What can be more tasty than proteinaceous cream on festive cake or pie? The sweet, snow-white cap covered with fruit and nutlets is adored both children, and adults. Know the main thing how it is correct to beat egg white.
The biscuit is ready, banana and a kiwi are cut by circles. In an anticipation, you turn on the mixer and you immerse a nimbus in an egg mixture. What disappointment when instead of the expected dense foam in capacity, you see whitish transparent liquid with grains of not dissolved sugar! That proteinaceous mass turned out air and dense, it is necessary to consider some details and to begin from scratch.
- Before purchase of eggs, surely you look at the seals with expiration dates which put on skorlupka. Eggs have to be fresh, otherwise foam won't turn out. Sometimes fresh proteins happen the reason of failure also. Therefore, an ideal expiration date – 3-4 days;
- Consider that for the best beating of squirrels has to be cold, but it not so is to use eggs of room temperature better;
- Capacity for beating has to have high walls, glass or faience ware will approach. The aluminum pan will bring down all volume, and on a plastic bowl there can be parts of fat. If the piece of a shell or a mote inside gets, the magnificent cap won't be shaken up. Fat at the bottom or water drops at edges of ware will also not allow to achieve the necessary result;
- The amount of sugar matters. Don't pour at random but only in the small portions on edge.
How to shake up
Take egg – 4 pieces, carefully wash a baking plate with flowing water. Accidentally not to mix a yolk with protein, accurately break away an egg top and let's flow out to protein in a separate saucer. Yolks have to remain in a skorlupka. It isn't difficult to control this process, after several trainings you with ease learn to separate yellow from white. Sprinkle proteins lemon juice or citric acid from a bag, add slightly salt and turn on the mixer on the smallest speed. In process of swelling of proteins increase speed and pour sugar (1 glass) small doses. Important. Before formation of a white cap sugar can't be added. Don't pour granulated sugar to the middle, otherwise air foam will fall down. It is the best of all to use icing sugar. Speed of the mixer has to become maximum only after you add all sugar. Don't shake up too long. Optimum time at the correct approach – 8 minutes. Proteinaceous weight will become so dense and dense that won't drop out of a bowl if to turn it.
The ready sweet can't be held long idle, otherwise over time weight will settle. If you shake up a nimbus, then adhere to one direction and don't stop till the end.
To shake up a yolk, in order to avoid lumps it is required to mix it with sugar at once.