Saying "You what you eat", it is possible to refer to appearance of hair and nails directly. You should not spend big money for widely advertized miracle cures, it is possible to improve hair and nails by means of simple diet.
1. Eat products with large amount of protein
In order that your organism developed enough keratin which does hair and nails strong and strong, it needs enough protein. On average, the adult man needs about 56 grams of protein a day, to the woman there will be enough 46 grams.
Products rich with protein, in most cases always near at hand: fowl, dairy and fermented milk products, eggs, soy and also considerable quantity squirrel contains in seafood and fish.
Dairy products, to all other, enrich organism with the vitamin D and calcium so necessary for health and growth of strong nails.
2. Uvelichte in the diet the maintenance of the products rich with iron
Iron is very important microelement in activity of our organism. At its shortage the hair become thinner and become brittle. The big deficiency of iron can lead also to the accelerated hair loss.
The use of products, such as red meat, chicken meat, turkey and fish, will help organism to fill the shortage of iron.
3. Surely register fish in the weekly diet
Omega-3 fatty acids which contain in fish products stimulate growth of hair and add them gloss. Consumption of fish at least 2 times a week with interest will saturate organism with necessary element.
4. Eat the products rich with beta carotene
Your organism produces vitamin A from beta carotene. This vitamin is important for health of all organism in general, and here it stimulates hair and nails to growth.
Carrots, spinach, broccoli and also peas - good sources of vitamin A.
5. Eat more greens
Greens salads not only are low-calorie, but also bear in themselves huge advantage. They contain wide range of vitamins, from iron and folic acid, to vitamin C. Their frequent use is capable to keep hair and nails healthy, having supplied them with the most necessary.