In education of animals the discipline is extremely important. The animal has to feel authority of the owner, obey him, execute teams. One of the major teams in household life is the place team.
1. In order that the dog went itself on the place, it has to be comfortable. The place is a laying, a stove bench or a lodge. As the place even the simple curtailed blanket can serve. The main thing that it was from natural soft fabric, was not pricked, not electrified. It is better to choose the place with a removable cover. In the hygienic purposes to erase it, at least, once in two weeks or in process of pollution follows.
2. Look where the dog feels most comfortably where she tries to settle to sleep more often? If you accept this place, put a stove bench there. If is not present, put in the place chosen by you, but consider, then schooling puppy to team will be a little more difficult. The place where there is a stove bench, has to be well aired and light, but not be on a draft or the open sun.
3. "Place!" is such team to which it is necessary to accustom from the first days of appearance of an animal in the house. It is better to accustom to the place of puppies, but also the adult dog can be taught this team. Feed, walk and play with a dog. She has to be tired enough not sharply to react to sounds and smells. Observe a dog. As soon as you see that she looks for the place to settle to sleep, take her on hands and bear on a stove bench. At the same time along the line it is necessary to pronounce accurately: "Place!". Having laid a dog, stroke her and it is once again loud, but by a command voice, tell: "Place!". Then begin to leave.
4. If you see that the puppy followed you, turn and strictly repeat to him team. Wait for its execution. If you see that the puppy does not understand what you want from him, carry him on a stove bench once again and repeat that this his place. Repeat this exercise about five times a day within two-three weeks. Then you do not carry, and you take away a dog into place on a lead. Then exclude a lead. Do not forget to give to a dog a treat, every time when she truly executes the command.
5. The place team is extremely important for your comfortable existence with a dog under the same roof. Into place it is necessary to send an animal not only when it wants to sleep, but also that the dog did not beg, did not prevent cleaning or reception of guests.