How to accustom a kitten to food

How to accustom a kitten to food

If your kitten was just born, then maternal milk will be the best food for it. If for any reason it is impossible, then it is possible to bring up him also. Besides, approximately in three weeks after the birth of the kid, you all the same should feed up him.


1. It is necessary to begin feeding with milk. At the same time fat cow's milk does not approach. It is possible to take powdered milk with a pinch of sugar or srednezhirny. In the first day there are enough two tea spoons. Then daily increase amount of milk by one spoon.kitten to food"" src= """" of srcset= "" 340w, of 550w, 680w"" of sizes= "" (max-width: 414px) 340px, (max-width: 668px) 550px, 680px"">

2. In one and a half months before you there will be a choice – what to feed with? It can be special forages for animals or usual ""human"" food. If your choice behind natural products, then in 1.5 months begin to feed kittens with kashitseobrazny food. In this case both baby food, and the wiped cottage cheese and low-fat kefir can approach.

3. It is necessary to remember the following thing – food has to be various. It is necessary in order that the kitten in the childhood was accustomed to eat everything. It is very difficult to accustom an adult cat to what she did not eat earlier. Therefore a variety that your pet received good nutrition is necessary. Do not forget to add meat to a diet of more or less adult kittens. The best option is a beef, and here you should not give pork. It is possible to give fish (it is desirable sea) once a week. Cottage cheese is very useful at young age. Also indulge kittens curd cake, sour cream and eggs.

4. Products of plant origin are necessary for the growing organism. For young kittens you cook squashes on milk, for more adults - on broth. Do not forget that your kitten has to have a continuous access to water.

5. The diet is important not less with what you will feed a kitten. From 1.5 to 4 months you feed 5 times a day. From the 4th to the 5th monthly age you pass to 4-times food. Since 8 months on - 3-times, and gradually accustom a cat to eat 1-2 times a day.

6. The kitten surely has to have the place for a meal and the ware. Do not accustom to eat it from a table. Otherwise the beggar will grow up.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
