Someone asks a question what is the accumulator. Generally it interests the men beginning motorists. The accumulator is an important component of electric equipment of the car. With its help the engine is started and works. In addition the accumulator allows the electric power to come to onboard network of the car.
How does the accumulator work?
The joint stock bank the accumulator represents six 2-volt elements. In the accumulator there are negative electrodes made of spongy lead there are also positive electrodes consisting of lead dioxide. When loading is connected to the accumulator, there is an interaction of active agent to electrolyte. There is an education lead sulfate on both electrodes. On a negative electrode lead is oxidized, on positive – it is restored.
In a chain there is a receipt of electric current. It is necessary to know that the accumulator is not power producer, on the contrary, he acts initially as its store. After in the accumulator the sufficient accumulation of the electric power is formed, it gives it.
The main principle of operation of the accumulator is chemical reaction. To est, JSB will just transform chemical energy to electric which is necessary for car food. With its help many electric knots of the car and the starter are supplied with tension. Also one more important function of the accumulator is its ensuring constancy of current – there is a stabilization of tension that allows the engine to work.
What acid is applied in the accumulator?
In accumulators apply accumulator sulfuric acid – the strong concentrated bibasic acid which is used after dilution by the distilled water.
Interesting information! To choose the accumulator it is necessary to pay attention to four parameters: size, polarity and size of terminals, capacity and current of cold start-up.