Main goals of practice of yoga of Kundalini

Main goals of practice of yoga of Kundalini

Seeking for development, many include elements of spirituality in gymnastic occupations. Here the superiority belongs to yoga. But in it there are directions, and to the beginner sometimes not easy to understand them. Not to get confused, we will consider, than it is interesting kundalin of the yogi and that it in general it.

Features and history

If to speak simply, then this direction is considered yoga of power channels. This complex includes exercises (both physical, and dynamic), meditations and mantras. An important part is occupied by a pranayama – setting of breath.

The main task of such equipment is to teach the person to realize, feel and control the energy. It is considered not for nothing royal: exercises are some kind of mix of all stages of traditional yoga.

In science about yoga all this process is represented so: energy (it kundalin) during the trainings and meditations rises from the lower part of a backbone. At the same time it passes all chakras, up to the highest (sakhasrar) where there is a merge to the deity.

She is attractive to the modern person by the fast effect (results can be felt after the first occupation). Many are confused by a strong religious element of some schools of yoga. We hurry to calm – it is not here: practice of a kundalina is adapted for all, and her followers conduct usual life (no otrecheniye from the world are required, only work with a body and spirit).

The history of this school contains not one millennium. To the middle of the 20th century it remained the closed direction – bases were transferred from the guru to pupils, and were simply not available to ordinary people.

Important! It is possible to connect to occupations also children. But in this case to the forefront there are gymnastic exercises – self-checking elements exclude from the program.

Everything changed in the 1960th years by efforts of Yoga of Bkhadzhan. Having moved to America, he began to teach openly kundalina elements to everyone, especially youth – the yoga removed tendency of teenagers of that time to drugs (outside there was an era of hippie). Over time the number of followers grew, and presently to find the trainer – not a problem if there is desire.

To whom will suit?

As we already know, kundalin of the yogi provides work not only with spiritual health, but also exercises for physical health. In a pursuit of harmony the main thing is not to do much harm to itself.

If in brief, then everything can start occupations who have no problems with health. However, the trainer before a course will take an interest in your state of health and the postponed diseases. You should not hide them – the yoga has contraindications too.

It is better to refuse meditations if there are such problems as:

  • injuries, hernias and shifts;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • any diseases of internals.

Except this list, there is also a risk group into which enter:

  • pregnant women (at terms of 3 months, but it is better to suspend practice at once). The same interval should be sustained and after the delivery. Earlier inclusion will be dangerous;

Whether you know? The international day of yoga falls on June 21. Began to note it recently (in 2015). The idea belongs to the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi who was supported in the UN.

  • women in critical days;
  • the people who underwent operations on internals and a thorax (at least 3 months of restoration);
  • suffering from a stroke, a heart attack (it is possible to master yoga not earlier than in half a year).

All these failures and diseases considerably complicate occupations and threaten health therefore before a campaign to the hall once again calculate all risks. If those did not appear – it is possible to start, having learned more about advantage of such trainings.

Advantage and effect of occupations

The yoga of a kundalina is attractive to beginners by the positive sides from which It is necessary to distinguish:

  • normalization of work of all systems of an organism. It concerns first of all cardiovascular, endocrine and urinogenital bodies and highways;
  • alignment of hormonal balance;
  • development of emotional balance and resistance to stress;
  • harmonious development of the person. Usually understand refusal of addictions, disposal of excessive aggression and nervousness as it. Much it helps to disclose also the dozing still creative potential.

Important! Such technique helps to get rid also of drug taking. At intensive breath, endorphin which is responsible for feeling of happiness is more actively produced (the person understands that it is possible also without addictions).

Diligent trainings yeild also concrete, quite tangible results. Such effects are:

  1. Clarification of an organism (slags are removed).
  2. Normalization of a metabolism.
  3. Weight loss.
  4. Due to control of hormones, wrinkles disappear, skin is smoothed and looks younger.
  5. Charge of good mood and positive thinking.

Let's look how to the beginner to receive such results in practice.

Occupations yoga will also help you to wake up quickly.

Yogi Kundalini

Occupations can seem unusual, but in them there is the logic. The structure of similar trainings includes:

  1. Warming up. It both warm-up habitual to all, and the singing of mantras creating the corresponding spirit.
  2. It is also the exercises consisting of basic elements (locks and extensions).
  3. The final singing of mantras finishing occupation.

That these components became more clear, we will look narrowly at them closer.


Occupations yoga are inconceivable without singing of a mantra. This moment of some also frightens off. Let's make a reservation at once: to sing them or not is your choice. We try to describe in more detail the equipment of a kundalina and its basic elements, and mantras take in it the important place.

Whether you know? In India the yoga is studied centrally – in educational institutions, police and army. The decision on it was made by the government in 1965.

Similar singing means pronunciation of sounds with endurance of the necessary rhythm and resonance. At the same time the body has to have a certain situation. The considerable part is assigned also to language – it is involved completely (and not just a tip), thereby enhancing effect of a mantra.

There are main chants used in kundalin:

  • Adie mantra. It is said three times, at the very beginning of the training. At the same time sit directly, having put palms so that thumbs touch a thorax. It is some kind of protection against harmful and evil energy;
  • A mule a mantra, it is root. Usually set by it effect of just complete exercise. By the size it really looks like a prayer, and gurus consider that it kind of directs the person to the deity, under its protection.;
  • The final mantra of SAT-us said at the end of occupation. Here the singsong is important: the word of SAT is drawled so that its pronunciation in 8 and more times is longer than the termination to us. It is considered that the mental balance of the person so smoothes out.

Important! Reading mantras, try to unload as much as possible the thoughts, at least having for a short time cast away daily, household thoughts.

For want of habit all these tunes can seem strange therefore many trainers use easier version of this equipment where emphasis is placed on physical exercises, and mantras are replaced with meditation or light music.


It – the lock. Such exercises in yoga are done for creation of special volume in an organism on which the released energy will circulate. Similar locks in kundalin a little, they are also carried out thus:

  • cervical (Jalandhar). Move a chin to a throat. The head is held at the same time exactly, without inclination forward. The neck and a backbone are strictly vertical, the cervical department becomes straight. Thus pressure is regulated, the thyroid gland becomes more active, forcing to work as a hypophysis;
  • diafragmalny (udiyana). On an exhalation try to lift a diaphragm to a breast, at the same time attracting a part of the top bodies at the top of a stomach to a direct backbone. This reception masses a cardiac muscle;

Whether you know? Today mean any of 22 schools existing at the moment by the word yoga.

  • root (mulabandha). Here it is more difficult: on an exhalation the sphincter clenches, then strain sexual muscles (having squeezed urethral ways). In the final involve area of a navel – the rectum kind of approaches it;
  • the greatest (makhabandha). This combination of all mentioned locks. Well influences nervous system and blood circulation.

Read about that as it is correct to carry out an uddiyan of a bandh, or the belly lock.

To master them from the first it turns out not at all, some physical abilities are necessary. That occupations did good, count combinations of locks together with the trainer.


The exclusive part is assigned to breath in yoga. It is considered that its speed affects our mind (the it is higher, the it is easier to control it). Besides, in this doctrine the important place is taken by communication between breath and mind (the postulate that the mind conducts a body, but itself follows breath). Their harmonious interaction is and there is a pranayama purpose.

Such receptions practice:

  • slow deep breath. Also begin work with it, having relaxed nervous system;

Important! Children up to 6 years to occupations are not allowed – bodies are not created up to the end yet, and any non-standard loadings with which the yoga is so rich are dangerous to kids.

  • the one-minute breath removing concern and cleaning mind. Doing such approach, strengthen work of sympathetic and parasympathetic departments of central nervous system. For this purpose it is enough to breathe minute according to right or the left nostril;
  • the alternation of breath through nostrils creating brain balance. Lungs come to a tone too;
  • snake breath: having deeply inhaled through a nose, exhale through the compressed lips which language touches a little;
  • lion: the strongest and effective pranayama: the throat and top of a breast work. Having opened a mouth, put out tongue most far and powerfully you breathe through a mouth. Air moves at a language root, also the thyroid gland is at the same time connected;
  • gun: you breathe, having rounded lips (but not in a tubule) and without blowing out cheeks. Makes medical impact on a stomach and intestinal ways.

Simple exercises, but their statement will take some time.


Kundalini the yoga has only to it inherent kriya. These are separate exercises or their complexes in which sounds, movements and a relaxation are combined. Poses which at the same time are accepted are called asanas.

Learn as it is correct to do an asana a dog by a muzzle down.

The skilled yogi without special work will execute 15-20 kriya in 3 hours of a training. But for the exercises beginning such quantity, in fact, it is not required. Everything comes down to general exercises:

  1. Asana for rage. Legs are crossed in a pose of lotus, and hands part on the parties, raise approximately on 60 °. All fingers, except for big, are drawn in. Eyelids close, the look goes between eyebrows. Having made a breath, sharply exhale, having pulled in a stomach. 3 minutes become.
  2. Asana for muscles of a back and a backbone. Lying on a back, put hands along a trunk, palms are pressed to a floor. Then smoothly raise both legs, trying to bring closer them to the head as much as possible. There will be enough 1 minute.
  3. Asana for heart. Standing, to a vypryamta also raise hands, having connected palms. Having exhaled, cave in back, lifting the case on a breath (1 minute).
  4. For weight loss and a GIT. Having sat down on a floor, straighten legs. The case is lowered, thumbs of legs clasp with hands, the head at the same time lays down on knees. On an exhalation try to hold the breath. The standard – 1 minute.

It is better to carry out similar exercises in the presence of the trainer. For the unprepared person they are a little injury-causing (and it is the elements).

Whether you know? Similar practicians got into Europe in the 19th century However, classes in the Indian techniques were started by the few – at that time society was much more traditional, than now. And the church treated new fashion more than cool.

Councils and recommendations for beginners

The aspiration to control the mind and a body – it is laudable, but you should not forget also about some moments which are important for beginners very much. Here only the main of such recommendations:

  • think of the purposes whether the yoga is suitable for their achievement. The pacified yoga suits someone whereas more active people prefer gym;

Important! People with the developed will power join in trainings almost at once whereas more susceptible it is necessary to train also it. Partly meditation helps with it.

  • choose the competent trainer who will not overload you with excess extensions. On the contrary, he will pick up the simplest and at the same time effective complex of asan;
  • be able to listen. Yes, 85-90% of time will leave on exercises, but without understanding of the theory they will not give due effect;
  • there is also the dress code. The clothes for a kundalina of yoga are the white cotton suit expanding aura. Though many fitness centers depart from this rule, allowing more comfortable sports suits and sneakers;
  • it is quite good to get a gymnastic rug which will not allow legs to slide. In process of complication of asan the belts and blocks preventing injuries will be added to it;
  • in 2 hours up to one occupation better is not densely (it concerns also some strong coffee with tea). It is so easier to transfer physical activities and the karma is cleaned. With water it is slightly more difficult – many practicing gurus insist that it is impossible to drink it before a training (otherwise energy will go not so), but most of trainers allow the use of a glass of water;
  • for the first approaches there will be enough 15 minutes. The excessive fanaticism can lead to painful feelings.

Whether you know? In Soviet period of the yogi was under the secret ban. Everything changed with a release in 1970 of the sign movie The Indian Yogis — Who Are They? after which information on schools and receptions gradually appeared also in the press.

Now you know, than the yoga of style of a kundalina is allocated. We hope, these knowledge will be useful to those who think of similar work on themselves. It is more to you than happy moments!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
