Wool layer on favourite sofas and floors - not a really pleasant show. However almost all owners of animals, including cats had to face it. Knowledge of some moments connected with a molt can help to cope with this situation.
The woolen cover is updated for a cat constantly, but a problem it becomes during a molt - its intensive updating. As a rule, the molt begins closer by winter, a heating season. This period needs just to be waited. The problem will be solved by more frequent damp cleaning. That wool on furniture and on a floor there was less, it is possible to accelerate process of disposal of a cat from it. Comb out the pet as often as possible, best of all some soft rubber brush, but not a hairbrush with sharp teeth - cats usually do not love it and run away. Also regular washing of an animal helps.
Besides seasonal, there is a pathological, constant molt. To that there can be several reasons, for example, high temperature of air and dryness in the apartment. Usually such conditions happen during a heating season. And if the cat likes to lie down on the battery, it can strengthen a molt even more. A situation can correct presence of houseplants and humidifiers several. Do not allow the pet too much time to carry out on the battery. One more reason of the accelerated updating of a hair - availability of artificial light in apartments that breaks natural biorhythms of animals, in the house light though outside the window already darkened.Make sure whether the animal well eats, whether it receives a necessary set of vitamins, fatty acids. Not all owners of cats pay attention to the choice of a forage though it is important. If the cat eats a dry feed and if you are allowed by finance, it is better to buy quality products. If the pet got used to home-made food, take care of intake of vitamins, necessary for cats, by him. At a usual molt the cat loses wool evenly on all surface of a body. Sometimes it happens that wool drops out scraps, the centers. The animal can actively be licked or scratch. In this case it is worth showing it to the veterinarian to make sure of lack of possible dermatological problems. The veterinarian surveys a woolen cover of a cat and will define the reasons of the strengthened wool loss, will make recommendations.