How to check whether the wife changes you

How to check whether the wife changes you

Women differ from men in the fact that are able to hide the unfaithfulness much better. The man often comes across on trifles – on lipstick traces, on a small lie or disagreements in dates. Women are more attentive to details and to understand whether the wife, not so simply changes you.

It is required to you

  • You need a lot of patience, observations and desires to understand the true reasons of its acts.


1. Analyze your feelings. How it is possible to characterize this period of the relations between you? Cooling, stability, passion, affection, romanticism, - what of these descriptions suit you best of all? Its sharp cooling to you can be the indirect cause of women's treason.

2. Learn whether it found the ideal. Sometimes even after the wedding of the woman dream of a star or "Vasya from parallel group". Whether there are at it nostalgic feelings on the former lovers? Whether she believes that you will be together to a coffin, or thinks that she will be able to find someone else? At the women inclined to treason, "the search behavior" is included. They still are interested in nice strangers and perspective friends of girlfriends.

3. Observe, what does she think of time. If at the woman the novel on the party began, changes its relations to obligations and meetings. She begins to be late more often at work, to spend the night at girlfriends, to forget about joint plans.

4. Remember how it reacts to phone calls. If suddenly she ceased to take the call on calls from certain number at your presence, perhaps, she is called by someone whose existence she wants from you to hide. Besides, the adulteress herself also not always takes the call when you call her. Certainly, this quality can be always inherent in some ladies. But at the time of unfaithfulness it usually becomes aggravated.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
