The white teeth smile will decorate any child. Also it will allow it to avoid the troubles connected with diseases of teeth. But that milk teeth were healthy, it is necessary to look after them.
What to begin with
The first procedures for care for an oral cavity need to be carried out at the baby even before emergence in it of the first teeth, approximately at the age of 4 months. The small child is not able to rinse a mouth yet therefore your task is to clean carefully mucous his mouth from a raid which is formed at meal time. For this purpose in 20 minutes after the kid ate, it is necessary to moisten a piece of a sterile gauze in water and with its help by the massing movements to clean language and a gum of the kid.
Do not give up if the baby opposes first to your actions. Show persistence, and he will quickly get used to regular procedures. Then in the future you will spend less efforts to accustom him to brush independently teeth. When the tot has first teeth, continue to wipe them with a gauze after each meal. The special cleaning means (toothpaste or conditioner) are not necessary to the baby.
My first brush
By a year the kid usually has 8 milk teeth, so, there comes time of transition to the real toothbrushes and pastes. The first toothbrush has to be adapted especially for early age. The head size – 2 width of a milk tooth of the kid. It has to be located easily in a mouth, move in any corner of a mouth, not cause discomfort and not delay a cheek. Also you remember that even the best brush needs to be changed at least once in 2 months.
The first toothpaste has to be adapted for children of early age too. Its main characteristic – lack of fluorine. In general it is a useful microcell, but on formation of tooth enamel it makes not the best impact. If on toothpaste there is no marking "nursery", it is worth refusing it. The fact is that pastes for adults even if they are deprived of fluorine, often contain the abrasive particles bleaching elements, and they are too aggressive for a gentle cavity of the kid.
I am!
When the kid is two years old, try to entrust him some stages of toothbrushing – of course, under your sensitive control. It is still better to squeeze out paste on a brush to you. It is still difficult for kid to control the required paste volume, he can just be fond of process, and as a result surplus of paste will be inevitably eaten by it. However, it will not do bigger harm to health, but as paste nevertheless is not intended for food, constants of its ingestion in large numbers can cause disorder of digestion.
The general time of hygienic care for an oral cavity at this age is 3 minutes. That the baby could watch time, put hourglasses in the bathroom, and it will become a fascinating incentive for toothbrushing.
To the child is more senior than three years it is possible to suggest to master the oral account in parallel: 3 minutes are approximately that time for which it is possible to count to hundred on average speed. Consider to the kid and you will see how quickly he will remember figures! And will consider about himself subsequently.
It is necessary to brush teeth to the child at least twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. But if there is an opportunity, take away the baby to the bathroom and after a lunch. The excess hygienic procedure will bring it to teeth only additional benefit.