How to mold figure by means of massage

How to mold figure by means of massage

Though many do not believe that it is possible to mold figure by means of massage, but, having despaired to lose weight on various barbaric diets and having been tired to torture themselves in the gym, nevertheless hope for miracle. Especially as it is not fantasy, but real opportunity to remove fat from problem zones.


  1. In the east extremely popularly manual modeling of body. This practice has already appeared in the West, but not many clients of beauty shops know about it. In other words, it is not massage, but pointed impact on the active face zones and bodies tied with internals.
  2. As well as any manual plastics, method demands passing sports activities and the balanced food. Besides, acupressure revitalizes organism, adjusting it on symmetry. The manual equipment provides what the plastic surgery – change of face form or forming of the graceful line of hips is not able to promise.
  3. For uninitiated people will enough know that manual modeling of body completely will reprogram body, forcing it to take the new forms. Therefore only the highly qualified specialist whose services cost much can perform the procedure. Each session consists of 45 minutes of the modeling massage and half an hour of the relaxing manipulations – saunas, bathtubs, phytotherapies. Usually the expressed and resistant result requires 12-15 procedures.
  4. It is simpler to mold figure by means of massage when fat deposits are burned, and just it is required to correct forms. For local impact on problem zones the manual plastics is used.
  5. Even riding breeches which to remove diet, sport and even in the surgical way very difficult meet at thin girls. There is special type of massage removing not soft fat, but firm formations under skin.
  6. It is the directed procedure influencing certain part of body. As a result on hips/waist/spin cholesterol alloys resolve, fibrosis and excess deposits of calcium cleans up. Manual plastics helps to get rid of cellulitis.
  7. For implementation of the similar procedure it is necessary to address the expert who will calculate the number of sessions and their intensity depending on problem degree. Procedures carry out time in 7 days, and at first the master works on one side of body and only in week starts the second. The average duration of session – 3 hours.
  8. Besides, it is possible to remove excess volume by means of vacuum massage which is carried out as in salon by means of special medicine, and at home by means of usual medical cans. That massage has not done harm, it is worth consulting at first with the doctor. Vacuum or can massage is used for treatment of cellulitis in complex with special diet and hot wrappings.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
