Appetite at dogs – business individual. Some dogs without interest look in a bowl and depart. Others are ready to sell for a tidbit of the owner with all his property. The third eat only moderately, but do not refuse also tasty. Sometimes it makes sense to increase artificially appetite, for example, at deficiency of weight at teenage puppies.
1. Make sure that the dog is healthy, and need for increase in appetite really is present. With it you will be helped by the veterinarian or the experienced manufacturer. Estimate fatness of a dog: edges normal are probed, but do not stick out. The belt tightened, but not hollow. Sciatic bones do not look sharp, and joints have no noticeable thickenings.
2. If the dog began to refuse food suddenly or gradually loses appetite - it is sign of the desease. Address the veterinarian for full inspection. The insufficient activity, a techka, pregnancy can be the physiological cause of appetite. During a heat the animals usually eat much less without any negative consequences.
3. For a start increase physical activities: walk with a dog more. Organize active games on air. The adult, well developed alumna can be accustomed to towage of the skier or jogs near bicycle. To puppies such loading is inadmissible.
4. Correctly you feed a dog. Two or three times a day give food strictly. The standard daily rate is divided into equal parts. At one time the dog has to eat all share of a forage. If in a bowl something remained – remove the remains before the following feeding and next time put exactly so less. When the animal is accustomed to eat everything that distances, forage volume gradually add, to recommended.
5. If only loadings and discipline do not help, bitterness can use – the substances of plant origin applied to improvement of appetite. For dogs recommend to use infusion of a wormwood or roots of a dandelion. Fill in a tablespoon of the crushed raw materials with boiled water, insist 15 minutes. To apply on one tablespoon of the filtered infusion for half an hour before feeding.