How to disassemble the food processor

How to disassemble the food processor

The kitchen combine is that household appliance which practically each hostess in the kitchen has. But at misuse the mechanism of the combine can break. Correctly chosen tactics of repair will help you to repair your kitchen appliances. But it is the best of all to carry, of course, it in firm where professionally are engaged in repair of household appliances.

It is required to you

  • - operating manual of the combine.


1. Find out the cause of breakage of the food processor. If business concerns replacement of the switch, brushes of the electric motor, the burned-down tanks or gears, you will need to disassemble the combine. The kitchen combine is rather difficult household appliance and he demands skillful treatment of himself. At misuse of the combine inevitably there are malfunctions and breakages which and should be repaired.

2. Disconnect the food processor from network of electricity, remove other parts of the combine which help to hold the combine in assembled form. Dismantling of the combine consists in gaining access to internal parts of the combine. Hook support and remove combine basis. Then invert the food processor and remove the drive belt and driving gear wheel, get the motor.

3. Uncover the top and side half-couplings of the drive if breakage concerns the electric drive. Install the combine so that it is good to see part which you repair. Turn off attachment nut of the side coupling and remove it. Unscrew the top half-coupling easy percussion on one of cams counterclockwise. Unscrew four screws of the top flange and remove the flange. Unscrew the side lever of the speed selector of the electric motor. Pull on yourself and remove the speed selector handle. Turn out the handle of fastening of the meat grinder. Remove reducer casing. Carefully examine power shaft to find out the cause of breakage. If there is no opportunity to repair it - replace new.

4. Remove cover from the food processor if the failure cause concerns the mixer. Turn capacity clockwise and take out glass from the basis. Remove mating ring and disk which all accompanying parts (knives and nozzles) enter.

5. Check operation of the juice extractor. If breakage in it, uncover holders with ledge, having pulled them in the parties and up. Further remove cover and unscrew key the collection attachment screw for juice, holding at the same time the half-coupling. Remove capacity for juice, the centrifuge and disk with graters.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
