Children's hairstyle – rather simple procedure, and as each boy needs to be cut from time to time, it is not obligatory to drive every time it in hairdressing salon or in beauty shop at all. You can quite cope with children's hairstyle independently if you in hands have good and sharp hairdresser's scissors. To learn to carry out short men's hairstyle very easily – conforming to the simple rules, you will be able regularly to cut the child, saving the means and the time.
- Comb hair, beginning from the top and finishing with the lower tips, forming two vertical hair partings. Allocate two temporal zones for hairstyle, and then carry out from ear to ear horizontal hair parting through the top.
- Begin hairstyle hair with frontal and parietal area and allocate the first control lock by which length you will be guided afterwards at hairstyle of all remained locks. Carry out horizontal hair parting in centimeter from the line of growth of hair and cut off lock at the necessary level.
- Separate each subsequent lock horizontal hair parting, and then clamp it between index and average fingers together with control lock and cut at the same length.
- At hairstyle delay locks of hair by 90 degrees from the surface of the head that the hairstyle has turned out correct and accurate.
- After hairstyle of frontal and parietal zone you pass to hairstyle of upper occipital zone, as well as in the previous case, allocating spin hair, extending them on average and index fingers, and then cutting off at the necessary length. Cutting off locks of each zone, be guided by the control lock created right at the beginning.
- Divide horizontal hair partings temporal and side zones and cut locks at the necessary length, delaying them fingers by 90 degrees. Issue the line of cut on temples.
- Then issue bottom edge of hair, having cut off excess locks, and make fringing thinning shears.