How to do massage to a dog

How to do massage to a dog

Today in Russia, along with traditional veterinary science, the alternative directions in prevention and treatment of diseases at animals actively develop. It is possible to refer to number of such directions also massage which can perform not only support function, but also be a full-fledged method of treatment.


1. Pay attention: before application of any kind of massage it is necessary to consult with the veterinarian. It is impossible to do massage to hard sick dog (especially after an internal injury). During treatment after fractures, bruises, grazes the massage should be done most carefully in addition not to injure an animal.

2. If you the owner too small or on the contrary, a large dog, surely do her massage to develop muscles and to prevent deformation of joints. The normal weight of an average dog – 15-20 kg therefore when the breed more largely or more small appears, the normal ratio of parts of a body is broken, and the animal feels discomfort or even pain at the movement.

3. Order to a dog: "To lie". If your pet is sick or did not restore force after a disease yet, lay him as it is possible more conveniently on a soft blanket or a skin (soft polyfoam). If it is indoors cool, pour warm water into a hot-water bottle and previously warm up a laying that the animal could relax. Sit down near a dog so that it was convenient also to you.

4. In case your dog opposes to your actions, prepare her for massage sessions beforehand, flattering her from time to time that she got used to your touches.

5. Be prepared for a massage session. Several times deeply inhale and exhale, pound hands. Flatter a dog, say her in a low voice several tender words.

6. Execute small circular motions along back muscles on both sides of a backbone. Gradually strengthen pressing, but be not overzealous not to disturb an animal. Execute this exercise 3-4 times, at first clockwise, and then – counterclockwise.

7. Finger-tips make light massage at a skull base, carrying out circular motions. Gradually increase pressing and reduce the radius of circles. When the animal relaxes, continue massage, having passed carefully to a neck and moving to the basis of ears under which mass very accurately as there are lymph nodes. Then pass to a back and make massage of a back, accurately pressing thumbs acupuncture points.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
