is responsible for production of sex hormones. In addition, during puberty zinc plays an important role in the correct development of testicles, and further is responsible for activity of spermatozoa and sufficient level of testosterone.

One more considerable influence, than zinc is useful to men, that factor is that it suppresses the enzymes causing prostate adenoma. At high physical activities, zinc promotes normal contractility of muscles.

Signs of deficiency of zinc in an organism

It should be noted once again that zinc is one of the most important components of normal work of immune, reproductive and nervous system therefore at its shortcoming such symptoms are shown:

  1. From an endocrine system such violations as a metabolic disorder (obesity), a ginekomastiya (increase in chest glands because of nobody testosterone level), baldness, the increased perspiration along with dryness of skin and a hair appear.
  2. Frustration of an immune range are frequent colds and a SARS, low level of resilience of an organism, dermatitis, exacerbation of inflammatory and chronic pathologies.
  3. Violations of work of nervous system – distortion of perception of taste, trembling of hands, decrease in visual acuity, weakening of coordination of movements, a memory impairment.
  4. Psychoemotional frustration – irritability, apathy, sharp changes of mood, increased fatigue, decrease in concentration of attention.
  5. From a reproductive system the decrease in a libido, insensitivity of erogenous zones and genitals, unwillingness and impossibility to derive pleasure from sex are possible.

The products containing zinc for men

It is simple to restore zinc level in blood, it is enough to balance the daily diet only. About 250 mkg of zinc contain in 1 kg of apples, oranges, lemons, a fig and sheet green vegetables. From 2000 to 5000 mkg of this element contain berries of raspberry, currant and fruits of a date palm tree, approximately such amount of zinc is a part of grain crops of oats and barley. On the content of zinc bran and the sprouted wheat seeds are considered as the champion – from 13000-20000 mkg. However in grain processing a considerable part of zinc is lost therefore for recovery of balance it is better to use separately.

Zinc content in other food is shown in the table at the rate on 100 g of a product.

At standard daily rate of zinc for men in 15 mg or 15000 mkg it is possible to calculate optimum structure of a diet daily to receive enough this important element.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
