cosmetology different types of essential oils which positively influence human body are widely applied. Oil of rosemary is not exception.
There are many recipes of the broths prepared on the basis of this plant, but the most valuable is essential oil. Has begun to smell it difficult not to learn, it reminds aroma of mint and camphor. Essential oil of rosemary has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of essential oil of rosemary pleasantly surprises – calcium, iron, vitamins of group B and squirrel.
For the person
Best of all owners of oily and problem skin will suit this oil. It can be added to night cream and masks. If to use oil of rosemary it is constant, then skin will become more equal, and pores will be narrowed. It not only will clean face, but also will prevent rashes and normalizes skin oiliness. Also effectively to use it from small wrinkles and hems after acne.
For dry skin
To crush banana fork or in the blender, to add couple of drops of oil of rosemary and lavender. To apply to skin for 20 minutes and to wash away warm water.
If face skin is very much shelled, then it is possible to make the following mask:
To mix castor or olive oil with rosemary oil concerning 1 to 4. To put on face and to leave for 30-40 minutes, to wash away warm water.
For oily skin
Oil of rosemary is the most effective helps at problem and oily skin:
To crush porridge in the blender to condition of flour. To add to it apple and strawberry puree and also 2-3 drops of oil of rosemary. To put for 20 minutes and to wash away.
From pimples the mask from clay effectively helps. For its preparation 1 tablespoon of green or blue clay is parted with water and add 4-5 drops of oil. It is necessary to apply this mix pointwise to problem skin.
From black dots rice flour well helps. It is diluted with water to dense consistence, add a little cinnamon and 6-7 drops of oil. For the best effect skin should be steamed out previously. To put on face and to wash away in 20 minutes.
From wrinkles:
- To mix 1 yolk with cream and to add 3 drops of oil of rosemary. To leave for 10-15 minutes.
- Effectively oil of avocado or almond with addition of essential oil of rosemary helps from small wrinkles. To mix concerning 1 to 1. To leave for 30 minutes then to remove the remains paper towel.
For hair
This oil helps not only for the person, but also for hair. For oily hair it is possible to use conditioner with rosemary. To put 5 branches of rosemary in boiled water and to cook 15-20 minutes. To cool this broth and to rinse hair after washing.
Effective mask from dandruff and for growth of hair – jojoba oil and grape seeds, several drops of oil of rosemary and oil of acorus. This means to apply on roots of hair and to hold 1 hour.
For body
Well this oil from extensions helps. Very often girls after the delivery meet this problem. Best of all helps from extensions which has appeared only recently. It is necessary to mix 1 teaspoon of almond oil with 7-8 drops of oil of rosemary. To intensively rub the received mix on problem skin. To use daily.
Rosemary in cosmetology is widely used, and very many girls are happy with result. But there are several cases when it is impossible to use it:
- intolerance of organism;
- pregnancy and feeding by breast;
- age till 12 flyings.
It is necessary to remember that it is impossible to apply essential oils before exit to the sun. It can cause emergence of pigmental spots.