Cornysh-rex – cat breed which has short wool something reminding astrakhan fur. Kittens of this breed very inquisitive and cheerful, perfectly get on with other animals. But at the wrong feeding can become low-active. Though as representatives of this breed eat everything with pleasure, problems with it will not arise.
It is required to you
- - suitable forage.
1. You feed a little kitten without restrictions. More than it is necessary he all the same will not eat. Many people confuse concepts and begin to give to the kid everything. But it in a root is wrong. Cornysh-rex has to receive all necessary substances which improve growth.
2. Consult with the manufacturer from whom you got the pet, than he feeds the cats. If it cannot be made, then use qualitative forages, for example, of Iams, Royal Canin or Hills.
3. It is possible to feed a kitten differently: only sterns, the mixed food or exclusively natural. If you are all day at work, then stop the choice on the displaced feeding. It is undesirable to give only special forages, from them the necessary quantity of minerals is not acquired.
4. Give a kornish-reksa about 1 part of a dry feed and 6 parts of tinned. But in addition include meat in a diet of the favourite: low-fat beef, chicken meat, turkey, rabbit flesh. Do not give to an animal greasy and fried food, it can have problems with digestion. Exclude from a diet and crude fish. She is rich with phosphorus which is not acquired by an organism.
5. To also little kitten and an adult cat, dairy products are necessary. Cottage cheese, milk or children's yogurts will approach. Do not give sour cream, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products as the cat can have a disorder of intestines.
6. Treat a kornish-rex and vegetables if he shows to them interest. In principle, this breed is omnivorous also at each her representative the tastes. You only control that the cat did not eat low-quality food.
7. If the cat began to recover strongly, then feed him with low-calorie sterns, limit also the use of other products. And to solve a problem with excess weight, play with an animal more.
8. You watch that the cat always had clear water, especially if you feed only him with special sterns.