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The main mistakes at introduction of a feeding up
With approach of age of 4-6 months any mummy thinks of how and when to enter a feeding up to the kid. From what products to begin to acquaint the baby and what it is better to hold...

What food contain manganese
Manganese – the element widespread in the nature. Much it contains in earth crust, but it doesn't meet in pure form anywhere. It is a part of various ores, connections and also con...

How to make cheeks chubby
With age skin loses tone. Once full and elastic cheeks can droop and become hollow. The reason of hollow cheeks is also in the excessive leanness caused by improper feeding and hob...

Srub from grape seeds the hands
The srub is surprising cosmetic: it provides health and beauty of integument, struggles with its signs of aging, narrows enlarged pores, normalizes activity of sebaceous glands and...

What is a flame
Many active participants of forums use the word "flame". It has a foreign origin, and some visitors of Internet forums sometimes do not even suspect about its true value.

In what essence of the theory of relativity of Einstein
In 1905 Albert Einstein assumed that laws of physics are universal. So he created the theory of relativity. The scientist spent ten years for the proof of the assumptions that beca...