Fat content of hair becomes just misfortune: you will wash the head in the morning, and by the evening it already dirty, hair turn in tow and look awfully. Whether it is possible to solve this problem and how?
Hair become oily because of excess of skin fat on the head. You should not ignore it, thus the organism gives signal that something not as it should be. It is necessary to find out the reason of activity of work of sebaceous glands, and then to start treatment.
Why hair become oily
Trichologists allocate basic reasons:
- Heredity. If your mother or the grandmother has oily skin of the head, then probability is high, as at you will be also.
- Hormonal failure in organism. It can happen to everyone, you should not be upset, the endocrinologist will help to cope with task.
- Improper feeding. With fast food, sweet, fat, fried, sharp and salty violations in work of digestive tract can provoke search and increase production of fat on head skin.
- Availability of gastritis, ulcer, intestinal dysbiosis.
- Incorrectly picked up hair care.
- Daily washing of the head. The more often you wash the head, the sebaceous glands work more intensively, excreting even more fat.
How to get rid of the fat content of hair
If you with hair and head skin always were all right, and the fat content of hair suddenly began to disturb, address experts who will establish the reason and will appoint treatment. To you in the help the endocrinologist, the trichologist and the dermatologist.
Try to follow the simple rules on hair care:
- Eat useful products, drink enough water, and sebaceous secretion will decrease.
- Use shampoos from pharmaceutical series with zinc in structure. Means should not contain oils, dyes, it is desirable that it was transparent.
- Buy shampoos and conditioners without sulfates, parabens and silicones.
- Regularly apply srubs and peelings to hair to clean head skin from pollution. These means peel devitalized parts of skin, help to reveal to time, to be updated to cages.
- Be disaccustomed to wash the head every day. Hair have become soiled, put them in order by means of dry shampoo. Wash the head not more often than 2 times a week.
- You apply conditioners and masks only on length of hair, not on skin.
- Wash the head with warm water as from more hotly skin becomes even fatter.
- Rinse hair with herbs decoctions: camomiles, mints, calendulas, nettles.
- You dry hair phenom in the cool mode, hot air stimulates plentiful sebaceous secretion.
- Use laying means on minimum, they hammer skin pores and quickly pollute hair.
- You carry headdresses from natural fabrics.
- Avoid synthetics upon purchase of pillowcases on pillow.
At the correct home care and treatment, you will forget what is oily skin and hair.